Radiant Mythology 3's Opening Theme Artist Me Might Not Be Misono After All?

Livedoor News has put up a little article regarding the background of the mysterious artist "Me", responsible for Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3's opening theme together with band Back-On. It seems previous assumptions of Me being the artist Misono may be wrong after all. In addition, the Avex Network has released a short clip from the song's PV. 

According to Livedoor's news article, the official info about Me has her being introduced as Misono's "little sister". Not only that, they claim that this is also Me's first ever debut, and that she is under the "Misono Artist Production Company". It seems Misono herself will be taking a rest for a whole year, and Me will be the one to take her place. Me's age is unknown, but she is said to be from the Nagasaki Prefecture. Overall, her "true" identity is still a downright mystery, as some people are still claiming that Me really is Misono. She certainly has the feel of Misono, but this may be due to her being part of the company. Some are speculating that it may be Koda Kumi, another artist confirmed to be Misono's biological sister.

Anyway, if her debut being part of the RM3 theme song is a success, Me will supposedly be able to record a duet song with Misono herself. You can watch the short clip of the PV here.

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.