Tales of The Rays - October 2020 PV, Star Ocean Collaboration Rerun + Producer's Letter Info
This time we're covering not only the preview, but also information from the producer's letter and the schedule for this month. Let's hear it for October!
This time we're covering not only the preview, but also information from the producer's letter and the schedule for this month. Let's hear it for October!
Hello! This is Grace, also known as Ecargmura, and I’m here with a review of the second event story! Why am I doing this? Well, I did the first one, so that means I have [Read More...]
The latest event in Tales of Crestoria is A Green and Swarmy Night, featuring Leia from Tales of Xillia and Raven from Tales of Vesperia. This event is a chance to get SSR and SR [Read More...]
Tales of Crestoria has announced that the next Premium Summons will feature SSR memoria stones with seasonal art for Estelle and Asbel! The memoria stones are named "Estelle [Halloween Witch]" and "Asbel [Count Asbela]." Like [Read More...]
Yes you read that right. This event isn't just an excuse to dress characters in bridal gowns. Yuan and Martel are officially getting married! A few other girls get to dress up fancy as well.
Now is the perfect time to get into Tales of The Rays. Alongside the .hack collab is a new boss challenge event that provides very generous rewards, including guaranteed 5* weapons and Mirrage Artes!
The latest event in Tales of Crestoria is Intertwining Journeys, featuring Rubia from Tales of the Tempest and Ange from Tales of Innocence. This event is a chance to get SSR and SR memoria stones [Read More...]
Tales of Crestoria has just announced that the next Summons will feature SSR memoria stones for Colette and Mikleo! The memoria stones are named "Colette [This One Is...]" and "Mikleo [By a Murmuring Brook]." Like [Read More...]
This event was only announced last week, but it already feels long awaited. Tales of The Rays is collaborating with fellow Bandai Namco RPG series .hack! For those who are getting into Rays because of [Read More...]
Hello! This is Grace, also known as Ecargmura and I’m here with a review of Chapter 3! Just to try something new, I won’t be adding a recap to this review. I’m just going [Read More...]
Tales of Arise news has been mostly nil, but it's nice to see it not completely dead.
Tales of Crestoria has just announced a special EX Summons event featuring Leon! An SSR memoria stone named "Leon [Armed with Friendship]" will be added to the EX Summons with an increased chance of appearing. [Read More...]
Tales of The Rays starts September off with another collab announcement, this time with fellow Bandai Namco RPG series .hack! All the information is in this month's preview video.
The latest event in Tales of Crestoria is Library Panic! Ruckus, featuring Ruca and Illia from Tales of Innocence. This event is a chance to get SSR and SR memoria stones of Ruca and Illia [Read More...]
Another anniversary celebration: Tales of Vesperia came out on Xbox 360 in August of 2008 in both Japan and the US. The last event Rays will have this month is a Spirit Gear event focused [Read More...]
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