
----------------------------- Tales Of Destiny II -----------------------------

--------------------------------- PSP Version ---------------------------------

--------------------------- FAQ / Walkthrough (JP) ----------------------------

------------------------- By Kouli (kenzhao@mac.com) --------------------------

---------------------- http://homepage.mac.com/kenzhao/ -----------------------



<Cresta City クレスタの街>

<Laguna Ruins ラグナ遺跡>

<Darilsheid Groundwater Way ダリルシェイド地下水路>

<Ancient City Darilsheid 古都ダリルシェイド>

<Harmentz Valley ハーメンツヴァレー>

<Aigrette アイグレッテ> (1)

<Straylize Ruins ストレライズ遺跡>

<Aigrette Harbor アイグレッテ港>

<Fixed Connection Ship 定期連絡船>

<Leane Village リーネの村>

<A Ridge Of White Clouds 白雲の屋根>

<Noischtat ノイシュタット>

<Oberon Abandoned Mine オベロン社廃坑>

<Snowfreer スノーフリア>

<Chelsea's Hut チェルシーの小屋>

<Heidelberg ハイデルベルグ>

<Aigrette アイグレッテ> (2)

<Cherik チェリク>

<Heat River ヒートリバー>

<Hope Town ホープタウン>

<Trash Mountain トラッシュマウンテン>

<Kalviola Holy Place 聖地カルビオラ>

<Ground Army Base Former Site 地上軍拠点跡地>

<Lumina Draconis 飛行竜>

<Cave Of Seashore 海岸の洞窟>

<Vangelo 蒼天都市ヴァンジェロ>

<Wreckage Of Aeropolice 空中都市の残骸>

<Uncivilized Woods 未開の森>

<Speranza 紅蓮都市スペランツァ>

<Realta 黄昏都市レアルタ>

<Shrine Of Light 光のほこら>

<Dycroft ダイクロフト> (1)

<Ground Army Base 地上軍拠点>

<Goods Depository 物資保管所>

<Dycroft ダイクロフト> (2)

<Spiral Cave スパイラルケイブ>

<Dycroft ダイクロフト> (3)

<Outside Husks 外殻>

<Dycroft ダイクロフト> (4)

<Kalviola Holy Place/Catacomb 聖地カルビオラ/カタコンベ>

<Egg Of God 神のたまご>

<Grade Shop>


<Armed Enchant>

<Action Enchant>


<Shop List>

<Illustration Gallery>





~ Spell/Tech /

- Auto オート

- Semi Auto セミオート

- Manual マニュアル

~ Enchant エンチャント

- Attack アタック

- Magic マジック

- Skill スキル

- Chain チェイン

- Armed アームド

- Action アクション

~ Strategy 作戦

- .....

- OK, Let's Do It よし, いくぜ

- Count On Everyone みんな頼むぞ

- Charge 突撃しろ

- Be Patient For Now 今は耐えろ

- Attack With Spell 晶術で攻めろ

- Leave It To Me 俺にまかせろ

- The Usual Strategy 例の作戦

- Now Is The Chance 今が好機だ

- Take Out Weaklings ザコを蹴散らせ

- Strategy 作戦

- Leave It To The AI お前にまかせる

- Aim At Nearby Enemy 近くの敵を狙え

- Follow The Leader リーダーに続け

- Work On Counterattack 反撃に努めろ

- Exploit Enemy's Weakness 敵のスキをつけ

- Protect Rear Characters 後衛を護れ

- Decrease The Number Of Enemies 敵の数を減らせ

- Aim At Aerial Enemy 空の敵を狙え

- Defeat Agile Enemy 素早い敵を倒せ

- Don't Allow Spell 晶術を使わせるな

- Attack 攻撃

- 1/ Don't Attack Or Use Spell

- 2/ Attack Or Use Spell With 25% SP And TP

- 3/ Attack Or Use Spell With 50% SP And TP

- 4/ Attack Or Use Spell With 75% SP And TP

- 5/ Attack With 100% SP And TP

- Defend 防御

- 1/ Fight To The Death

- 2/ Refrain From Attacking When HP Below 25% And Use Healing Spell

On Ally With HP Below 25%

- 3/ Refrain From Attacking When HP Below 50% And Use Healing Spell

On Ally With HP Below 50%

- 4/ Refrain From Attacking When HP Below 75% And Use Healing Spell

On Ally With HP Below 75%

- 5/ Always Defend And Use Healing Spell On Ally With HP Below 100%

~ Cooking 料理

- You Can Have Up To 39 Recipes

- There Are 30 Standard Recipes And 6 Secret Recipes

- There Is A Plus Version For Each Of The 30 Standard Recipes

- There Is A Question Version For Each Of The 6 Secret Recipes

- There Are 72 Recipes In Total

- Total Proficiency 総合熟練度

- Hollow Pot ホーロー鍋 -> + 1

- Iron Pot 鉄鍋 -> + 3

- Earthenware Pot 土鍋 -> + 4

- Copper Pot 銅鍋 -> + 7

- Iron Fry Pan 鉄のフライパン -> + 3

- Stainless Fry Pan ステンレスのフライパン -> + 1

- Titan Fry Pan チタンのフライパン -> + 4

- Copper Fry Pan 銅のフライパン -> + 7

- Sashimi Knife 柳刃包丁 -> + 5

- Fluted Knife 三徳包丁 -> + 5

- Vegetable Knife 菜切り包丁 -> + 7

- Meat Knife 牛刀包丁 -> + 5

- Fair Proficiency 適正熟練度

- Proficiency 熟練度

- 0 Star = Cooked 0 To 1 Times, 75% Effect

- 1 Star = Cooked 2 To 3 Times, 80% Effect

- 2 Stars = Cooked 4 To 7 Times, 85% Effect

- 3 Stars = Cooked 8 To 15 Times, 90% Effect

- 4 Stars = Cooked 16 To 31 Times, 95% Effect

- 5 Stars = Cooked 32 Times Or more, 100% Effect

- Auto Setup オート設定

- Don't Cook Automatically

- Cook Every Battle

- Cook Every 5 Battles

- Cook Every 10 Battles

- Cook When 3 Characters With HP Below 80%

- Cook When 2 Characters With HP Below 60%

- Cook When 2 Characters With HP Below 40%

- Cook When 1 Character With HP Below 20%

- Cook When 3 Characters With TP Below 80%

- Cook When 2 Characters With TP Below 60%

- Cook When 2 Characters With TP Below 40%

- Cook When 1 Character With TP Below 20%

- Cook When Affected By Status Abnormality

- Auto Setup When Overlapping オート重複時設定

- Cook Randomly

(Leave It To The AI おまかせ)

- Cook With Recipe With Lowest Proficiency

(Recipe Proficiency レシピ熟練度)

- Cook With Recipe With Most Cookable Count

(Cooking Potential Count 調理可能回数)

- Cook With Recipe With Lowest Food Cost

(Food Cost 食材コスト)

- Change Name 名前変更

- Confirm 決定

- Default デフォルト

- Clear クリア

- Hiragana ひらがな

- Katakana カタカナ


- Arrange アレンジ

- Delete 削除

~ Custom カスタム

- Go Back 元に戻す

- Default デフォルト

- Message Speed メッセージスピード

- Standard Moving Speed 移動時基本速度

- Walk 歩き

- Run 走り

- Party Display パーティ表示

- Character キャラ

- Face フェイス

- Battle Rank 戦闘ランク

- Easy (Level*0.8, HP*0.9, ATK*0.7, Wisdom*0.7, Accuracy*0.8,


- Normal (Level*1, HP*1, ATK*1, Wisdom*1, Accuracy*1, Evasion*1)

