Abyssal Chronicles Hootle Hunt - Tales of Arise Contest! Win a Tales of Arise Collector's Edition and More!

Tales of Arise Collector's Edition, Hootle Edition and Ultimate Edition up for grabs!

It's time! Presenting to everyone the Abyssal Chronicles Hootle Hunt, our huge Tales of Arise contest!

UPDATE: 8/22/2021: The contest has now ended! Thank you for joining the Abyssal Chronicles Hootle Hunt!

To celebrate the upcoming major release of Tales games, Abyssal Chronicles usually holds major unique contests with a lot of prizes up for grabs, and it's time once again! Welcome to the Abyssal Chronicles Hootle Hunt!

Before anything, we would first like to thank the following people for making this contest possible!

  • Vel (@kon9_) for the lovely Hootle artwork!
  • Bandai Namco Entertainment America and their Associate Social Marketing & Community Manager, Sam, for providing a big chunk of the prizes, specifically the Tales of Arise Ultimate Editions and a lot of Tales merchandise!
  • Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe for more prizes!
  • a745 for the Tales of Arise Collector's and Hootle Editions!
  • DimensionSlip for the big chunk of the Tales of merchandise and goodie bags!
  • Kiki and LaZyEnErGeTiC for managing prize handling and shipping, as well as additional prizes!
  • Kiki and Edwin for helping us out with obtaining the Collector's and Hootle Editions!

Without further ado, here are the mechanics of our Hootle Hunt!

Basic Mechanics

  • As the name suggest, you have to hunt for Hootle, Tales of Arise's owl mascot! There are FIVE (5) Hootles hidden in various parts of the main website and our social media handles - but don't worry, here are hints on where to find the little guy!


  1. May 14, 2021
  2. Out September 10, 2021
  3. “A slave from the planet Dahna with no memories.”
  4. A recently celebrated anniversary
  5. Hanging around beside Shionne
  • The hints above will give you a general idea on where the five Hootles are hiding. Again, they may be at the main website, or any of our social media channels (reminder that we have a Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and Instagram). Remember: They're not always -that- obvious!
  • Once you find the Hootle or the location where it's supposed to be hiding, you will find a unique URL or be directed to a link with the actual Hootle and clue that is somewhat actually mathematical letter riddle.
  • Using the mathematical letter riddles, you need to find out what the numerical value of the word ARISE is.
  • Once you find all 5 clues and riddles, solve them in order to gain the PASSWORD to access the actual contest entry page below:


  • Once you have the code, you can use it as the password to access the contest page above. To make things clearer, the code is 5 numbers
  • The final contest landing page above has a Rafflecopter widget, which will require the contestant’s name or e-mail/social media account (depending on what you choose to use to login to Rafflecopter's system).  In addition, the Submit your details field will require you to submit the following:
    • Country (will be used for region of the game, should you win)
    • Preferred platform (should you win, note that some prizes are specific already to a platform and therefore cannot be changed)
    • Letter I = what numerical value? (If you got the password, then this should be easy!)
  • When entering your answers in Rafflecopter field provided, each answer should be separated by a comma. For example:
    • USA, PS4, 9
  • Winners will be chosen by lottery (using Rafflecopter’s system) from those who successfully submitted their information. 
  • One more important thing: Don't forget your basic mathematical rules!

Update: Hootle Locations

With the contest over, here are now the Hootle locations and answers to the mathematical riddles!

Hootle #1

  1. May 14, 2021

May 14, 2021 pertains to a social media post made way back in May 14, 2021 specifically on our Instagram.

People who don't have Instagram should have also seen it in our Link in Bio link on our Instagram profile (accessible even to those without Instagram):

Successfully finding the Hootle should have brought you to this link.

Hootle #2

2. Out September 10, 2021

This clue pertains to the English release date trailer of Tales of Arise, uploaded on our YouTube channel.

The video description has the following link.

Hootle #3

3. “A slave from the planet Dahna with no memories.”

This description obviously pertains to Alphen. Accessing our main site Tales of Arise page (accessible via the menu or the sidebar) will lead you to the character list that has that exact description for Alphen.

Clicking it will lead you to the dedicated page for Alphen, which has our 3rd Hootle and the link.

Hootle #4

4. A recently celebrated anniversary

So I know there are a lot of the games that just celebrated their anniversaries, but one of the most recent and most prominent ones that even got its own news post is Tales of Crestoria's first year anniversary.

Going to our news post on the event and scrolling to the bottom of it will lead you to the fourth Hootle, and this link.

Hootle #5

5. Hanging around beside Shionne

This is literal, in a sense. Going to our Facebook page will show you that there's a Hootle hanging beside Shionne on our cover photo.

Those on mobile may have needed to click on the cover photo first to see the Hootle.

Anyway, clicking on our cover photo will show you the description for the image, along with the last link.

Update: Answer

Once you've found all the Hootles, it will have the following puzzles:

A = 9

B = 3

Y = 0

E = M

M = 5

R = 6

T = R

S = B - 2

I = T x B - M - A + Y

Using the hints above, and following proper mathematical rules (specifically, multiplication first, then division, addition then subtraction), you should have gotten the password "96415"! Incidentally, the I = ? question as part of the entry should be equal to 4.

