Creed Graphite finally makes his first appearance outside of Tales of Hearts!
Christmas has come and gone, so now it's time for our next event: a new raid focusing on Tales of DS games-Tales of Hearts, Tales of Innocence and Tales of The Tempest! The boss of this raid will be Creed Graphite from Tales of Hearts, and unlike recent boss events, he'll be joining as a properly classified boss character. Fighting against him is of course, Kor. But since this event focuses on all the DS games, it'll also feature Ruca and Caius!
Since this returns to the original Raid boss formula, the three heroes featured will be getting new Decisive Mirrage Artes and costumes. Ruca and Caius will also get new Mirrage Gears. The event period will run from December 31st, 2019, 14:00 JST to January 11th, 2020, 13:59 JST. The associated banner will run from December 31st, 2019, 14:00 JST to January 30th, 2020, 13:59 JST.
Check out the new artes and costumes below... and then scroll even further for a roundup on the rest of the Rays news from this month.
配信までしばらくお待ちください。#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/ggRfDI3zFE— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) December 28, 2019
Predictably yet awesomely, Caius gets his signature Beast Blow to go with his Leymon transformation! Since Leymon form Caius could not use his artes in the original game, he loses some CC for this arte.
明日12/31 14:00~『攻略戦 クリード』に登場するシングの決戦魔鏡技と晴れ着衣装を紹介します。
大晦日にクリード様を攻略しおめでたい晴れ着衣装でお正月をガンドコ迎えましょう#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/fBvW3zMAgM— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) December 30, 2019
Talk about stabbing yourself in the foot... he also loses some HP when he does so!
告知です。12/31 14:00~『攻略戦 クリード』を開催します。大晦日はみんなでクリード様を攻略しましょう。
またイベントに新登場するルカの決戦魔鏡技、秘技、晴れ着衣装も紹介します。羽織の柄に色々なネタが入っています。幾つわかるでしょうか#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/vbcdSSO8mR— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) December 29, 2019
続けて明日12/31 14:00~『攻略戦 クリード』で参戦するクリード様の魔鏡技を紹介します。
2020年新年を迎える前に絶望へと誘われないようにご注意ください。#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/K5eGTDd21u— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) December 30, 2019
That's it for the event previews. Now for the rest of the news this month.
The first bit is a permanent implementation of Tales of WHISteria! That's right, Tales of Eternia's iconic minigame WHIS is now being implemented as a permanent addition to Tales of The Rays! You'll be able to play as any character as well as play online multiplayer, which even lets you communicate using stickers of Rays characters, previously seen on LINE! What's more, it seems there will even be a leaderboard which can give rewards...
Next is more details the All-Out Battle mode planned. It'll be similar to the tower, but it will have an unlimited number of floors and a time limit, with the goal being to get as far as you possibly can, rather than trying to clear a set number of floors each month. What's more, it seems that your results will count much more than your orb count- it'll also consider your highest combo damage and hitcount, among others.
There's more. We now have news on an update to the room! The menu has been updated with more features and more opportunities to get gifts. Also, non-combatant NPC characters get to hang out with their otherwise playable friends in the room now. Isn't that nice?
Finally, out of the blue we have a Mithos and Barbatos event rerun. It's actually been running for a while as of this article, but it still goes on for another week. Perfect time to grab two of the best characters in the game and their event weapons if you've missed them the first time around!
That's it for Rays news for the rest of the decade. There's a LOT coming to the game, so now's the perfect time to jump on if you haven't. And if you have, you have plenty of reason to keep playing. Thank you to the dev team for putting so much love and effort into an amazing title, I think we can agree they've certainly achieved their goal of being a console quality Tales title on mobile. As always, see you soon when we have more news on the game!