KOS-MOS finally joins Tales of The Rays in new Xenosaga collab!
Teased during the PV earlier this month, Tales of The Rays is currently running a Xenosaga collab! Read on to find out how to add KOS-MOS to your party.
Teased during the PV earlier this month, Tales of The Rays is currently running a Xenosaga collab! Read on to find out how to add KOS-MOS to your party.
Announced via a new music video-ish trailer, Kankaku Piero returns to Tales of Arise with a new song.
Earlier today, Bandai Namco posted a new trailer for the upcoming Tales of Arise - Beyond the Dawn DLC on their various YouTube channels. Please note that this article and the trailer itself may contain [Read More...]
Revealed during the Tales of Arise 2nd Anniversary Livestream during Tokyo Game Show 2023, Dohalim is getting another figure!
With the Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn DLC releasing in less than two months, preorders are now in full swing for both the West and Japan.
A new major story DLC is coming to Tales of Arise this November, set one year after the game!
Happy 2nd anniversary, Tales of Arise!
We finally get to see Dohalim in full color!
Tales of The Rays' latest event is now live, a raid event focusing on Tales of Rebirth!
In celebration of Tales of Symphonia's 20th anniversary this year, the game is getting its own Festival this October.
We have no idea what it is, yet.
After like two years without a word, the elusive Tales of Destiny Leon figure is finally here! As a prototype, anyway.
Remember that favorite Tales MC post I made back in January? Net Lab has made another Tales related survey for fans to vote; the topic this time is favorite Tales games. The poll ran from [Read More...]
Announced during Tales Fes, Tales of The Rays is collaborating with Sgt. Frog! This may sound familiar to longtime Tales fans as the two series have crossed over a couple of times before. Read on [Read More...]
“At the end of the day… I just know that he’s a really good guy at heart.”
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