- Second (Level*1, HP*1, ATK*1.2, Wisdom*1.2, Accuracy*1.1,


- Hard (Level*1.2, HP*1.2, ATK*1.4, Wisdom*1.3, Accuracy*1.3,


- Mania (Level*1.3, HP*1.5, ATK*1.7, Wisdom*1.6, Accuracy*1.6,


- Unknown (Level*1.6, HP*2, ATK*2.5, Wisdom*2, Accuracy*2,


- Battle Key Customize 戦闘キーカスタマイズ

- Attack 攻撃

- Defend 防御

- Tokugi 特技

- Menu メニュー

- Change Target ターゲット変更

- Tokugi Shortcut 1 特技ショートカット1

- Tokugi Shortcut 2 特技ショートカット2

- Field フィールド

- Camera LR Rotation カメラLR回転

- L Right L

- R Right R

- Airship Reverse 飛行艇リバース

- Off オフ

- On オン

- Sound サウンド


- Sound Effect 効果音

- Battle Voice 戦闘ボイス

- Event Voice イベントボイス

- Panning パン

- Battle Voice 戦闘ボイス

- Off オフ

- On オン

- Event Voice イベントボイス

- Off オフ

- On オン

- Sound Test サウンドテスト

- Menu Background メニュー背景

- Type タイプ

- Color カラー

- Upper Left 左上

- Upper Right 右上

- Lower Left 左下

- Lower Right 左下

- Viewpoint Positioning 視点位置調整

- Standard 基本

- Long ロング

- Looking Down 見下ろし

- Window Color ウィンドウカラー

- Screen Chat Subtitle スクリーンチャット字幕

- Off オフ

- On オン

- Help Display ヘルプ表示

- Off オフ

- On オン

- Enemy Target SP Regular Display 敵ターゲットSP常時表示

- Off オフ

- On オン

- Battle Auto Camera 戦闘オートカメラ

- Off オフ

- On オン

- Active アクティブ

~ Library ライブラリ

- World Map ワールドマップ

- Monster Book モンスター図鑑

- LV

- HP

- Attack 攻撃

- Defense 防御

- Wisdom 知性

- Accuracy 命中

- Evasion 回避

- Luck 幸運

- SP Heal SP回復

- SP Reduce SP軽減

- TP Heal TP回復

- TP Reduce TP軽減

- Defending Count 防御回数


- Gald ガルド

- Earth Attribute 地属性

- Water Attribute 水属性

- Fire Attribute 火属性

- Wind Attribute 風属性

- Light Attribute 光属性

- Darkness Attribute 闇属性

- Special Resistance 特殊抵抗

- Poison

- Weaken

- Paralyze

- Frozen

- Slow

- Time Stop

- Drop Item 落とすアイテム

- Steal Item 盗めるアイテム

- Collector Book コレクター図鑑

- Item 道具

- Item 道具

- Cookware 調理器具

- Food 食材

- Valuable 貴重品

- Weapon 武器

- Sword

- Two Handed 両手

- Staff

- Bow

- Protector 防具

- Armor

- Clothes

- Helmet

- Crown

- Accessory 装身具

- Gauntlet 篭手

- Short Sword 短剣

- Bracelet 腕輪

- Accessory 装飾品

- Exterior 外装

- Shoe

- Illustration Book イラスト本

- Quiz Book クイズ本

~ Item アイテム

- New 新規

- Item 道具

- Item 道具

- Cookware 調理器具

- Food 食材

- Valuable 貴重品

- Weapon 武器

- Sword

- Two Handed 両手

- Staff

- Bow

- Protector 防具

- Armor

- Clothes

- Helmet

- Crown

- Accessory 装身具

- Gauntlet 篭手

- Short Sword 短剣

- Bracelet 腕輪

- Accessory 装飾品

- Exterior 外装

- Shoe

~ Equip 装備

- Weapon 武器

- ATK 攻撃力

- Slot Level スロットレベル

- AIUEO アイウエオ

- Body

- DEF 防御力

- Slot Level スロットレベル

- AIUEO アイウエオ

- Head

- DEF 防御力

- Slot Level スロットレベル

- AIUEO アイウエオ

- Arm

- Defending Count 防御回数

- AIUEO アイウエオ

- Exterior 外装

- Attribute 能力

- AIUEO アイウエオ

- Shoe

- Evasion 回避

- AIUEO アイウエオ

- Accessory 装飾品

- Price(High) 価格()

- Price(Low) 価格()

- AIUEO アイウエオ

~ Refine リファイン

- Item 道具

- Weapon 武器

- Sword

- Two Handed 両手

- Staff

- Bow

- Protector 防具

- Armor

- Clothes

- Helmet

- Crown

- Accessory 装身具

- Accessory 装飾品

- Exterior 外装

- Rune Bottle ルーンボトル

- Lens レンズ

~ Status ステータス

- LV

- HP

- Attack 攻撃

- Defense 防御

- Wisdom 知性

- Accuracy 命中

- Evasion 回避

- Luck 幸運

- SP Heal SP回復

- SP Reduce SP軽減

- TP Heal TP回復

- TP Reduce TP軽減

- Chanting Speed 詠唱速度

- Weapon 武器

- Body

- Head

- Arm

- Exterior 外装

- Shoe

- Accessory 装飾品

- Earth Attribute 地属性

- Water Attribute 水属性

- Fire Attribute 火属性

- Wind Attribute 風属性

- Light Attribute 光属性

- Darkness Attribute 闇属性

- Attack アタック

- Magic マジック

- Skill スキル

- Chain チェイン

- Earth

- Water

- Fire

- Wind

- Light

- Darkness

- For Renaming

- Confirm 決定

- Default デフォルト

- Clear クリア

- Hiragana ひらがな

- Katakana カタカナ


- For Title

- Level Up Bonus レベルアップボーナス

~ Load ロード

~ Save セーブ

~ Gald ガルド

~ Lens レンズ

- Sorcerer Ring Uses 1 Lens

- Sorcerer Scope Uses 3 Lens

~ Encount エンカウント

~ Max Hit 最大ヒット

~ Battle Rank 戦闘ランク

~ Play Time プレイタイム



<Cresta City クレスタの街>

Sub Event: - From Fighting Owl Bear At The Beginning To After Fighting

Barbatos 2, Don't Use Any Gel Item To Get Gel Hater (Title)

- Talk To Joe Or Nelson To Get Loni The Whirlwind (Loni's Title)

- Talk To The Chef In The Inn For Hamburger (Recipe)

- Check The Cage At The Dunamis Orphanage 2F To Name The Hamster

You will end up fighting Owl Bear with Kyle and Loni. After, you will be back

in Cresta. Check the vegetable near the right house for Tomato. If you enter

the right house nearby, check the oven for 2 Bread. At the SW in Cresta, check

the crops for 3 Lettuce. At the east in Cresta, enter the Inn. Within, go check

the pot near the Food Shop for Rice. If you head up to the top, you can get

Leather Mantle.

Once you are ready, go north to the Dunamis Orphanage. Enter the right house to

check the vegetable for Radish and check the bathroom for Apple Gel. After, go

in the left house. Check the left barrel for Cucumber and check the closet in

the stairs for Potato.

Head up to the 2F and go in the left room. Check the left bucket for Orange

Gel and check the right drawers for Apple Gel and Spectacles. To advance, head

in the right room. Check the left bucket for Liquor Bottle and check the right

for Illustration Book. Anyway, exit out to the right.

After, go back up to the 2F and enter the left room to rest. Once you're ready,

exit out Cresta. Go SE to get in the Laguna Ruins.



<Laguna Ruins ラグナ遺跡>

Check the right for 2 Marbling. To advance, enter at the NW. Go on and there is

a Save Point. Check the south to find Life Bottle. Go on and check around for

2 Apple Gel, 2 Lettuce and 2 Bread. To move on, head to the west.

Get near the center and you will get Apple Gel. After, push all the blocks into

machine. You can get Robe, Yoghurt, Mix Gel, Life Bottle, Apple Gel and Milk.

With the Rope, get to the west and you can climb back up.

Go on and there is a Save Point. Near the Save Point, there's a block. Move on

and get down to the block. Pull and push it to the north. That will form a path

for you to get Life Bottle and Merchant Sword. Once you are ready, move on to

fight Buer. After, go on to the end and attempt to back track out.



<Darilsheid Groundwater Way ダリルシェイド地下水路>

Sub Event: - In Cresta, Talk The Mysterious Soldier At West. Pick 3rd, 1st And

1st Choice To Get Self Acknowledged Beginner (Title)

- Screen Chat After Exiting Out Cresta For Jilted Man (Loni's Title)

Over World Item: - Life Bottle (SE Of Darilsheid Or SW Of Cresta)

Judas will join the party. Check for Mix Gel and exit out the room. Enter the

near room to find 2 Milk, 3 Banana and 2 Kiwi. There's a Save Point to the left

and get near the stairs to get Sorcerer Ring. Press R to shoot at the switch

to reveal the hidden path.

Use the Sorcerer Ring to light up the altar which is at the middle. You can go

around to find Life Bottle, 2 Apple Gel and Leather Boots. To advance, move on

to the SW. Go on and check the right for Apple.

Move on and there's a Tool Box. Pick 4th and 2nd choice for the Stone Cutter.

