Tales of Vesperia - Intro
The intro to Tales of Vesperia, which was unveiled June 10-ish at a Microsoft event in Japan has made it to the internet.
The intro to Tales of Vesperia, which was unveiled June 10-ish at a Microsoft event in Japan has made it to the internet.
It's been announced through Nintendo Power magazine and posted about on GameTrailers.com forums. ToS:KoR will be coming to North America. How soon, we have no idea. After all, the game isn't coming out in Japan for [Read More...]
On December 15, 1995, Tales of Phantasia was released on the SNES console in Japan. Today, 12 years later, it has spawned one of Japan's most popular RPG series, and its legacy continues to live on in [Read More...]
Hi there AC visitors, Natsumi here with more news on the soon to be released, highly anticipated Tales of Innocence! Low-quality videos have started popping up on YouTube's Japanese site presumably featuring the Tales of Innocence intro.
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