Thank you again to those who participated, we have 600+ entries in! Winners will be announced later today!


You just went through ALL that trouble of finding an owl and solving an annoying math riddle. So, what's in it for you? Here are the prizes of our Hootle Hunt! We will have a total of 9 winners!

Grand Prize

  • 1x Tales of Arise Collector's Edition (US or EU version, DEPENDING on winner's region unless winner is from outside US/EU, PS4 or PS5 platforms only!) (c/o AC)
  • 1x Tales of Vesperia Knight Yuri and Repede Alter Figure (c/o Bandai Namco US)
  • 1x Tales of Berseria US Collector’s Edition (PS4) + Retro Bienfu Keychain (c/o Bandai Namco US)
  • 1x Tales of Zestiria Metal Brooch (c/o Bandai Namco EU)
  • 1x Tales of Zestiria Normin Shirt, (medium or large, winner’s choice)
  • 1x Tales of Xillia 2 Rollo Shirt (small, large or XL, winner’s choice)
  • 1x Tales of the Rays - Eizen and Edna New Year Wall Scroll
  • 1x Tales of Series Tomonui Vol.1 Plush (choices among: Sorey, Mikleo, Jude, Jade, Edna)
  • 4x Tales of Hello Kitty Plush (Sorey, Mikleo, Magilou, Zelos)
  • 4x Tales of Series Character Poster Set (RANDOM 4 from this set)
  • Random Tales Goody Bag - Contains random official clear files, key chains, straps, pins, and stationery from various Tales of events and shops
  • Set of Tales pins by a745

1st Runner-up

  • 1x Tales of Arise Collector's Edition (US or EU, DEPENDING on winner's region unless winner is from outside US/EU, PS4 or PS5 version only!) (c/o AC)
  • 1x Tales of Berseria Kotobukiya Velvet Figure (c/o Bandai Namco US)
  • 1x Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition US Anniversary Edition (Xbox One platform), including 3-character acrylic set with diorama, artbook and steelbook (c/o Bandai Namco US)
  • 1x Tales of Zestiria Sorey Bracelet (c/o Bandai Namco EU)
  • 1x Tales of Zestiria Normin Shirt (whatever size is left not chosen by Grand Prize winner)
  • 1x Tales of Xillia 2 Rollo Shirt (whatever size is left not chosen by Grand Prize winner)
  • 1x Tales of Series Tomonui Vol.1 Plush (choice among: Sorey, Mikleo, Jude, Jade, Edna - Grand Prize Winner gets dibs first!)
  • 3x Tales of Hello Kitty Plush (Sorey, Mikleo, Zelos)
  • 4x Tales of Series Character Poster Set (RANDOM 4 from this set)
  • Random Tales Goody Bag - Contains random official clear files, key chains, straps, pins, and stationery from various events and shops
  • Set of Tales pins by a745

2nd Runner-up

  • 1x Tales of Arise Hootle Edition (UK version only regardless of winner's region since the US doesn’t have this, PS5, PS4, Xbox or PC platforms)
  • 1x Tales of Vesperia Chibi Pin Set (c/o Bandai Namco US)
  • 1x Tales of Xillia 2 small Rollo Plush (c/o Bandai Namco EU)
  • 1x Tales of Vesperia Wristband (c/o Bandai Namco EU)
  • 1x Tales of Xillia 2 Rollo Shirt (whatever size is left not chosen by Grand Prize and 1st Runner Up winner)
  • 1x Tales of Series Tomonui Vol.1 Plush (choice among: Sorey, Mikleo, Jude, Jade, Edna - Grand Prize and 1st Runner-Up Winner gets dibs first!)
  • 2x Tales of Hello Kitty Plush (Sorey, Zelos)
  • 4x Tales of Series Character Poster Set (RANDOM 4 from this set)
  • Random Tales Goody Bag - Contains random official clear files, key chains, straps, pins, and stationery from various events and shops
  • Set of Tales pins by a745

3rd Runner-up

  • 1x Tales of Arise Ultimate Edition - digital, depends on winner's region and platform (If from a region other than US/Canada, winners may opt to get the US version, or follow their own region, but if preferred platform is PS4 or PS5, please READ HERE)
  • 1x Tales of Series Tomonui Vol.1 Plush (choice among: Sorey, Mikleo, Jude, Jade, Edna - Grand Prize, 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up winners get dibs first!)
  • 2x Tales of Hello Kitty Plush (Sorey, Zelos)
  • Random Tales Goody Bag - Contains random official clear files, key chains, straps, pins, and stationery from various events and shops
  • Set of Tales pins by a745

4th Runner-up

  • 1x Tales of Arise Ultimate Edition - digital, depends on winner's region and platform (If from a region other than US/Canada, winners may opt to get the US version, or follow their own region, but if preferred platform is PS4 or PS5, please READ HERE)
  • 1x Tales of Series Tomonui Vol.1 Plush (choice among: Whatever is left not chosen by 3rd Runner-up and above)
  • 2x Tales of Hello Kitty Plush (Sorey, Zelos)
  • Random Tales Goody Bag - Contains random official clear files, key chains, straps, pins, and stationery from various events and shops
  • Set of Tales pins by a745