Go on to the left and head up the ladder. You can find Steel Rapier and a Save

Point. Use the Sorcerer Ring to burn all three ropes. Get down and go on to the


Move the statue to the sticky net and burn with the Sorcerer Ring. You will

end up fighting Vassago. After, move on to the end and Judas will leave the


Exit out and go NE to Cresta. Within the Dunamis Orphanage, get near Rutee. Go

down and head toward Rutee. You will get Scale Mail, World Map, Monster Book

and 1000 Gald.

Once you are ready, speak with Loni and exit out Cresta. Out on the Over World,

go west to get to Darilsheid.



<Ancient City Darilsheid 古都ダリルシェイド>

Sub Event: - Within The Inn, Talk To The Chef For Sweet Parfait (Recipe)

- 1st Meeting With Black Wing Near The Food Shop

Over World Item: - Mix Gel (SW Of Harmentz Valley)

Near the Food Shop, check the pot for Sinewy Meat, Lettuce and Bread. Once you

are ready, exit out Darilsheid and go NW to Harmentz Valley.



<Harmentz Valley ハーメンツヴァレー>

Go east to meet the Merchant. Go back and jump down to the south. Jump to the

east and go south to get Leather Mantle. Back track and get down to SW for

Bread and Tomahawk. Go up and jump to the right for the Pendant. Go to the east

to find a Save Point.

Go east and check SE for Lettuce. Go up to the east for Spectacles. Jump to the

west to get Mix Gel. Jump up to NW for Marbling. To get up to the NE, you would

need to use the wind. After, go north to advance.

At the top, go west to find Tuna Gel. Once you are ready, go east to exit out.

Head east to Aigrette.



<Aigrette アイグレッテ> (1)

Sub Event: - Within The Food Shop, Talk To The Chef For Pescatore (Recipe)

Enter a villager house and check the pot for Pasta. Before going to the NE, go

check the north for Panacea Bottle.

Within the Equipment Shop, go up to 2nd floor and check the box for Long Sword.

Exit out and if you take the east ladder, you can push away the cat to get

Orange Gel.

Once you are ready, go in the Inn and talk to the Old Man. Exit out and go back

to the Inn. Talk to the Old Man and exit out. Try to go through the guards.

Go back to the west area. Get up to the roof of the Food Shop. There is another

set of ladder that leads to the west. Get in the cave at the end.



<Straylize Ruins ストレライズ遺跡>

Sub Event: - After Fighting Barbatos 1, Talk To Philia To Get Combo Command

- With Reala And Judas In The Party, Screen Chat For Masked Stalker

(Judas' Title)

- In The Inn Of Aigrette, Speak With The Chef To Play The Waiter

Mini Game

- Clear It With Kyle For Nice Waiter (Kyle's Title) And Gladius

- Clear It With Loni For Good Waiter (Loni's Title) And Cakmak

- Clear It With Judas For Cool Waiter (Judas' Title) And Gladius

- Clear it With Reala For Smile Waitress (Reala's Title) And Mace

Check the left and right for Apple Gel, Holy Bottle and Dark Bottle. You can

press R to shoot at the stones. There's a Save Point and check the back of the

stairs for Apple Gel.

If you go up the stairs, keep shooting at the north wall until it breaks. You

can get 30 Lens, Fabric Glove and Barbuta. Go down stairs and move on to the


To correctly go through the puzzle, follow each letter of the word DESTINY.

Get Trickster and go through the seal.

You will be at the Straylize Temple. There's a Save Point and go east once you

are ready to fight Barbatos 1. After, Judas and Reala will join the party.

Check the lower left for Tuna Gel. If you go back to Straylize Temple, head in

the left building and go up to 2F to check the north for Mix Gel. Anyway, get

back to Aigrette. Exit out at SE and go east to Aigrette Harbor.



<Aigrette Harbor アイグレッテ港>

Go up to the right and you can get on the ship. It costs 400 Gald.



<Fixed Connection Ship 定期連絡船>

There's a Save Point. Exit out and check the near left for Thief's Mantle. Go

to the right and take the stairs up. Get in the right room and check the bed

for Rabbit Symbol.

Anyway, go take the path near the Captain. On the deck, get near the ladder

and go up. After, go back in the ship. From the room with the Save Point, go

left to exit out to the deck. Go up to the left to fight Forneus Tail.

Go back in the ship after. From the room with the Save Point, go right to take

the stairs up. You can take the right ladder down to fight Forneus.

After, go back down with the near left stairs. Go left and exit out to the

deck. Lastly, go back up to speak with the Captain.



<Leane Village リーネの村>

Sub Event: - Check The Mabo Curry Within Lilith's Home For Mabo Curry Lover

(Kyle's Title)

- Check The Window Within Lilith's Home To Find The Peeping Hero

- From 1F Of The Inn, Take The Ladder Up To Talk To Old Man Bob.

Pick 1st Choice Four Times Or 2nd Choice Two Times For Random But

Small Amount Of Gald. You Can Exit And Enter Back To Repeat

- Set The Battle Rank At Hard Or Above And Talk To The Verdictor At

The East To Get Moon Selector ムーンセレクター (Press Select To

Change Character In Battle)

- Within The Inn, Talk To The Chef To Get Omelet Rice (Recipe)

You will end up in Leane Village. Within Lilith's Home, check the closet near

Reala for Apron Dress. Check the east in the house for Silver Ladle & Hunter's

Mantle. Exit out once you are ready.

Within the Inn, check the west for Stripe Ribbon and Apple Gel. To advance,

speak with an Old Man and an Old Woman within the village. After, get back to

Lilith's Home.

Exit out and talk to Reala around the middle of the village. Head back to

Lilith's Home. You will get some Food, Collector Book and Moon Gradius. Refine

will be available from now on. Exit out the village once you are ready.



<A Ridge Of White Clouds 白雲の屋根>

Sub Event: - Reenter The Mountain Hut For Fried Food (Recipe)

Check the west for Treasure Dress & south for Rosemary. There are entrances to

caves that lead to Liquor Bottle, Rune Bottle, Mix Gel, Miso, Charm Bottle and

Lavender. You will end up at the south. Go east to cross the bridge.

Within the Mountain Hut, check for Holy Bottle and Life Bottle. Continue on and

go through a cave for Mix Gel, Holy Bottle, All Divide and Mix Gel. Before you

go SE toward Noischtat, explore the NE for Savory.



<Noischtat ノイシュタット>

Sub Event: - 2nd Meeting With Black Wing At Upper NW

- Within The Food Shop, Talk To The Chef To Get Risotto (Recipe)

- Take The Lower NW Path To The Arena

- Single Battle Elementary Level (Male)

- Vorpal Weapon

- Single Battle Intermediate Level (Male)

- Mind Cry

- Single Battle Advanced Level (Male)

- Greek Fire

- Single Battle Mania Level (Male)

- Storm Bringer, Champion (Title)

- Single Battle Elementary Level (Female)

- Flange

- Single Battle Intermediate Level (Female)

- Shock Wave

- Single Battle Advanced Level (Female)

- Ignis

- Single Battle Mania Level (Female)

- Notus, Champion (Title)

- Tag Battle Elementary Level

- Task Force

- Tag Battle Intermediate Level

- Reverse Doll

- Tag Battle Advanced Level

- Resist Ring

- Tag Battle Mania Level

- Fairy Ring, Tag Champion (Title)

- Near The Northern House, Speak With Mahha Youth And The Entry

Girl For The Noischtat Race

- Clear It With Kyle For Mahha Youth (Kyle's Title)

- Clear It With Loni For Mahha Brother (Loni's Title)

- Clear It With Judas For Mahha Mask (Judas's Title)

- Clear It With Reala For Mahha Girl (Reala's Title)

- Clear It With Nanaly For Mahha Sister (Nanaly's Title)

- Clear It With Harold For Intelligent And Beautiful Fast Runner

(Harold's Title)

From the fountain at the center, check the near SE barrels for Tuna Gel. Within

the northern house, check the desk for Gold Bracelet. If you go to the NW, you

will get to the Arena. Go in the west room and check the box on the desk for

Mix Gel.

Once you are ready, go NE to the harbor and speak with the crowd. Back track

and enter the northern house. Speak with the Merchant and exit out Noischtat

once you are ready. Go west to find Oberon Abandoned Mine.



<Oberon Abandoned Mine オベロン社廃坑>

Sub Event: - From The Entrance, Go Left To Find Cheese Cake (Recipe)

Enter the near left room for 3 Carrot and 3 Onion. Go up to the left and back

track. Go take the middle path and there's a Save Point. Search the south for

3 Cabbage and Orange Gel. Search the north for 3 Cheese and Apple Gel. Search

the west for 3 Rice. As for the Lens Engine, you need to put in 200 Lens.

