Tales of Crestoria Details Ver. 1.0.4 Update and New SSR Units, Upcoming Limited Quest Teased
This first stream since the game's launch came packed with information about future developments.
This first stream since the game's launch came packed with information about future developments.
Kamikaze Douga to animate the short.
Japan's official Tales portal finally gets an English version.
Hello! This is Grace, also known as Ecargmura, and I am here with a review of the Limited Quests, or Event Stories. I know that this is probably a weird thing to review about but [Read More...]
One last hurrah for summer, and what better way to celebrate with a Yukata event celebrating Tales of Legendia's anniversary?
Watch the concert in the comfort of your own home. Hopefully.
Let's listen to more music next month!
Previously announced Tales of Dream Project getting a physical release this year.
Enjoy the music of the Tales of Series in this upcoming live!
Hello! This is Grace, also known as Ecargmura. I’m here with a review for Side Story: Velvet! The review contains spoilers for Crestoria, Berseria and Symphonia.
Kotobukiya has released a sneak peek at the colored prototype of Sorey's upcoming figure.
Summer's not over, so naturally Rays is here to give us another summer event! Also, we cover August's Producer Letter for Rays in this article so read on if you'd like to know more, especially [Read More...]
The summer's not over yet, but Fairy's Requiem is. One last hurrah for Tales of The Ray's Arc 3, and a look at the new content we're getting in August!
Hello! This is Grace, also known as Ecargmura, here with another review for today! This time, it's chapter 2! The review contains spoilers for Crestoria.
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