Tales of Hearts R - New Cut-ins, Dual Mystic Artes and Soma Build System

The latest issue of Famitsu has new info for Tales of Hearts R, mainly new cut-ins, dual hi-ougis and the Soma Build system.

The main highlights of the scans include Hi-Ougi/Mystic Arte cut-ins for Amber/Kohak and Jadeite/Hisui. That said, the Mystic Artes revealed for the two are exactly the same ones from the DS version: Satsugeki Bukouken/Final Fury for Kohak and Tsutsuinuwashi Tsugaikaze for Hisui.

No news whatsoever if the characters are getting second MAs, however, a Dual Mystic Arte/Hi-Ougi between Shing and Kohak has been confirmed, but details and such will be revealed next issue.

The game's Soma Build system seems to have been changed compared to how it was back in the DS version. Leveling up the characters will earn them Soma Build Points (SBPs), which can be allotted to Spir Parameters in order to increase stats and is also tied together with Soma Evolve. Evolving the Soma can also get the characters Soma Skills.

For the Spir Parameters, the areas of allocation might vary per character, but this is unsure yet. For Shing, his areas include Purity, Fighting Spirit, Belief, Guts and Endurance. It also seems that on the Equipment screen, Somas can be modified into different forms. For Shing's screen, it showed that aside from his default Asteria, it can also be changed into Rovash, Russell, Shedall, Jedick and Meisa.

Lastly, the more than 10 new anime cutscenes will be handled by Production I.G. You can see some screenshots of the said new scenes in the scan. There will also be event illustrations like that in Tales of Innocence R. Aside from this, the rest of the magazine just introduces Richea and Incarose.

Tales of Hearts R will be released for the PlayStation Vita in Japan on March 7, 2013 - Play-Asia | Amiami.

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.