Go on to the east and you can find 59 Lens around. Before anything, make sure

you push off the boat. It will float off to the west. Before you head back to

the west, check out the east for 181 Lens, Troll Mail and Van Brace.

Once the Lens Engine is on, go back to the entrance area. Go left up and before

you check the PC, hit both levers first. After you check the PC, a bomb will

appear and drop down to the boat below. Back track and get the bomb off the

boat by picking the 1st choice. You can get the bomb near the rubbles. Use the

Sorcerer Ring to set it off but don't up to the right yet.

Go back up to the left and get another bomb down. Instead of getting the bomb

off the boat, pick the 2nd choice to push the boat back to where it was. Follow

the boat to the east and get it off. Get it to the NW cracked wall and set off

the bomb. This will reveal the path to get Feet Symbol and Flamberg.

Once you are ready, go back to the entrance area and go right up. Check the

device and you may go back to hit the PC for another bomb. This time, the plate

will catch the bomb. Get the bomb to the cracked wall near the stairs. Set it

off and move on once you are ready.

Go back to Noischtat and talk to the Merchant. You can go NE to speak with the

Captain. On the ship, exit out the room and go left out to the deck. Go around

to the east to find Judas and you will end up in Snowfreer.



<Snowfreer スノーフリア>

Sub Event: - You Can Find Broad Sword At North But You Need To Pay 4000 Gald

- Within The Inn, Talk To The Chef To Get Roll Cabbage (Recipe)

Over World Item: - Tuna Gel (North Of Snowfreer)

- Charm Bottle (West Of Snowfreer)

Check the south snowman for Rabbit Symbol. Within the Food Shop, check the

north barrel for Tuna. Exit out once you are ready.

To advance, go NW for Heidelberg. If you go further to the NW, you can find

Chelsea's Hut.



<Chelsea's Hut チェルシーの小屋>

Sub Event: - Speak With Chelsea And You Need Scope. The Amount Of Scope Chelsea

Wants Depends On How Many You Have. Whatever Amount You Have,

Chelsea Wants One More. If You Don't Have Any, You Only Need One.

If You Have Nine, Chelsea Wants Ten. There Is One Exception And

That's If You Have The Maximum Amount The Game Allows You. Anyway,

You Can Buy Scope When You Get To Heidelberg

Over World Item: - All Divide (South Of Chelsea's Hut Or West Of Heidelberg)

Check the closet for Hunter Bow. Exit out once you are ready.



<Heidelberg ハイデルベルグ>

Sub Event: - Head In The Equipment Shop And Speak With Winters

- Make Sure You Have Sashimi Knife 柳刃包丁, Fluted Knife 三徳包丁,

Vegetable Knife 菜切り包丁 And Meat Knife 牛刀包丁. Within The

Castle, Talk To The Chef To Get Wandering Kitchen Knife (Title)

- Within The Heidelberg Castle, Speak With The Minister Of Finance

When You Have Less Than 1000 Gald To Get Straight Poverty (Title)

- At The Area Before Heidelberg Castle, 3rd Meeting With Black Wing

At The East

- Within The Heidelberg Castle, Speak With The Minister Of Finance

When You Have More Than 9 Million Gald To Get Big Millionaire


- Within The Food Shop, Talk To The Chef To Get Jam Toast (Recipe)

Within the Equipment Shop, check the lower right for Apron Dress. Exit out and

move on to the NW. At the area before the castle, check the west snowman for

Mix Gel.

Within the castle, check the west for Cheese, Marbling, Mix Gel, Apple Gel,

Orange Gel and Egg. Go on to the NW and check the west for Life Bottle, Sinewy

Meat, Rune Bottle, Cabbage, Holy Symbol and Twirling Stick.

After, go on to NW to meet with Woodrow. Check the back room and back toward

Woodrow. Attempt to exit out the castle and go back toward the castle. At the

area before the castle, go NE to the park.

Once you are ready, go NW to find a Save Point. Head in and keep fighting off

enemies. At the end, you will fight Sabnock and Ose.



<Aigrette アイグレッテ> (2)

Sub Event: - Within The Inn, Talk To The Chef To Get Meat Loaf (Recipe)

- Make Sure Your Total Proficiency In Cooking Is At Least 9. At The

Aigrette Harbor, Talk To The Chef To Get Neapolitan (Recipe)

You will time warp to 10 years later. Enter Aigrette and get near the statue.

Once you are ready, head straight to the Straylize Temple. Enter the cathedral

and get near Nanaly. After, Nanaly will join the party.

Head back to Aigrette and exit out at SE. Go on to the Aigrette Harbor and take

the ship to Cherik. On the ship, head out to the deck from the east.



<Cherik チェリク>

Sub Event: - Within The Northern Villager House, Talk To The Chef And Pay 6850

Gald For Seafood Curry (Recipe)

- Within The Inn, Talk To The Chef To Get Fruit Juice (Recipe)

Check the lower right house for Tuna Gel and go north. Explore near the fish

for Apple Gel. Head in the near house and search the pot on the 2F for Rune

Bottle. If you exit out at the west, search the boat for All Divide. Exit out

at the north once you are ready. Go on to the SW to Heat River.



<Heat River ヒートリバー>

Over World Item(After Heat River): - Reverse Doll (North Of Heat River)

- Hourglass (West Of Heat River)

- Lemon Gel (SE Of Hope Town)

Move along the path and collect Hell Fire on the way. At the area with Heat

Wave, search thoroughly for Mix Gel, Dark Bottle, Apple Gel, Cotton Kilt,

Orange Gel and Life Bottle. To avoid a Heat Wave, stand behind a rock. A bit

north from where you get Cotton Kilt, there is a hole. Fall down to get 3

Sinewy Meat, Flare Mantle and 3 Potato. There's a Save Point and get back up

once you are ready. Go on to the north to fight Vepar.

After, back track and go south through the Heat Wave again. Since the water has

been depleted, you can check the south for Double Blade and check the north for

3 Butter and 3 Carrot.

Continue to back track and you may cross the bridge since the water has been

depleted. Out on the Over World, go on to the NW to Hope Town.



<Hope Town ホープタウン>

Sub Event: - Within Nanaly's Home, You Can Get Quiz Book

- Correctly Answer All Questions Of Tales Of Destiny 2 For Quiz

King (Kyle's Title)

- Within the Inn, Talk To The Chef To Steak (Recipe)

- After Eating In Nanaly's Home, Screen Chat For Sub Mission User

(Nanaly's Title)

- After Getting The Quiz Book, Get On The Fixed Connection Ship To

Anywhere. Within The Room With A Save Point, Check The Desk For

Tales Of Eternia Quiz Questions

- After Getting The Quiz Book, Get Back To Aigrette And Head To The

Straylize Temple. Head Up To The 3F Of The West Building. Check

The East Bookshelf For Tales Of Destiny 1 Quiz Questions

Enter the Inn and check the north box for Elixir. Exit out and go to the NE to

get in Nanaly's Home. You can find Pine Gel in the north drawer. Once you are

ready, head toward the NW. Within the General Shop, take the ladder up and go

check near the fence for Hourglass.

Afterward, go south toward Luu's Grave and go back to Nanaly's Home. Exit out

Hope Town and go east to Trash Mountain.



<Trash Mountain トラッシュマウンテン>

Sub Event: - Within The House Before The Exit, You Can Find Fish Pot (Recipe)

Over World Item(After Trash Mountain): - Pine Gel (SE Of Trash Mountain)

- Basilisk Scale (SE Of Trash Mountain)

- Rune Bottle (East Of Trash Mountain)

- Meat Knife (East Of Kalviola)

- Elixir (NE Of Kalviola)

Push the blocks into the machine for Miracle Gel, Tuna and Basilisk Scale. When

you move the blocks, try to avoid the gas. Otherwise, you will get Sinewy Meat,

Mix Gel and Tuna Gel instead. Before you move on to the west, be sure to get

Flare Mantle.

Push the blocks into the machine for Paralyze Check, Miso and Elixir. Similar

to before, avoid the gas or you will get Poison Check, Butter and Hourglass

instead. After, take the stairs down. Go on and there's a Save Point. Separate

the rocks to find Fame Faith. Check the east for Mesh Boots and check the west

for 4 Panacea Bottle.

Go on to the north and check the left for Garland. To advance, go right up.

Check around for 3 Lettuce and 3 Bread. Go up and move to the east to kick the

block down. Don't back track yet. Go on to the east to kick down another block.

