Tales of Crestoria has announced that the latest special EX Summons event will feature Mecha-Asbel! Barbatos is the fifth EX Summon character after Dhaos, Leon, Mieu, and Barbatos. An SSR memoria stone named "Mecha-Asbel [I WILL PROTECT!]" will be added to the EX Summons with an increased chance of appearing. Like other summons, a 10x summon (costing 2,500 gleamstones) will guarantee at least one SR memoria stone. If you receive Mecha-Asbel [I WILL PROTECT!] in the EX Summons, he will also join your team as a character.
The new Mecha-Asbel memoria stone has a maximum HP of 13,000 (that seems a bit high so it might be a typo), a max ATK of 700, and max DEF of 1,600. His maxed out memoria skill is Invigorate VI (Wind), which increases the OL gauge of a wind ally by 27 each turn. Mecha-Asbel himself has a maximum HP of 23,000, max ATK of 2,200, and max DEF of 4,100 at level 100 when fully awakened. His awakened character skill is called "COMBAT SUPPORT SYSTEM" and provides a 5% DEF buff to all allies as well as 15% DEF to wind allies. His artes are ASBEL LAUNCHER (70% ATK, 6 hits, all enemies) and ASBEL BOOST (DEF up 100% for all allies for 1 turn). His mystic arte is DREAM BARRAGE (120% ATK, 14 hits, all enemies). Mecha-Asbel's stats and attacks emphasize defense for himself and allies, which fits his desire to protect everyone.
In addition to Mecha-Asbel and the standard pool of SSR memoria stones, the previous EX characters, Dhaos [Determined Gaze], Leon [Armed With Friendship], Mieu [In the Woodland Sun], and Barbatos [Brutal Berserker] will be in this EX Summon's pool, so it is another chance to get them. This Summon will run for one week from Monday, December 7th, at 2:00am EST to Monday, December 14th, at 1:59am EST. Good luck!