Special Interview! Maria - Tales of Cosplay Competition Spanish Winner

Maria P. won cosplaying as Lailah from Tales of Zestiria in the Tales of Cosplay Competition held in Salon Del Manga Barcelona, Spain, garnering a trip to Japan Expo 2015 and many goodies, including a huge Teepo. Here's our interview with her!
Abyssal Chronicles: First things first, why cosplay Lailah?

Maria: Just because i fall in love with the character design, was love to a first look, as soon as I read about the character and her history I wanted find someone with Sorey's cosplay and make this funny pic.

AC: Was it hard to cosplay as Lailah given that the game isn't released yet in the West?

M: I was worried about this matter, because I thought nobody will recognize the character. But to my surprise, a lot of people recognized me, and I found other Tales of Zestiria's cosplays, even another Lailah.

AC: How did you prepare for this particular cosplay? There's a lot of detail on your Lailah cosplay, too! Was it difficult?

M: Finding reference images about all the dress was really dificult, I watched all the promos and made a lot of screenshots to see all the details. Maybe the most difficult was the wig, too long, two colours, two wigs..... Too heavy.

AC: How long have you been cosplaying, and which are your favorite cosplays so far? (can be non-Tales!)

M: I think I'm a grandma cosplayer because I've been making my own costumes since 2002. That's 13 years of enjoying cosplay. If I were to select a favourite one, it's really difficult, but I'm going to say the Corpse Bride, but I have more really specials for me.

AC: What/Who inspires you or motivates you to cosplay?

M: My husband always motivates me and helps me, he is my cosplay partner. I make cosplays, because I love it, I'm a dressmaker and I usually make commissions for others. You can see it here.

AC: What's your favorite Tales game? Your favorite character?

M: Only one?..... Maybe Tales of Graces f, because I'm playing it right now. The history really captured me.... But don't spoil me >.< please. And my favorite character is Milla Maxwell because she is the first who I played and I love the strength of that woman.

AC: How did you start picking up the Tales of Series? What was your first Tales game?

M: I always loved the characters designs and the music but I started really late to play the games, mainly because I didn't have a PS3 at home and only watched my friends playing the games. My first Tales of was Xillia and next Xillia 2, but now this is like a drug, because I started to play the Tales of Graces f.

AC: Any cosplay tips you can share with fellow cosplayers out there?

M: I only can give one: Enjoy the Cosplay like you enjoy the Tales of Series.

AC: We're sure you wouldn't want to divulge it just yet, but how are your preparations going for the Tales of Ambassador election?

M: It's not exactly a secret. I will wear the cosplay of my favourite character, a strong woman, with a lot of power. Do you know who she is?

AC: Any final words on the upcoming election?

M: I'm sure we are going to spend good moments together, and I'm really excited to see a lot of Tales of cosplays and meet people who love the games and.... good luck and may the best win.

Stay tuned tomorrow for one more special interview for the upcoming Tales of Ambassador Elections! The event itself will take place on July 3rd at Japan Expo 2015 in Paris!

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.