Announced during Tales Fes, Tales of The Rays is collaborating with Sgt. Frog! This may sound familiar to longtime Tales fans as the two series have crossed over a couple of times before. Read on to see what this collab entails!
The official Tales of Youtube Channel, naturally, has all the video announcements related to the collab. Why don't you take a look?
As you can see, the first new character invading Tales of The Rays for this crossover is the main character of Sgt. Frog: Keroro! Of course he comes with his gadgets as well. Jumping ahead a bit, there's one more collab character: Powered Natsumi, which is series heroine Natsumi Hinata wearing powered armor based on a certain mecha series.
On the Tales side we have Karol wearing a Keroro mascot costume. If this sounds familiar, it's because Karol actually had this costume in Vesperia itself! This time he comes with Keroro's gadgets too. The sharp eared may notice he shares his voice actor, Kumiko Watanabe with Keroro as well. Next we have Reala dressed as fellow invader Angel Mois, ready to destroy Pekopon. Finally, we have Sophie dressed as the ninja Koyuki.
You can also see a group shot of all the characters in this event below.
本日コラボイベント『ケロロ軍曹 異世界侵略大作戦であります!』を配信しました。
参戦キャラクターのケロロ軍曹、日向 夏美とコラボ魔鏡が登場のリアラ、ソフィ、カロルの集合絵を公開いたします。
ルームもコラボ特別装飾となっています。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 30, 2023
This collab is significant due to the shared history between both series. Karol had a Keroro costume in Vesperia as mentioned before, but there was also a Namco developed Sgt. Frog game known as Keroro RPG that is seen as an honorary Tales title. It featured LMBS (using CC), skits, artes and even character cameos from the Tales series. Naturally some of those show up in the event here in Rays too, so keep an eye on those cutscenes.
Below is a schedule you'll want to keep an eye on for the duration of this and concurrent events. Like usual, Arte and Costume previews will be available at the bottom of this article. The rest of this article will be a guide to this event: what you want to do to recruit each character and what you should aim for to unleash their full potential!
Sgt. Frog x Tales of The Rays Event | Start Time | End Time |
Sgt. Frog Event Quests/Raid | July 1st, 14:00 JST | July 14th, 10:59 JST |
Sgt. Frog Gacha Banners | July 1st, 14:00 JST | July 14th, 10:59 JST |
Sgt. Frog Ticket Gacha | July 1st, 14:00 JST | July 14th, 23:59 JST |
Sgt. Frog Collab Gacha Grade Shop | July 1st, 14:00 JST | July 14th, 23:59 JST |
Monthly Tower of Ancient Progenitors: July | July 1st, 14:00 JST | July 31st, 13:59 JST |
Sgt. Frog Unison Attack Online Co-op | July 7th, 20:00 JST | July 9th, 23:59 JST |
Be sure to refer back to this if you're worried about how much time you'll have left. Remember, you can only get Sgt. Frog characters and Sgt. Frog inspired Artes for Tales characters during the event period!
Before anything, you should use your free Gacha pulls. On your home screen you may notice this yellow alert icon on the bottom right- this takes you to the Gacha screen, which has the free pulls.
The free pulls are on Keroro/Natsumi's banner. You may notice each button has an option for a 0 cost pull- simply press these buttons and select the option that costs 0 for free pulls.
There are also a Dia Step Up Banner for Keroro/Natsumi. Step up banners are usually paid currency only, but they give a higher chance at Master and Mirrage Artes the more you pull on them. It's advised to take advantage of this too, especially since Grade is shared between all banners with the same characters.
Let's move on to unlocking the Sgt. Frog characters and playing the event itself. In the quests menu (second from the left on the bottom) you'll go to the events section, the second tab from the top. There will be two relevant quest banners: a story section and a raid one. At first you'll only be able to play the story quests so touch the banner and get started!
After 4 quests you'll unlock Keroro himself, as well as his skit! He only comes with one arte of course but you can read on to find out how to power him up.
Afterwards, you'll be taken to the raid itself, which you can also reach by touching the unlocked quest banner here.
There will be 3 bosses, but only one is unlocked initially (the treant on the left). Touch the boss you want to fight to be taken to the quest list!
Every quest has a point value, with higher difficulty quests giving higher score. After clearing all quests, try repeating the highest difficulty quest to farm points efficiently!
When setting up your party for Raid Quests, you may notice a percentage on each party member. That's the Raid Bonus, and you'll get more Raid points for higher total Raid Bonuses across your party. You're encouraged to get your raid bonus as high as possible before even attempting each quest. It's weighted towards characters featured in the event, which means both Sgt. Frog characters and Tales characters with Sgt. Frog costumes in this case.
You're also scored based on how well you do in raid battles as well. In particular, you're scored on Time and Combo Damage. You'll get the maximum bonus for clearing each quest in under 15 seconds and dealing a majority of damage in a single combo, so keep playing these quests to practice until you know how to open bosses up and convert to a winning combo speedily!
When all players collectively obtain a certain amount of points on each boss, the next boss will be unlocked until the raid reaches completion. Afterwards, higher difficulties will unlock with more efficient point values, and Natsumi will be unlocked for all players along with her skit!
But you should also farm for individual rewards. Here's a chart of which rewards to aim for as you accumulate points.
There's also a new panel of missions for even more rewards such as a ticket that guarantees a Gacha Mirrage Arte! You'll automatically be taken to it when you log in, but in case you can't find it, simply go to the home screen and touch the leftmost diamond shaped button on the bottom right.
Here's how the panel missions look, alongside a translation of everything you have to do to get all rewards. You can also touch each part of the panel to go directly to the thing you must do to complete the mission.
Complete Event Story Quest 4 | Complete Quest [Vs. Keroro] | Use Mirrage Artes 5 Times |
Defeat 10 Enemies | Complete 5 Quests With Keroro On Your Team | Complete 5 Quests With Natsumi On Your Team |
Use 200 AP | Collect one day's Log-In Bonus | Collect Log-In Bonuses for 7 days |
That should be everything you need to aim for this event! With just a raid it should be pretty simple to see the story, recruit the characters and farm the rewards.
And without further ado, here's the arte and costume previews for each character!
#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 29, 2023
ヒットした敵を引き寄せる性能があるため距離調整にも使いやすい技です。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 30, 2023
近日登場予定の日向 夏美の魔鏡と鏡装の紹介です
鏡装は突進して敵を殴りつけ宙へ舞いながら光る剣で追撃する秘技が登場です。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 29, 2023
本日登場予定の日向 夏美のコラボ鏡装の動画紹介です。
敵との距離を詰められる追撃に便利な技です。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 30, 2023
鏡装は宇宙生物を呼び出し敵を締め付ける秘技が登場です。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 28, 2023
射程が長く、コンボの始動や中継に使いやすい技です。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 30, 2023
鏡装は自身の周囲に吹雪を発生させて身を隠しながら攻撃する秘技が登場です。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 28, 2023
秘技派生前は「忍法 絶対零度」で、正面に冷気を放出します。
秘技は着地前に空中技に連携することも可能です。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 30, 2023
鏡装は一千万分の一の強さの黙示録撃を放つ秘技が登場です。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 28, 2023
秘技に派生するとより強い黙示録撃で自身周囲を攻撃可能です。#ザレイズ— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 30, 2023
That's it for this event! It'll last about two weeks so that'll be plenty of time until the next event. It's the new month as well, so be sure to check back soon in case of a preview video for this month, and this article will also be updated as more information comes in!