Tales of Series 25th Anniversary Video Posted from Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe
Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe posted a short video, celebrating the Tales of Series’ 25th anniversary.
Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe posted a short video, celebrating the Tales of Series’ 25th anniversary.
Tales of The Rays is sending June off with a new boss raid against a familiar foe from Tales of The Abyss and the introduction of an unexpected ally. This Article has been updated.
The 3rd Arc of Tales of The Rays is finally reaching its long overdue conclusion.
Tales of Arise, which has been slated for a worldwide release for this year of 2020, has been announced to be delayed indefinitely.
Initially scheduled last May 8, Tokyo Game Show has taken to the web with an online version of their event.
Probably the closest we'll get to Tales characters as idols, aside from the iDOLM@ster collabs.
The end of today's Tales of Festival 2020 Alternative live broadcast ended with the announcement for a second installment of this alternative broadcast.
The iDOLM@STER collaborates with Tales yet again!
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and with the cancellation of E3 2020, the majority of the various gaming companies and organizations have resulted in online conferences for the dissemination of new and upcoming [Read More...]
Tales of The Rays: Fairy's Requiem reaches its conclusion this month!
But there won't be any game news, apparently.
Looks like the June release isn't plausible.
The final event shown in the May PV is here: a new Spirit Gear event!
It's been a while, but a new beta test period has started for the online co-op! And this time with Destiny characters!
Orwin's character for Tales of Crestoria has been released.
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