5th, 6th and 7th Runner-up (each)

  • 1x Tales of Arise Ultimate Edition - digital, depends on winner's region and platform (If from a region other than US/Canada, winners may opt to get the US version, or follow their own region, but if preferred platform is PS4 or PS5, please READ HERE)
  • Random Tales Goody Bag - Contains random official clear files, key chains, straps, pins, and stationery from various events and shops
  • Set of Tales pins by a745

8th Runner-up

  • 1x Tales of Arise Regular Edition – physical, depends on winner’s region and platform
  • Set of pins by a745

Contest duration is from August 1, 2021, 3:00PM GMT until August 22, 2021 at 3:00PM GMT! Rafflecopter will automatically close by then.

Rules and Specifics

Now, before you do jump into this contest, please note a few house rules:

  1. Do not attempt to submit multiple entries under multiple e-mails or accounts. We will know, and we will ban you from any of our future contests whatsoever. That said, all people noted to have cheated in our past contests with multiple email entries are automatically filtered out from this contest.
  2. You may only submit one entry, and have only one chance of sending an entry. "Updating" or "amending" answers cannot be done.
  3. Please refrain from giving out answers to others, even if it's family or friends whatnot. Though we know you're just trying to help, you're compromising the integrity of the contest.
  4. Only one entry per household, sorry. Please just work with your family if all of your siblings for example also want to join.
  5. Winners should be willing to give their full name, address and phone number for shipping purposes. We will not accept having items shipped to a friend because you "plan to split the prize".
  6. You are free to work with others offline or online via forums, Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, etc. but like I said above, please do NOT blatantly just give the answers. Work with others, you can give hints, but don't give everything away!

And some points to take note of:

  1. The Tales of Arise Collector's Edition (Grand Prize and 1st Runner-up) will be either the US (North America) or an EU or UK version only. The specific EU/UK version will depend on the winner, BUT due to the scarcity of the Collector's Edition itself, the version of the Collector's you may be getting might not match your country specifically (i.e. a winner may get a German Collector's Edition even if they are, for example, from the United Kingdom or from Indonesia). For the Collector's Editions winners, you may only choose between PS4 or PS5 platforms. Xbox or PC versions are NOT available.
  2. The Hootle Edition is specifically the UK version. The 2nd Runner-up winner may choose any platform, but they will ultimately get a UK version, whichever country they may be from.
  3. For winners of the Tales of Arise Ultimate Editions, you may choose any platform and you will be provided with the product code to redeem it to your specific shop platform, BUT if you are from outside the US or Canada:
    1. You can opt to get the US version - that said your code will work on US accounts only.
    2. If you choose to get the game for the same region as where you live, we will also provide it BUT if the platform is for PS4 or PS5, since the PlayStation Store doesn't allow buying a game as a gift:
      1. You will be given a PSN Store card worth the same amount as the Tales of Arise Ultimate Edition in your region.
      2. You MUST pre-order the game and send back a screenshot and confirmation e-mail that you have indeed pre-ordered the game.
      3. Should you have already pre-ordered the game, you will be required to send over the confirmation screenshot and e-mail still - that said, you will then just be given the PSN Store card worth the same price as the Ultimate Edition - feel free to do what you want with it.
  4. The higher tier winners always get dibs on choice prizes first. Choice prizes include the sizes of the Normin and Rollo shirts, and the Tomonui plushies. The Grand Prize winner will be given the option first, then the 1st Runner-up, and so on.
  5. Depending on availability, we cannot guarantee pre-order bonuses (should there be any) for some versions of the games.
  6. Parts of prizes per tier may be shipped out from different locations since our prizes are currently in two places in the globe. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  7. Your country may charge you customs duties for the prizes, depending on the country. AC will NOT be responsible for any customs duties that may be charged.
  8. Due to the nature of the accumulation of prizes, expect delivery at either the end of September to mid October, specifically for the non-game prizes.
  9. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, winners may experience delays in shipping out of their prizes, some of which we might not be able to control. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  10. The contest is open to anyone in the world! We however, cannot get Japanese versions of the games.

Any further questions, please ask in the comments! Thank you and good luck!

Hootle locations will be revealed on August 25, 2021. Winners will be announced on August 27, 2021!

Tales of Arise is now available at the following shops (Note: Please keep in mind that we may receive a commission when you click on our links and make a purchase. This, however, has no bearing on our reviews and comparisons.):

US: North America: EU: Europe:
Tales of Arise
Tales of AriseTales of Arise is the latest mothership title (new classification: original title) of the Tales of Series which was first announced during Microsoft’s Press Conference in E3 2019. The game was released for the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC Digital via Steam on September 9, 2021 for Asia and Japan and September 10, 2021 for the rest of the world. The game features use of the Unreal Engine 4 and works on the theme of tradition versus evolution of the series.

Info Page | News | Gallery | Official Website (US) | Official Website (JP)

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.