AC's New Year 2012 Giveaway Answer & Results! Thanks For Participating!

First off, thank you to everyone for participating in AC's little giveaway! I didn't expect to actually receive a lot of entries given the prize... but there were around 200+ answers sent to me. However, only about half of them had the right answer.

Again, keep in mind that this is just a simple giveaway, not a main contest. We will be having our main contest soonhintatthatgamethat'scomingtotheUSsoon but we're still a short on funds because of the contest prior to this. You can help us in funding mainly byordering stuff from Play-Asia through us or PayPal donations (button over there below).

So, what exactly was the answer?

To those who answered Jude Mathis from Tales of Xillia... You were sooo close! Jude is actually my second favorite main Tales hero.

So, who is my actual main favorite?

Ruca Milda from Tales of Innocence
A bit hard, wasn't it? But yes, Ruca is indeed my favorite main Tales hero. I even have a customized mug of him which I use everyday for my coffee (courtesy of Hihana Hotaru), a custom plushie (made by LaZyEnErGeTiC and this (plus a Jude one):

So yes, I am a bit obsessed with Ruca, mainly because of him being smart and his (SPOILERSSS) dream of becoming a doctor. The same reason can be applied as to why I like Jude, though I prefer Ruca more by a lot.

Aaaanyway, I used's integer generator to draw the winner from the correct answers. For the winner, please be reminded that youhave to live in a place where Play-Asia ships to, otherwise, we will declare another winner.

And the winner is... CrystalSky42/Tori C! Congratulations!

To the winner, please e-mail me again with your full name, address and phone number (Play-Asia asks for it, yes) in case you didn't receive my e-mail notifying you about winning.

Again, thank you to everyone who participated! Keep on the look out for more giveaways and contests from us in the future!

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.