A new Boss Raid is here, and it comes with... formal wear?
The decisive moment is finally here! Tales of The Rays has begun it's newest Boss Raid, which will run from June 30th, 14:00 JST to July 12th 13:59 JST. The associated banner will run from June 30th, 14:00 JST to July 31st 13:59 JST.
The featured character is none other than Duke Pantarei from Tales of Vesperia! He'll be a tough one to take down, but it seems he's coming with little friends...
Luckily, facing off against him is Yuri, Jude, and Sorey with new Decisive Mirrage Artes to relive their final battles as well as fancy formal attire to go with it! Check out the Mirrage Arte and costume previews below!
Check back soon for more detailed event coverage!