It's almost Tales of Symphonia Chronicles' release in the West, so that means it's time for... our Symphonia Chronicles contest!
Our contest this time is called "AC's Symphonia Holiday Hunt!" Literally, everyone will be hunting for something! Participants of AC's 777 Promo from before may be somewhat familiar with this system. Sort of.What you guys need to hunt for is a hidden short, three-word Holiday-related message. The three words in the said message are located in three different URLs which you need to find first. Once you've formed the three-word message, you're then qualified for the draw of the prizes! We will give out three clues as to the locations of the three URLs.
Here they are:
- Clue #1 - "Happy Holidays from Colette."
- Clue #2 - This video right here. If you're worried about spoilers, there's another version of the video with much less spoilers here.
- Clue #3 - When was Tales of Symphonia for the GameCube released in Japan? If you know the answer, get to the hidden URL by adding it to the end of a bit.ly URL (in the format of MMDDYYYY, i.e. bit.ly/01152001).
The clues will bring you to hidden areas within the Abyssal Chronicles main site that have the words of the message. Clue #1 has the first word in the hidden message, Clue #2 has the 2nd word, and Clue #3 has the 3rd word.
Once you've formed the message, send the message together with your desired nickname and your country of origin to a745@abyssalchronicles.com with the subject "AC Symphonia Holiday Hunt Entry."
Make sure you have the right message and that your entry is complete. Due to the expected amount of entries, we won't be able to reply to each and every entry that has the wrong answer (but we will be able to reply to messages that lack nicknames or countries of origin).
And, all those who manage to send the right message will be included in the draw for the following prizes!

Grand Prize:
- 1x Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - Collector's Edition (Version might depend on the winner's region)***
- 1x Lloyd and Colette Art Plate
- 1x Zelos Wilder Chibi Kyun Chara Figure
- 1x Lloyd and Colette Mug
- 1x Tales of Symphonia Strap

2nd Prize:
- 1x Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - Collector's Edition (US Version) courtesy of Namco Bandai Games America!

3rd Prize:
- 1x Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - Regular Edition (version depends on the region's winner)
***Note that due to the availability of the CE, for the grand prize winner, the CE region version might depend on the winner's region. You see, the EU CEs are pretty much sold out already except in a couple of shops, however, we already have 1 US CE pre-ordered and set in AC's name. So, in the case that the winner is from the EU, but the EU CEs have sold out, we have no choice but to get that person the US CE. If it's still available, they're getting the EU CE. People who live in Asia and such definitely get the US CE.
For the regular version in the 3rd place prize though, it'll definitely depend on the 3rd place prize winner's region.
Our big thank you to Namco Bandai Games America for providing one of the Tales of Symphonia Collector's Editions!
And also, other important rules and such:
- The contest period starts from today (December 27, 2013 - 8:00PM Pacific Standard Time) and will end on January 3, 2014 at 4:00PM Pacific Standard Time. Entries sent after that date will not be honored.
- Winners will be announced on January 4, 2014 at 4:00PM Pacific Standard Time.
- The winners must be willing to give his/her full name, address and contact number for shipping purposes.
- Only one entry per household please, thanks. And also only one entry per person. Give chance to the others. Like what happened in our previous contests, those who I discovered that used multiple e-mails had all of their entries forfeited without any notice to them, so be warned. Let's not ruin the fun for everyone.
- Once you find the URLs, please don't share it with others. The more you share it, the more you lessen your own chances of winning. And the clues are pretty easy to begin with.
- We won't be giving additional hints like we did the last time. You can do it! Well, maybe we will if people really have a hard time. Just maybe.
- This contest is open to people worldwide!
That's pretty much it and good luck! For any questions and such, please comment them here and we'll try to answer them. Happy Holidays!