You may back track to push those blocks into the machine for Belserium and

another Belserium. Be sure to avoid the gas or you will get Spectacles and

another Spectacles instead.

Anyway, enter the house to advance. Red Switch equals 1, Green Switch equals

3 and Blue Switch equals 5. Red and Green would add up to 4 which opens up the

left door that requires 4. Use that idea to turn on and off switches. You can

find Emerald Ring, Wedding Dress, Lemon Gel and Sinewy Meat. After, exit out at

the north.

Out on the Over World, enter Kalviola at the NE.



<Kalviola Holy Place 聖地カルビオラ>

Sub Event: - Within The Library And Museum Of Heidelberg, Check The Books For

Tales Of Phantasia Quiz Questions

- Buy Scope In Heidelberg And Get Back To Chelsea. You Will Get

Moon Hunter Bow. Speak With Chelsea Again And You Need Pickaxe.

The Amount Of Pickaxe Chelsea Wants Depends On How Many You Have.

Whatever Amount You Have, Chelsea Wants One More. If You Don't

Have Any, You Only Need One. If You Have Nine, Chelsea Wants Ten.

There's One Exception And That's If You Have The Maximum Amount

The Game Allows You. Anyway, You Can Buy Pickaxe In Hope Town

Later Unless You Already Bought Maximum Amount From Hope Town

Already. If You Did, You Will Get Dragoon Battle Bow And She Will

Ask For Hammer Which You Can Buy In Aquaveil Later

- Go Back To Noischtat And If You Are On Second Playthrough Or On,

Check The Board Near The Fountain For Tales Of Destiny 2 Quiz


- If You Did Get The Two Belserium In Trash Mountain, Save The Game

Before You Speak With Winters In Heidelberg. For Each Belserium,

You Get 1 Out Of The 4 Sets Of Items

- Scepter, Tiara, Fantasy Dress, Braced Ribbon, Deck Brush, Apron


- The Chance Is 511/1024

- Gold Bracelet, Veil, Wedding Dress, Scepter, Tiara, Fantasy


- The Chance Is 288/1024

- Reverse Doll, Paralyze Check, Poison Check

- The Chance Is 199/1024

- Soul Crush Wand

- The Chance Is 24/1024

Go in and there's a Save Point. Take either path down and you can find Life

Bottle and Mix Gel. Sorcerer Ring the central object and you will fight 2 Monk

and 2 Cleric.

Head in and you will time warp back to the Present Time. Go to the Heidelberg

Castle and go to the Audience Room. Check the back room and exit out. Check

the back room again for Bridge Head. After, go back toward Woodrow and exit out

the Audience Room.

Go west to the Guess Room and speak with the Soldier to rest. After, head back

to Woodrow and exit out Heidelberg at the end. Once you are ready, head to the

SW to the Ground Army Base Former Site.



<Ground Army Base Former Site 地上軍拠点跡地>

Get Rice and enter the left house. There's a Save Point and search nearby for

the Sapling. Exit out and go north. Get the Egg at east and plant the Sapling

at near south. There are two houses you can enter but ignore the left one. Head

in the NE house.

Get the Marbling and remember the Fireplace in this area. Go on and get the

Carrot on the way. Get Jack Frost and search the NW for Focke Wolf. You can go

up or take the lower right path. Take the lower right to move on. Check the

near left for Mental Bangle and go straight to an Ice Block. Use Sorcerer Ring

to destroy it. Go back one area and take the ladder up.

Once you are outside, check SW for All Divide. Enter the east for Potato and

go enter the west. Go down to get the Coal. With the Coal, get back to the

Fireplace. Put the Coal in and use the Sorcerer Ring to set it on fire. Back

track up and enter the west. Get Fafnir and push the statue to the left. Head

down to the last area to find the IXY Vossler.

You will end up in Straylize Temple and a quick fight against 2 Centurion. Go

get Sashimi Knife and there's a Save Point. Go on and check the NW for Steel

Fry Pan. Go south and move along the path.

Within the building, get Cheese and head down. Get Lettuce and head down again.

Get Cucumber and exit out at the east. Climb up the two ladders for Dark Bottle

and Zephyrus. Before you enter the cathedral, check the NE for Bread. Within

the cathedral, you will fight Elrane 1.

After, exit out and Philia will give you the Sorcerer Scope. Enter back the

west building. Sorcerer Scope near the PC for Belserium. Go up and Sorcerer

Scope the west for Basilisk Scale. Go up and Sorcerer Scope the west for

Magical Pot マジカルポット (Infinite Usage, 3 Minutes In Between):

Very Easy To Get: Various Food, Orange Gel, Panacea Bottle, Apple Gel, Life

Bottle, Spectacles

Easy To Get: Holy Bottle, Pine Gel, Flare Bottle, Dark Bottle, All Divide,

Liquor Bottle, Lemon Gel, Rune Bottle

Little Hard To Get: Mix Gel, Miracle Gel, Tuna Gel

Hard To Get: Charm Bottle, Basilisk Scale, Various Herbs (Standard Series)

Very Hard To Get: Elixir, Hourglass, Various Herbs (Red Series)

Once you are ready, back track all the way to the IXI Vossler.



<Lumina Draconis 飛行竜>

Within, there's a Save Point. Go south and take the left warp. Get Mix Gel and

Sorcerer Scope the device to fight 2 Astral. Head back to the area with the

Save Point.

Check the SW Treasure Chest to fight Fake for Apple Gel. Go on to the NW and

you can find Esperancer and Lemon Gel. Sorcerer Ring the device to fight 2

Astral. After, go back to the area with the Save Point.

Take the NE path and use Sorcerer Ring to kill the Mother Cell that's at the

east. Go on to get Over Lord and Belle. Sorcerer Scope the device to fight 2

Astral. Go back to the area with the Save Point.

Take the SE lift after using Sorcerer Scope. Go down the ladders to get Pile

Driver. As you back track up, recover all the ladders. Around the middle, use

ladders to get down for Scarlet Needle. Go back up one ladder and recover the

last ladder. Use that last ladder to get down to the left for Sweet Breast.

Go up the long ladder and ignore the platform to the right. Recover the ladder

that's at the left. Use that ladder near the platform. You can now recover all

four ladders as you move up. Use all four ladders to get to lower left for

Adept Culotte. Ride the nearby platform up to move on. Get Force Ring and Life

Bottle. Sorcerer Scope the device to fight 2 Astral. Back track to the area

with the Save Point.

Once you are ready, go north to fight Glasya Labolas. After, you will have ten

minutes to escape. Take the SE lift and go down to fight Fake for Apple Gel.

Make your way down to the lower left lift. Near the lift, there is a switch.

Sorcerer Scope and hit the switch. Use the lift to get up and Sorcerer Scope

the right for the Emergency Exit. On the way, fight Fake for Vitality Cloak.

Move on for Happy Helm and Dash Tiara. Go up and fight Fake for Warrior Mail.

Go on to exit out.



<Cave Of Seashore 海岸の洞窟>

Over World Item: - Rosemary (NE Of Vangelo)

Check the Treasure Chest for Gald. The amount depends on how much time you have

left when you exit out Lumina Draconis. If you ignore it and come back later,

you will get a fix amount which is 500 Gald.

Anyway, you are in the Changed Present Time. Exit out and there's a Save Point.

Move on and use the Sorcerer Scope to thoroughly explore for Saffron, Rosemary,

Verbena, Savory, Sage, Camomile and Lavender.

Out on the Over World, get in Vangelo once you are ready.



<Vangelo 蒼天都市ヴァンジェロ>

Sub Event: - After Vangelo, Screen Chat For Masculine Woman (Nanaly's Title)

Over World Item: - Holy Bottle (South Of Vangelo)

Go north and enter the east room. Go up and head NW to advance. At the end, you

may exit out.

Out on the Over World, go south to cross the river. Move on and cross another

river to the west. Continue to the west to find the Wreckage Of Aeropolice.



<Wreckage Of Aeropolice 空中都市の残骸>

Over World Item: - Arc Wind (North Of Wreckage Of Aeropolice, Require Sorcerer


- Good Grace (SE Of Wreckage Of Aeropolice, Require Sorcerer)


- Copper Fry Pan (SE Path Of Wreckage Of Aeropolice, South Of


- Rainbow (SE Path Of Wreckage Of Aeropolice, SE Of Vangelo,

Require Sorcerer Scope)

- Miracle Gel (SE Path Of Wreckage Of Aeropolice, SE Of


There is nothing interesting but you can rest here. Out on the Over World, go

west to the Uncivilized Woods.



