New Tales of Arise Info in 2021, Second Half of Tales of 25th Anniversary Planned to be More Exciting

See you next year

Don't expect any Tales of Arise (or any console info) in the Tales of 25th Anniversary stream.

Announced during the ongoing Tales of 25th Anniversary stream, it was addressed that the event will not be presenting any new console or Tales of Arise info. In fact, there won't be info until 2021.

Tales Producer Yusuke Tomizawa specifically said that they will not be able to deliver any news on home console games for this year or during the event. Though development on the game did not stop this year and has actually been progressing smoothly, they are unable to reveal any news for now and they apologize for it.

For that reason, they are preparing heavily for delivering new information for next year, and they hope it will be something fans all over the world will be excited about.

In a sense, today is the 25th anniversary, which means they still have the incoming year as a part of the anniversary and its so-called "second half" remaining to celebrate the anniversary. Tomizawa-san apologizes that he can't talk about anything right now, but he hopes to be able to deliver something to be excited about for the incoming year.

Tales of Arise was initially stated for a 2020 release, but was postponed to an indefinite date mainly to allow the game "to utilize the latest technology and as well as appeal to both series fans and RPG fans who haven't tried Tales, aside from the pandemic.

Tales of Arise
Tales of AriseTales of Arise is the latest mothership title (new classification: original title) of the Tales of Series which was first announced during Microsoft’s Press Conference in E3 2019. The game was released for the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC Digital via Steam on September 9, 2021 for Asia and Japan and September 10, 2021 for the rest of the world. The game features use of the Unreal Engine 4 and works on the theme of tradition versus evolution of the series.

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About a745 1744 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.