Tales of Graces New Trailer Camera Recording from the Tales of Festival 2009
nds236741 has uploaded a camera recording of Tales of Graces' new trailer that was shown during the Tales Festival 2009 up on YouTube.
nds236741 has uploaded a camera recording of Tales of Graces' new trailer that was shown during the Tales Festival 2009 up on YouTube.
The Tales of VS. Official Site has been updated with character videos for Asch and Ruca Milda.
The first commercial for Tales of VS. is now out.
Six new scans from Famitsu have surfaced with info on the three upcoming Tales games. The Tales of Graces' scans have a little bit of new information, while the Tales of VS. and Tales of [Read More...]
The Tales of VS. official site has been updated with two new system videos.
The Official Tales of Vesperia ~The First Strike~ site updated with it's first PV.
While the Tales of Festival 2009 is going on at the moment, various information is being leaked through sites such as 2ch. Confirmed news will be marked Confirmed, and unconfirmed, a.k.a. rumors (no pictures to back [Read More...]
... OK, Pow Hammer me if you must, but this is an advance notice, just so you know.
The Official Tales of VS. Website was updated earlier today. It now has character pages for Cress Albane & Leon Magnus, both of whom also have character profiles in the Characters section.
Three new scans from Weekly Shonen Jump have surfaced, revealing more info for Tales of Vesperia PS3, Tales of VS. (PSP) and Tales of Graces (Wii).
The Tales of VS. official site has been updated with its sixth system video, showing the game's "Correspondence Battle", or the multiplayer mode.
Tales of VS. Official Site has just been updated with character videos ofKratos Aurion and Anise Tatlin.
With the Tales Festival 2009 only 10 days away, Namdai has finally listed out the Tales merchandise they will have for sale on the event.
I apologize for the late news post. I was making Sea-salt ice cream...
The Tales of Vesperia Official European Site has been fully updated now. To be precise, the information it holds is exactly the same as the one you'll find in the Japanese 360 Site, the site even using the [Read More...]
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