Tales of Luminaria - Raoul Episode 2 Review: It's Hard Being The Oldest
“This spry lad’s going wherever they do!”
“This spry lad’s going wherever they do!”
It appears things aren't looking so good for the Tales of Crestoria manga, according to the manga's artist.
“…Remember, Joyce. Our hands are empty, but that just means we can grab hold of anything.”
That's right, the unexpected crossover between Tales of The Rays and Arc System Works' flagship Fighting Game series Guilty Gear returns for Golden Week, with new Guilty Gear (and Tales) characters joining the fight!
And here's Shionne's fourth scale figure!
Here's the final list of voice actors that will be guest-starring at Tales of Festival 2023. Plus, DEEN, FLOW and Bonnie Pink have been announced to perform!
I was in the mood to watch the Eternia anime and it was a wild ride. This is my second time watching it after watching it years ago as a teen. Please note that all [Read More...]
After being online for 9 years, Tales of Asteria has announced that servers will be closing this May.
Get your Tales of Festival 2023 goods preordered via Asobi Store!
“I didn’t…see anything… I couldn’t…see anything.”
A total of ten additional Tales voice actors are joining this year's Tales of Festival!
“Should I ever meet…someone so hopelessly mired in darkness… Then I’ll make it my business to drag them…back into the light.”
Previously announced Tales of the Rays update seems to be a big one. More info was released in today's Tales of the Rays 6th Anniversary live stream.
A fix is currently in the works.
“I’ll be damned if I fall here… For Totooo!”
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