Tales of Innocence R, Twin Brave & Dice Adventure News From Jump Festa

New info for Tales of Innocence, Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave and Tales of the World: Dice Adventure was released today in Jump Festa 2012. We'll be using this post as a compilation of all the news to come from the event.

Dec. 17, 2011:
For Tales of Innocence R, the game's new opening movie was shown at the event. Some new costumes include amaid costume for Ange and a noble costume for Spada. Ruca's original Mystic Arte, ????? (Maou Shakumetsujin), has been completely reanimated. Milla Maxwell from Tales of Xillia was confirmed before to be in the coliseum, and her Mystic Arte Supreme Elements was confirmed. Extra events have also been confirmed when in the game's second playthrough. Lastly, those who will pre-order this and Twin Brave will get a product code that can be used as a raffle entry for Tales of Festival 2012 tickets. Namdai will be giving out 500 pairs of tickets.

Dec. 18, 2011:
Some snippets I missed from yesterday: The trailer shown during the event was the exact same trailer leaked here, so don't expect any other trailers. Also, Spada's noble costume seems to entail a quest, with a funny scene of Ruca politely asking who he is since he couldn't recognize him in such clothes.


For this day: A few weeks ago, Namdai held a special poll for the Tales of Innocence R characters. The questions and results are as follows:

I. Character you want to see yell "Go buy hotdogs!" - 1st: Ruca, 2nd: Ricardo, 3rd: Spada.
II. Character you want to spend your Christmas with - 1st: Spada, 2nd: Ange, 3rd: Ruca
III. The character you think won't be doing their Winter vacation homework until the very last minute - 1st: Spada (LOL), 2nd: Hermana, 3rd: Iria.

Some pictures here in AC's gallery and in Tokkurin's blog.

Pre-orders for Tales of Innocence R are now open on Play-Asia: Japan Version | Asia Version

Dec. 17, 2011:
A new trailer for Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave was shown during Jump Festa, featuring new animated cutscenes, some CG event scenes, some of the characters' Mystic Artes in action, and the opening themeSHINE and ending theme NEW DAYS, both by FUNKIST.

The trailer isn't out online yet, but some screenshots of it have been leaked here.

Dec. 18, 2011:
No confirmation on this yet, but the Tales of Rebirth team seems to beVeigue Lungberg and Tytree Crowe.

Apparently, the game's opening animation and the pre-order bonus anime were handled by Sunrise, the people responsible for the Tales of the Abyss anime, and not Production I.G. I still need to confirm this though. (If it's true, Namdai's really experimenting with the animation companies, huh?)More boss characters will be announced in the future, with one of them coming from Tales of Legendia.

Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave will be out for the PSP in Japan on February 23, 2012. Play-Asia now has pre-orders open for both the regular version and the premium box.

Dec. 17, 2011:
A trailer for Tales of the World: Dice Adventure was also released during the event, featuring animated cutscenes, a bit of gameplay and the opening theme: ?????? (Chizu no Arika) by DaisyXDaisy. Again, the trailer itself isn't online yet, but the recently openedofficial site of Dice Adventure announced that they'll put it up this Monday. The anime cutscenes this time around is by A-1 Pictures.


Some pictures here in AC's gallery and in Tokkurin's blog.

Current reports online: Dengeki Online

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.