The event shown in last weeks preview for Tales of The Rays is finally here: a celebration of Tales of Eternia's 20th anniversary! We have two new characters and new things for returning characters as well.
After a lengthy maintenance, and an app update to Version 4.0.1 which must be downloaded first, the celebrations have begun. Tales of Eternia made its debut in Japan on November 30th, 2000, So this month is the perfect time for a complete reunion of the cast of Tales of Eternia. That's right, Max and Ras are finally in Tales of The Rays. This is also their first 3D appearance in the series! And with that, the entire playable cast of Tales of Eternia is here. In fact, you can make two separate teams out of Tales of Eternia characters without repeating anyone, if you so pleased.
The returning characters to get new Artes and costumes are Keele and Meredy. But this isn't just any seasonal event: Keele and Meredy are getting Overray Mirrage Artes. This gives Eternia more Overrays than any other game in the series! Their Overrays entail summoning Craymels. Keele gets Rem and Meredy gets Shadow, which you'll be able to see with the Arte and costume previews below.
Here's a timetable of things to keep in mind. And for those of you who have been waiting for our general arc 4 overview, don't sweat it. It's almost done! In the mean time, check out our first article for arc 4 to take advantage of 240 free pulls, among other rewards.
Tales of Eternia 20th Anniversary Event | Start Time | End Time |
Event Quests | November 10th, 14:00 JST | November 20th, 10:59 JST |
Event Shop | November 10th, 14:00 JST | November 27th, 10:59 JST |
Gacha Banner | November 10th, 14:00 JST | November 30th, 10:59 JST |
Step Up Banner | November 10th, 14:00 JST | November 20th, 10:59 JST |
Ticket banner | November 10th, 14:00 JST | December 7th, 10:59 JST |
While the event follows the standard formula of farming a 40 AP stage for currency, there's more to it then that! After completing the event story, there's a 15 AP, 24000 power challenge quest where you take on Ras, Max, Keele and Meredy. If you have Max and/or Ras in your party when you clear it, you can get their costumes! If it's too hard to make a team with both characters, you can clear it multiple times with one of them in your party at a time. And there are more challenge quests after that! There are a total of 4 EX VS quests after the 15 AP quest that all cost 40 AP with power ranging from 20000 to 32000. The challenge quests involve fighting Eternia party members paired up with summon spirits, including Rem who appears as a boss for the first time in Rays! This is the first time a Spirit made a debut outside of a Spirit focused event. Clear these challenge quests for even more dia!
Besides those challenge quests, the farming stage is 40 AP with 10000 power. The featured characters Max, Ras, Meredy and Keele give rarer high currency, while every other character gives low currency. Make a team that can consistently clear and give you high bonus and you should be able to clear out the event shop. And with that, here's the Arte and costume previews for this event!
Here's a group shot of the Eternia cast! It's nice seeing all the Eternia characters together and playable for the first time in a 3D game. Rays is truly something special. Furthermore, the event's featured characters are wearing their new costumes, which follows a school theme!
キールの学園衣装には新しい眼鏡アタッチメントがあります。眼鏡差分の画像も用意しましたのでご確認下さい。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) November 10, 2020
Here's an alternate shot showing off Keele's optional glasses attachment as well.
初代「エレメンタルマスター」の使い手がその実力を発揮します#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) November 6, 2020
Following the school theme, Max appears dressed as a cool principal type. Also, his Gacha Mirrage Arte is his signature move from Eternia, Elemental Master!
魔鏡技はもちろん極光壁ことインフィニティ・シェルが登場です#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) November 7, 2020
Ras appears to take on a teacher role for his costume. Like Keele, the costume comes with optional glasses as well! Naturally he comes with Dragon Swarm in his moveset, and he also has an aerial sword rain! His Gacha Mirrage Arte is Aurora Wall, which any Eternia fan should recognize.
11/10 14:00~『領主・騎士救出作戦 仲間への変わらぬ想い』を配信します。メルディの秘技とオーバーレイ魔鏡を紹介です
溜め秘技は原作でノームが使った術技をメルディが披露です。オバレ魔鏡はシャドウ(ティル・ナ・ノーグの姿)の力で敵を貫きます#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) November 9, 2020
Meredy naturally has a female student uniform for her costume. Her gacha Mirrage Arte, which we've basically seen in November's preview, has her summoning Shadow, who saves her from falling into darkness like a gallant knight. Also, her new Reverse 5* arte is Summon Friends, but with Quickie instead of Gnome! The Base Arte, Quickie Veil, is a strike arte that Quickie can use wherever he's placed. It's quite useful for advancing her chain until she reaches her Master Artes!
オバレ魔鏡技は光の大晶霊レムの圧倒的な光の力で敵を浄化します。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) November 8, 2020
Keele summons Rem, in her appearance as a Greater Craymel from Eternia! This is the same one we can fight in the event. His costume is dressed to be a classmate for Meredy! He also gets two new 5* artes. His Reverse 5* naturally comes with a speedy Base Arte that lets him advance his chain to Master Arte quickly as well!
That's it for the Eternia event. As has been stated before, we're still working on a more comprehensive overview of Version 4.0.0 features. Furthermore we're nearing the middle of November. The PV for this month only showed us one event after all, who's to say what's coming in the rest of the month? Until then, keep an eye out for more news!