<Uncivilized Woods 未開の森>

Over World Item: - Copper Pot (North Of Uncivilized Woods)

Move on to the east and use Sorcerer Ring to clear the rotten grasses. Check

around for Elixir and Mental Ring. Go on to the NE to advance. You can try to

use the Sorcerer Ring on the poisoned grasses but it won't work.

Go back to the west to touch and fight Galm. In order to limit their movement,

you can use Sorcerer Scope at the rotten grasses to make holes and push off


Once you've obtained 5 Galm Fangs, go back to the poisoned grass. Check around

for Earth Link and Schlacht Feld.

Out on the Over World, head in Speranza once you are ready.



<Speranza 紅蓮都市スペランツァ>

Sub Event: - Before Going To Realta, Go In The North Room. Talk To An Old Man

And Pick The 1st Choice

Over World Item: - Charm Bottle (South Of Speranza)

Check around the middle for Deep Mist. To advance, enter the west and move on

up to the Projecting Device. After, exit out Speranza.

Out on the Over World, go south to cross the river. To advance, go to the SE to




<Realta 黄昏都市レアルタ>

Sub Event: - If You Did Speak With The Old Man In Speranza, Talk To RE-54609

In The Right House To Get Elixir

- Within The Middle House, Check The Upper Right For Foil Roast


Over World Item: - Unicorn Horn (SW Of Shrine Of Light, Require Sorcerer Scope)

- Tuna Gel (East Of Shrine Of Light)

Speak with the villager and exit out. To advance, enter the NW house and move

on up. Sorcerer Scope near the wall that's surrounded by flame. Within, check

the middle Projecting Device.

After, exit out Realta. Out on the Over World, check the north for a path that

leads up to the top of the mountain. At the top, you will find Shrine Of Light.



<Shrine Of Light 光のほこら>

Upon entering, you will be taken to Dycroft.



<Dycroft ダイクロフト> (1)

Sub Event: - After Meeting With Elrane And If You Are On 2nd Playthrough Or On,

Control Judas And Use His Hi-Ougi Girenshoureizan. Hold Down The

Circle Button And There Is 50% Chance For Majinrengokusatsu

- Exit Out To The Field From Dycroft, Screen Chat For Mysterious

Detective (Loni's Title)

There's a Save Point and go on to fight Dantalion and 2 Sage. Go on to the end

to meet with Elrane.

Within the World Of Dream, go toward the Dunamis Orphanage. Get near Nanaly and

go south toward Luu's Grave.



<Ground Army Base 地上軍拠点>

Sub Event: - After Fighting HRX-2, Check HRX-2 For Battle Suit

- Within Radislowe, Speak With The Chef At The Bottom Level For

Borscht (Recipe)

- Within Harold's Room In Radislowe, Check The Keyboard To Get

Weirdo (Harold's Title)

- Within Karell's Room In Radislowe, Check The Book On The Desk For

Various Quiz Questions

- Answer All Genre Of Quiz Questions For Mister Quiz (Kyle's


- After Harold Joins The Party, Screen Chat For Eccentric (Harold's


Over World Item: - Miracle Gel (South Of Ground Army Base)

- Vegetable Knife (SW Of Goods Depository)

- Rune Bottle (South Of Goods Depository)

You will time warp to the War Of Heaven And Earth. Go up to fight HRX-2 and

Harold will join the party.

If you go on to the NW and enter the west house, go down to check the PC for

Rune Bottle and use Sorcerer Scope to find Belserium.

Once you are ready, go on to the north. After, exit out the Ground Army Base.

Out on the Over World, go east to the Goods Depository.



<Goods Depository 物資保管所>

Sub Event: - After Going Back To Ground Base Army And Harold Leaves The Party,

Enter The East And Talk To The Darkness Merchant. He Will Sell You

Stuff Because Harold Isn't Around

- After Going Back To Ground Base Army And Resting At Karell's Room,

Screen Chat For Child Faced (Harold's Title)

There's a Save Point and enter once you are ready. When you are inside, keep in

mind that you can only stay up to 10 minutes. Anyway, get Lemon Gel and Protect

Ring. Take the east ladder down and push all the blocks into the machine. You

can get Elixir, Freeze Check, Life Bottle, Cell Chip and Orange Gel.

Get back up and go straight to east. On the way, get Carrot and continue to

move on. Get Minotaurs and head up the stairs. Get Lettuce and Camomile. Make

sure you get the Gene Chip from the container. Go on to the west. Get Cucumber

and move on to the west further.

Explore for Strike Eagle and Potato. Check the left container for Bio Chip. Go

take the stairs down and check the container for the Master Key. BTW, you can

exit out and come back in to reset the timer if you wish.

From the entrance area, go east down and check the container for the Bio Key.

Go back up and head to the east. Go on and make your way up stairs to the 2F.

Go west and at the last room, check the lower right container for the Cell Key.

With Cell, Bio and Master Key, go back down to 1F and head to the most east

area. Check the container and you may exit out. Before going back to Ground

Army Base, go up to the 2F and go west all the way to find Ice Coffin.

Back at the Ground Army Base, go NW and Harold will leave the party for now.

Once you are ready, go back in Radislowe. Within, go down and enter Karell's

Room to rest.

After, go back up and exit out Radislowe. Enter the near west and go down to

the Hangar. Speak with Dimlos and pick the 1st choice.



<Dycroft ダイクロフト> (2)

Sub Event: - After Dycroft And When You Are In Goods Depository, Speak With

Harold In The Swordian Lab For Piyohan

Over World Item: - Task Force (Far East Of Spiral Cave, Require Sorcerer Scope)

- Hourglass (West Of Spiral Cave)

- Red Verbena (NE Of Spiral Cave)

- Miracle Charm (East Of Spiral Cave)

You will end up fighting 2 Astral. There's a Save Point and go east once you

are ready. Go on and at the 1st intersection, go north and east for Apple Gel

and Isolde. There is also a ladder at east which leads to Weak Check. After,

go south to move on.

At the next intersection, go east and take the ladder down for Orange Gel. Go

on to the south for another intersection. Go west for Spectacles and move on

to the east. You will come to another intersection. The east got another ladder

that leads to Lemon Gel. After, go south and take the west for Specter War Bow.

To move on, go on to the east.

Make your way to the west for Pine Gel and move around to the NW to find Flare

Bottle. Continue to the north and explore for Rune Blade, Hourglass and Knight


After, go to the SE to advance. On the way, you can find Chieftain. Continue on

to the east and check the left room to find Belserium. Exit out and go on to

come to a Save Point. Head in to fight Avenger and Magus.

After fighting for 5 minutes, exit out and go west to the 1st area of Dycroft.

You will end up in the Ground Army Base. Exit out and go to Goods Depository.

Harold will leave the party temporarily and you may go back to the Ground Army

Base. Within Radislowe, go down to the west to speak with Dimlos.

Once you are ready, exit out Ground Army Base. Out on the Over World, you can

find Spiral Cave at the north of Ground Army Base.



<Spiral Cave スパイラルケイブ>

Sub Event: - After Exiting Spiral Cave, Screen Chat For Zwordian Mazder (Kyle's


Go on and search the east for Yogurt. Go down to get Winged Boots and Sage. Go

on to south to find Shadow Fang. Sorcerer Scope the nearby for Belserium. Go

on and get Red Verbena.

Go on and get Butter. Head down the ladder to find Mason Ware and Lemon. Move

on to east to find Egg, Mercy Helm and Sorcerer Scope for Belserium. Go on to

the west to find Milk and Boreas.

There's a Save Point and go on to the end to fight Halphas. After, Sorcerer

Scope to find Belserium. You may go back to the Ground Army Base.

Within the Ground Army Base, head toward Radislowe and you will end up in the

Goods Depository. Go east all the way to the Swordian Lab. Exit out and you

will be back at the Ground Army Base. Head in Radislowe and go down to Karell's

Room to rest. At the end, head up and you will end up in Dycroft.



<Dycroft ダイクロフト> (3)

Sub Event: - After Beating Barbatos 2 And If You Haven't Used Any Gel Since The

Beginning Of The Game, You Will Get Gel Hater (Title). If You Are

Equipping Moon Selector, Press Any Button To Hold The Result

Screen. Press Select Till All Four Characters To Get Gel Hater.

Unfortunately, You Need Another Playthrough For The Remaining

Two Characters

Search around for Cheese, Lettuce and Flare Bottle. To advance, go on to the

south. Search thoroughly to get Merc Mail, Angel Circlet, Life Bottle, Angel

Bracelet, Bread, Wind Force, Laurel and Cucumber.

