Abyssal Chronicles Tales of Symphonia Remastered Giveaway Raffle! Join For A Chance To Win The Chosen Edition!

Total of 6 winners!

It's that time again! In celebration of the upcoming release of Tales of Symphonia Remastered, Abyssal Chronicles is holding a worldwide giveaway!

Abyssal Chronicles always holds a contest or giveaway of sorts for major releases of Tales of Series video games. Our last major one back in 2021 which was for the release of Tales of Arise received 600+ contestants around the globe! We also held a small giveaway in 2021 Christmas, which had almost 2,000 entries!

For this year, things will be much easier for contestants in our Tales of Symphonia Remastered Giveaway Raffle! The giveaway will be done via RaffleCopter, with our audience able to join through various means. Check out the widget below. If the widget doesn't work for you, you can directly access it here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The contest runs now and will end on February 10, 12 midnight HK time (February 9th, 8AM PST). Winners will be announced on February 10th, 8AM PST.

A total of 6 winners will be chosen, each with an equal chance to receive one of the following:

Please note the following rules and guidelines:

  • The region of the game will depend on which region the winner currently resides in, with the exception of  the winners of the Chosen Edition should the winner reside in Japan. They will still get either a US or EU Chosen Edition, as Japan's equivalent of the special edition contains different items.
  • The winners will get to choose what platform their games will be in (Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One).
  • Winners should be willing to give their full name, address and contact number for shipping purposes.
  • We sincerely request a one contestant - one household rule. Abyssal Chronicles reserves the right to disqualify any contestants that appear to be from the same household.
  • Entries will be filtered out as well for any duplicates or entries made by fake accounts. Offenders may be banned from any future contests held for our community.
  • Shipping fees will be shouldered by Abyssal Chronicles, but fees for customs duties and taxes implemented by each country will be shouldered by the winner.
  • In the event wherein the winner resides in a country or region wherein the Chosen Edition is not readily available, we will get them whatever is available (either US or EU/UK region).
  • The contest is open WORLDWIDE except for places that may currently have restrictions for shipping or importing items. Please double check first with your respective countries before joining. We will not be held responsible for being unable to ship due to country restrictions, and reserve the right to choose another winner.
  • We cannot promise a Day One (upon arrival) release of the game due to possible shipping and ordering delays.
  • Though we have the games preordered, in the unfortunate event wherein the game (specifically the Chosen Edition) cannot be ordered or gets cancelled and can no longer be procured due to no stocks, winners will be instead given gift cards for either the Nintendo eShop, PlayStation Network or Microsoft Store of their regions in the same price equivalent as the game edition they won (USD49.99 for Chosen edition, USD 39.99 for regular edition)

Thank you very much for the support and good luck to all contestants!

Tales of Symphonia
Tales of SymphoniaTales of Symphonia is the fifth mothership title of the series and the only title to be released for the Nintendo GameCube. It was then later ported to the PlayStation 2. It has a direct sequel escort title in the form of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, and the two were later ported to the PlayStation 3 as a single release in the form of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. The game is a distant prequel to Tales of Phantasia.

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About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.

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