It's time for the big contest guys! Here are the details! It's time to hunt for some gummy treats~! Please place all inquiries you may have in the comments below. And we've decided to increase the prize! We're giving away TWO copies of Tales of Xillia (JP Version) to TWO lucky people! Enjoy and good luck!
Prizes: Yes, I've decided to increase it. We're giving away TWO copies of Tales of Xillia (Japanese Version). Two people who complete the task below will be picked via random draw. Good luck!
Eligibility to join: Anyone can join as long as you're sure that Play-Asia OR YesAsia is able to ship the prize to your country. In the occasion that Play-Asia doesn't (areas in Europe), make sure that at least YesAsia does. Staff ranked as Moderators and below can join, staff ranked as Administrators cannot join (mainly me and sukotsuto). I assure you, the mods and below know nothing of this.
Contest Duration: Beginning Sunday, 19 June 2011, 09:00pm PDT, Los Angeles, California time (or Monday, 20 June 2011, 12:00 noon PHT, Manila, Philippines time) and ends exactly on Wednesday, 22 June 2011, 07:00am PDT, Los Angeles, California time (or Wednesday, 22 June 2011, 10:00pm PHT, Manila, Philippines time).
Announcement of the Winners: The winners will be announced a day or two after the contest duration's end or later. Please understand, if I'm busy with studying in Medicine, my Dad does not let me near anywhere the PCsince I tend to spend like the whole rest of the day in front of it once I sit down. UPDATE: To protect the contest's integrity, we will be using the sender's IP addresses in the draw. Duplicate IP addresses will only count as one entry.
What You Have To Do: The contest is a scavenger hunt of sorts, but mind you it's not really challenging. You guys need to hunt for Gels. Yup, Apple Gels and such. I've hidden four gels, one Apple, one Lemon, one Orangeand one Pine Gel. Each gel's location is hidden, and you have to find them using the hints below.
Apple Gel: It's on AC's Facebook page somewhere.
Lemon Gel: It's on AC's Twitter somewhere.
Orange Gel: It's on AC's YouTube somewhere.
Pine Gel: You can find it if you click on AC's mascot somewhere on the Version 2 layout. And no, our mascot isn't Tipo. Seriously. The mascot is a mascot for a reason, i.e. the mascot occurs more than once in a page to promote stuff.
You'll know you've found the pages if there's a gel on the page, and the page looks like the version 3 layout (except for the Facebook one). You won't need any other hints. They're all there, and they're VERY obvious.
Each page with the Gels has a 2-character code with them. You have to find all the codes and piece them together (in order of Apple, Lemon, Orange and Pine) to create an 8-character code in this format (https://www.abyssalchronicles.com/xilliapromo/codehere.php) in order to get to the last hidden page, where a Miracle Gel is at. For example, if the code you pieced together is "1a2b3c4d", then the page would be "https://www.abyssalchronicles.com/xilliapromo/1a2b3c4d.php". Just directly access the page by entering the formed URL on your browser's address bar.
There, you will find a "key phrase". In order to qualify for the draw, you have to e-mail me your name or username (however you prefer to be called online, unless you want me to blatantly post your e-mail if you win, which you don't, seriously) and the key phrase at a745@abyssalchronicles.com or abigail979@yahoo.com in the following format:
Subject: AC's 777 Promo Entry
Your Name: Any name you prefer to be called online.
The Key Phrase: The Key Phrase you found in the page where the Miracle Gel is at. The key phrase is, obviously, a phrase, say, something like "a745 loves Tipo," or something.
URL/Location of the WEBPAGE with the Miracle Gel: The specific URL of the page where the Miracle Gel is, NOT THE URL OF THE MIRACLE GEL IMAGE ITSELF. It should start with https://www.abyssalchronicles.com/xilliapromo/. For example, if the code is 1a2b3c4d, then the page would be "https://www.abyssalchronicles.com/xilliapromo/1a2b3c4d.php"
The contest will only be two days long, and only those who will be able to e-mail me the above info will be part of the draw. You have to e-mail WITHIN the allotted time above. Anything later than that will not be counted.UPDATE: To protect the contest's integrity, we will be using the sender's IP addresses in the draw. Duplicate IP addresses will only count as one entry.
On the occasion that no one is able to get the URL with the Miracle Gel (though I doubt that), I'll extend the contest duration to one more day until some people get it.
And please, DON'T give out hints, and I don't know if people will actually even do this, but DON'T give away the answer. Remember, the more people who get it right, the more competition you'll have!
And so... onward! Happy hunting! Leave any questions you may have below as a comment.