One last hurrah for summer, and what better way to celebrate with a Yukata event celebrating Tales of Legendia's anniversary?
It's August, 2020. Tales of Legendia came out on August 25th, 2005 in Japan, officially making this the month of Legendia's 15th anniversary. Naturally this means we have a whole event dedicated to the game! Just like last event there's only one new character: everyone's favorite archaeologist Will Raynard! The returning featured characters are all fellow party members from Tales of Legendia: Norma, Shirley, and Grune. All characters will have new Artes and costumes. The theme this time is Yukatas, a perfect fit for a summer event! Also remember that returning characters get 2 new 5 star weapons if they didn't already have a second one! Such is the case for Norma and Grune this time.
In other news, All-Out Tower has returned to its normal time. This means a new one just started as soon as the old one ended, with no gap, meaning more time to attempt it before the next one.
The event times are below! It follows the standard event format - complete all the quests, then farm the highest AP quest you can to buy out the event shop. In addition to the above featured characters, all Legendia characters now have their 6th enhancements. The event shop and log in bonuses will provide 6th enhancement orbs, so this is a chance to make Senel and Chloe even better at combos!
Tales of The Rays Legendia Anniversary Event | Start Time | End Time |
Event Period | August 21st, 11:00 JST | August 31st, 10:59 JST |
Gacha Banner | August 21st, 11:00 JST | August 31st, 10:59 JST |
Ticket Banner | August 31st, 11:00 JST | September 14th, 10:59 JST |
All-Out Tower | August 21st, 11:00 JST | September 14th, 10:59 JST |
Will Raynard has a unique mechanic! That's right, they're getting much more creative with characters as of late. While Will didn't have any physical artes in Legendia, he comes with two original physical artes in this game. His unique mechanic is a chance of inflicting the rare stun ailment with his physical attacks, including the basic non-arte attacks. Once an enemy is inflicted with stun, he gets a reduction to his cast time! His spells are good, but most have a range limit, so you can use his stun chance to create opportunities to cast spells near enemies. The Icicle Volt spell also lets him approach an enemy safely! His gacha Mirrage also guarantees stun, but remember that stun ends the moment an enemy is hit again.
Now for the usual arte and costume previews. We also get a look at concept art!
本日 14時~浴衣イベント『願いは星の川にのせて』を配信しました。登場する4人に浴衣を着て集合してもらいました。
(シャーリィはリンクからお借りしました。)#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/uHAzNenFl2— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) August 21, 2020
Group shot of all the Yukatas this event, as well as concept art for Will, Norma and Grune. The flower attached to the pouch Will wears on his sash is the same as the one worn by his daughter Harriet Campbell as a hairclip, which is a nice touch!
Will Raynard
落ち着いた色合いの浴衣が似合う大人の男性です。#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/kLt70cyLA9— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) August 17, 2020
Will's cool Mirrage Arte is guaranteed to inflict stun! His preview tweet describes his ability to stun as well, and describes him as an older man who looks good in a Yukata. We certainly agree.
Norma Beatty
浴衣×花火は夏の風物詩です#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/UF4i9sq0pv— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) August 18, 2020
Full disclosure: Norma's new 5 stars greatly improve how good she is in battle.
Shirley Fennes
告知です。8/21 14時~『願いは星の川にのせて』を配信します。
星空からシューティングスター味の綿菓子を召喚する魔鏡技が登場です。#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/Agj2MdZKvm— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) August 19, 2020
Unfortunately there's no concept art for Shirley's costume uploaded yet, but we'll update this article if they put it up soon!
明日 14時~配信のレジェンディア浴衣イベント『願いは星の川にのせて』に登場するグリューネの季節魔鏡と秘技を紹介です。
秘技は2つが新実装。画像はメイルシュトロームのアレンジ術です。#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/RpI1nw8xgk— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) August 20, 2020
Grune's new artes continue the trend she has both in this game and in Legendia where all of her spells are high level with huge range and damage. We're not complaining! And the Yukata goes nicely with her hair color.
That's all for this event! The next event is the Vesperia Spirit Gear event. Keep an eye out for more news soon- remember, co-op makes it's official release before the end of the month!