Move on to fight or avoid enemies for four minutes. After, exit and enter back

this room to find Restful Plate at north. To advance, take the lift down. Speak

with all soldiers to get Thinking Rod, Flac Sword, Chance Leather, Nimble

Hunter Bow and Strength Poleax.

There's a Save Point and go on to fight Barbatos 2 once you are ready. After,

go back to the area with Radislowe. You may take the east warp.



<Outside Husks 外殻>

You will time warp to 18 years ago of the Present Time. Go on and at the first

intersection, go west for Elixir and Miracle Gel. Go on to the north and pick

up Lavender on the way.

Continue to the west and at the intersection, go west for Red Camomile. Head

down to the south and check the east for Sharp Tabar. Continue on to the south

and at the next intersection, go east for Illuminate Rod. Make your way to the

NE for Earthenware Pot. After, go on to the west.

Move on and head down to south. Check the NE for Meat Knife. Go on to the

south and check the NW for Serene Falx. Once you are ready, go on to the SW to

enter Dycroft.



<Dycroft ダイクロフト> (4)

Sub Event: - After Getting Back To Heidelberg, You Can Speak With Winters Since

You Have Some Belserium. Be Sure To Save The Game Before Doing So.

For Each Belserium, You Can Get 1 Out Of The 8 Sets Of Items

- Aqua Mantle, Breast Ribbon, Mehdi Blouse, Scepter, Tiara,

Fantasy Dress, Deck Brush

- The Chance Is 128/1024

- Wet Suit, Flare Skirt, Pareo, Gold Bracelet, Veil, Wedding Dress

- The Chance Is 171/1024

- Dark Roar, Relic Beret, Gorgeous Mantle, Belle, China Dress

- The Chance Is 149/1024

- Rabbit Symbol, Reverse Doll, Misty Symbol

- The Chance Is 149/1024

- Piyohan, Reverse Doll, Black Onix

- The Chance Is 149/1024

- Heal Bangle, Reverse Doll, Fairy Ring

- The Chance Is 99/1024

- Rune Bottle, Red Verbena, Full Plate, Miso, Parrying Dagger,

Fluted Knife, Grim Sword, Holy Bottle, Cutie Mitten

- The Chance Is 99/1024

- Mam Vein

- The Chance Is 24/1024

- After Getting Back To Heidelberg, Get On The Fixed Connection Ship

To Anywhere. Talk To The Captain For Stamp Card. At This Point Of

The Game, There Are Only Snowfreer <-> Noischtat Routes. You Can

Get 2 Stamps And You Need 6 Stamps

- After Getting Back To Heidelberg, Go To The Inn In Noischtat. Talk

To Sakuraba Near The Piano And Pick The 2nd Choice For The

Sakuraba Solo In ToD2 (3 Minutes And 24 Seconds)

- After Getting Back To Heidelberg, Go Toward The Noischtat Arena To

See Riml. Keep Going Into The Audience Seats Till You See Riml.

Exit Out The Arena And Back To Noischtat. Reenter Noischtat And

Speak With Riml Near The Northern House. Exit Out And Enter Back

Noischtat. Head To The Audience Seats In The Arena. Exit Out And

Enter Back Noischtat Again. Clear The Single Battle Advanced Level

With Kyle And Riml Will Show Up Randomly To Challenge Kyle. Defeat

Riml To Get Grand Champion (Kyle's Title). Riml Drops Excalibur

And Golden Helm, As Well As Having Gold Fry Pan For You To Steal

Upon entering, you will fight Tiamat. After, there's a Save Point and Life

Bottle. Head down stairs once you are ready.

Search for Potato and Sinewy Meat. Move on to the NE and you can find Butter

on the way. Go on up and get Lemon Gel on the way. Continue to go up and search

for Misty Symbol, Carrot and Pine Gel.

Continue on to search for Potato, Isleberg and Messerschmitt. Move on up and

there is a Save Point. Search around for Mage Finger, Elven Boots and Griffins

Taron. Once you are ready, go on to fight Barbatos 3.

You will time warp to the Present Time. Go to the Heidelberg Castle to meet

with Woodrow. Head to the west to rest and go to the park after. Head back to

the west in the castle and exit out Heidelberg afterward. To advance, go SW to

the Ground Army Base Former Site. Head into the hangar to find the IXY Vossler.

You will time warp to 10 years later. Exit out the Straylize Temple and head to

Aigrette. Sorcerer Scope near the Food Shop for Red Savory. After, exit out and

go to the Aigrette Harbor. Take the ship to Cherik and exit out. Go on to the

north to Kalviola.



<Kalviola Holy Place/Catacomb 聖地カルビオラ/カタコンベ>

Sub Event: - After Fighting Gaap And Obtain IXY Vossler, Screen Chat For Bug

Mania (Harold's Title)

There's a Save Point and head down once you are ready. Go north and you will be

in the Catacomb.

Go on down and enter the first room for Heaven's Sinclair. Go on down and enter

the lower room for Bahamut Tear and Eurus. Before you enter the upper room, go

check the right for Apple Gel.

To get rid of the spider web, use Sorcerer Ring. Go down to get Marble Rabbit

Bow. Exit out and go up for Lecture Plate. Move on and enter the gate at the


Within the Gate Of Reincarnation, get Envy Sage. There are four paths around.

NE leads to Altar Of Darkness, SE leads to Altar Of Punishment, NW leads to

Altar Of Sin and SW leads to Altar Of Death. Follow that order to light up

the candle in each altar. You can find Basis Dress, Major Tiara, Mason Cask

and Salamander Breath.

After, go back to the Gate Of Reincarnation. Sorcerer Ring at the Bell and you

you can go on to north. You can find Fairy Ring and a Save Point. On the way

to the north, you can find Elixir, Hourglass, Red Lavender and Red Sage. At

the end, you will fight Gaap.

Get near Elrane and you will time warp back to the Present Time. After, you

will get the IXY Vossler. Head to Heidelberg to speak with Woodrow and head to

Straylize Temple to speak with Philia. Before you go to Cresta to speak with

Rutee, go to Leane to speak with Lilith.

Head to the Laguna Ruins and move to the last area. You will be back at the

Dunamis Orphanage. Exit out and you will be on the IXY Vossler. To advance, fly

to the NE of Hope Town to get in the Egg Of God.



<Egg Of God 神のたまご>

Sub Event: - If This Is Your 2nd Playthrough Or On and Have More Than One

Million Gald, The Final Merchant Will Be Near The Last Save Point

Within, there's a Save Point. Check the north of the statue for Belserium. Go

on to explore around for Verbena and Soul Steel. There are many paths you can

take and start with the SW path.

Slowly walk around to step on all the switches. You can find Angel Ring and

Avoid Ring Mail. After, back track and take the upper path at the east. You

can find Red Camomile. Go back and there are two more major paths you need to

take. They are the West path and the most NE path. Let's go NE first.

Go on and before going further to the east, go south for Elite Poleax. As for

the next puzzle, use the Sorcerer Ring to hit the Red Ball once, Blue Ball

once and the Green Ball once. Since you will be moving, so make sure you get

your position right. You will end up at NW. Get off and hit the Red Ball

nearby twice. Get on and hit the nearby Blue Ball once. You will be moving to

the east. Make sure you hit the next Red Ball twice and get off. At the north,

get on and hit the next Green Ball once. Lastly, hit the next Blue Ball twice

and step on the switch at the end. If you ride the right platform and hit the

Green Ball thrice at north, you can get Heavenly Garb. Back track to the large

area and go west.

Go on and at the intersection, go south for Red Sage. Go on to the north and

for the puzzle, change to small and change back to jump across for Ritual

Scepter. Change to small and move on to the NW for Thinking Crown. If you go

change back and step on the north path, it will collapse. While you are small,

move around to the east for a switch. Go back and change back to big. Step on

the switch at west. Go up and change back to small and drop down to SW. Take

the right platform while you are small. After, take the left block and step on

the last switch. Anyway, back track to the large area and you may go south.

Get Holy Symbol and move in the mirror. For the near right item, you need to

fight Cheap Trick for Trading Card. Head up from the left for Miracle Gel and

Save Point. There are three paths you can take. Take the lower right for Lemon

Gel and fight Cheap Trick for Trading Card. Go back and take the upper right

path. Go on to the Room Of Fragment(Judas) and you will need to fight Dead

General using Judas only. After, you will get a Derris Emblem Fragment. Go on

to find Jet Boots, Tuna Gel and fight Cheap Trick for Trading Card. Back track

to the area with the Save Point.

