This thread is for those who want to discuss any spoiler content for Tales of Berseria. People who DON'T want spoilers should AVOID viewing this post at all costs.
As requested by a few people, if you're the type of person who's okay with spoilers and like to actively discuss it with other people (like me), then we've got you covered. We've created this post for those who want to discuss the game based on what they've played/seen on streams/gameplay videos so far which may contain spoiler content.
You can do the actual discussion via the Disqus comments section below, so knock yourself out. For this period, I've allowed the instant-approval of comments that contain media or URLs since I assume most people will be posting screenshots, links to streams and whatnot. This will only be implemented for the next month or so.
Please be mindful though that the discussion should only be kept within this thread and this thread alone - don't take it out to other posts, lest you want a ban.
Anyway, that's all. Discuss away!