New Tales of Zestiria Dengeki PlayStation Scans Provide Game Overview And Tons Of New Info
Never ending scans today. The latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation gives us a 22-page spread of information for Tales of Zestiria.
Never ending scans today. The latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation gives us a 22-page spread of information for Tales of Zestiria.
A new scan from Jump introduces someone who seems to be a major antagonist in Tales of Zestiria.
New magazine scans from Famitsu Magazine reveals the Mystic Artes of Sorey and Rose while in Armatization.
The first of Tales of Zestiria's review scores in Japan are now out!
A magazine reports that Tales of the Abyss's Jade Curtiss will be appearing in Tales of Zestiria, plus here are the prices and the release schedule of the DLC costumes previously announced.
Having save data of Tales of Vesperia, Tales of Graces f, Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2 in your PS3 gets you attachments in Tales of Zestiria! Note that this is for the [Read More...]
A long introduction to Tales of Zestiria was shown during the airing of the anime special. Check it out.
A big Happy New Year to the Abyssal Chronicles family! Here's our subtitled release of the Tales of Zestiria: Dawn of the Shepherd anime OVA!
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