Take the west path this time. Go right for Savory and go on to the left. You

will be at the Room Of Fragment(Nanaly) and you will need to fight Fenrir with

Nanaly only. After, you will get a Derris Emblem Fragment. Go on and fight

Cheap Trick for Trading Card. Go on down and move along the path.

At the intersection, go left to the Room Of Fragment(Harold). You can fight

Cheap Trick on the way for Trading Card. After fighting Inquisitor with Harold

only, you will get a Derris Emblem Fragment. Back track and go on to the right.

Go down for Pine Gel and fight Cheap Trick for Trading Card. Go on to the right


You will be at the Room Of Fragment(Loni) and you need to fight Gladiator with

Loni only. After, you will get a Derris Emblem Fragment. In this room, go left

for Heart To Heart. Go back and go right to move on. At the next intersection,

go left to fight Cheap Trick for Trading Card, as well as finding Elixir, Apple

Gel, Mirage Mantle and the Room Of Fragment(Kyle). After fighting Angel Knight

with Kyle only, you will get a Derris Emblem Fragment. Back track and go right

to fight Cheap Trick for Magical Rouge. Go down to find a Save Point and insert

all Derris Emblem Fragment at the right Plate.

Finally at the last section, go right for Technical Ring. Get to the right to

find Gauntlet Of Tamagushi. If you beat all three enemies, you can get a Black

Coral. Go on to the left for Gold Armor and Last Fencer at the next area. At

the end, there's the Last Save Point.

The Last Save Point can warp you back to the entrance and you can warp back

from the entrance. You should exit out Egg Of God and finish up everything:

*Over World Items (Ones Require IXY Vossler Or/And Sorcerer Scope)

- Black Pearl (NW Of Aquaveil)

- Talisman (West Of Aquaveil)

- Hourglass (SW Of Aquaveil)

- Black Pearl (South Of Aquaveil)

- Black Pearl (NW Of Aigrette Harbor)

- Tabard (West Of Aigrette)

- Black Coral (Near Chelsea's Hut)

- Black Coral (South Of Chelsea's Hut)

- Black Pearl (Near Nekonin Village)

- Heaven's Cloud (West Of Tene Of Blacksmith)

- Blue Crystal Rod (South Of Ground Army Base)

- Black Coral (East Of Blue Crystal Rod)

- Black Diamond (East Of SE Islands Of The World Map, Through Shallow Water)

- Black Pearl (West Of Chelsea's Hut, Land Nearby To Avoid The Mist)

- Celestial Star (NW Of Chelsea's Hut, Nearby The Oasis)

- Black Diamond (SE Of Hope Town, Isolated Island)

- Saffron (West Of Egg Of God)

- Black Coral (NW Of Egg Of God, Small And Hard To Land Island)

- Nightmare Boots (NW At A Ridge Of White Clouds)

- Black Diamond (NE At A Ridge Of White Clouds, Land At South To Avoid The


- Black Diamond (West At A Ridge Of White Clouds, Land Near Leane And Walk All


- Black Diamond (East At A Ridge Of White Clouds, Land At South And Walk

Through The Spiral Path)


- Apron Dress, Sorcerer Scope At 2F Of The Inn

- Various Quiz Questions, Desk In South Room On 2F Of The Dunamis Orphanage

- Only If You Didn't Check The Book On The Desk For Various Quiz Questions In

Karell's Room Within Radislowe

- Answer All Genre Of Quiz Questions For Mister Quiz (Kyle's Title)

- In Dunamis Orphanage, Talk To Cinnamon To Play The Tag Game. You Can Get

Apple Gel, Orange Gel, Lemon Gel, Pine Gel, Tuna Gel And Ogre King (Kyle's


*Laguna Ruins

- Lollipop, Sorcerer Scope At The Last Area

- Hidden Entrance, Sorcerer Scope The Middle At The Entrance Area

- Red Rosemary, Red Rosemary, Sorcerer Scope In The 2nd Area

- Belserium, Sorcerer Scope At The Last Area

*Darilsheid Groundwater Way

- Go Down From The Church In Darilsheid

- Within The Darilsheid Groundwater Way, Go To The Area With The Ropes. Use

Sorcerer Scope To Find Belserium


- Win Against Tramp Man For Neurasthenia King (Kyle's Title)

*Harmentz Valley

- Hidden Cave, Sorcerer Scope At The SE Of The East Cliff

- Feet Symbol, Belserium, Belserium


- Talk To The Chef For Lemon Tart (Recipe)

- Belserium, Path To Straylize Temple

- Buy Beckoning Cat In Aquaveil And Talk To The Cat Loving Old Man In The 2F Of

The Aigrette Inn

- Kyle Gets Kyle The Hurricane (Title)

- Loni Gets Loni The Thunder (Title)

- Judas Gets Judas The Black Clothed (Title)

- Reala Gets Reala The Sunlight (Title)

- Nanaly Gets Nanaly The Shooting Star (Title)

- Harold Gets Harold The Bed Haired (Title)

- In The Inn Of Aigrette, Speak With The Chef To Play The Waiter Mini Game

- Clear It With Kyle For Nice Waiter (Kyle's Title) And Galatine

- Clear It With Loni For Good Waiter (Loni's Title) And Gae Bolg

- Clear It With Judas For Cool Waiter (Judas' Title) And Alondite

- Clear it With Reala For Smile Waitress (Reala's Title) And Caduceus

- Clear it With Nanaly For Pretty Waitress (Nanaly's Title) And Exorcist's


- Clear it With Harold For Knockout Genius Waitress (Harold's Title) And

Genius Harold's Staff

- In The Aigrette Bazaar, Go West And Before The Straylize Ruins, Talk To The

Old Man To Warehouse Organizing

- Tuna Gel In Stage 5

- Elixir In Stage 10

- Basilisk Scale In Stage 17

- Savory In Stage 24

- Hyper Gauntlet In Stage 27

- Princess Cape In Stage 30

- Clear Stage 30 For Container Master (Kyle's Title)

*Fixed Connection Ship

- Try Out Aigrette Harbor <-> Cherik, Cherik <-> Noischtat, Noischtat <->

Snowfreer Routes And Speak With The Captain Each Time. You Will Get Lapis

Lazuli Bracelet And Stamp Rally Master (Kyle's Title)


- Talk To The Chef For Cream Stew (Recipe)

- Within The Middle House, Sorcerer Scope The Right For Belserium, Salmon And

Emerald Ring

- Talk To Maggie Within The Middle House For A Seed And Exit Out To The Near

Garden. For More Seed, Speak With The Female In The General Shop Of Cherik Or

Try The Aqua Labyrinth


- Talk To The Chef For Paella (Recipe)

- After Clearing The Waiter Mini Game In Aigrette, Go To The Inn And Talk To

The Bartender For Another Waiter Mini Game

- Clear It With Kyle For Best Waiter (Kyle's Title) And Amaterasu's Spirit

- Clear It With Loni For Popular Waiter (Loni's Title) And Susanoo's Helmet

- Clear It With Judas For Great Waiter (Judas' Title) And Death Stroke

- Clear it With Reala For Cutie Waitress (Reala's Title) And Sorcerer's


- Clear it With Nanaly For Lovely Waitress (Nanaly's Title) And Yata's Mirror

- Clear it With Harold For Super Genius Waitress (Harold's Title) And Maiden


- After Beating Riml, Clear The Single Battle Advanced Level With Kyle And

Rutee Will Show Up Randomly To Challenge Kyle. Defeat Rutee To Get Son Who

Exceeded His Mother (Kyle's Title)

- Clear The Tag Battle Advanced Level With Kyle And One Of The Three Female.

Philia And Woodrow Will Show Up Randomly. Defeat Them To Get Tag Whom

Exceeded The Heroes (Title)

- If You Did Speak With Lilith Before Speaking With Rutee Before The Egg Of God

Shows Up, Defeat Rutee In The Arena And Clear The Single Battle Advanced

Level With Any Character. Lilith Will Show Up Randomly

- Defeat Lilith With Kyle And Talk To Lilith In Leane For Almighty Knife

- Defeat Lilith With Judas And Talk To Lilith In Leane For Almighty Knife

- Defeat Lilith With Loni And Talk To Lilith In Leane For Legendary Ladle

- Defeat Lilith With Reala And Talk To Lilith In Leane For Lilith's Apron


- Defeat Lilith With Nanaly And Talk To Lilith In Leane For Lilith's Apron


- Defeat Lilith With Harold And Talk To Lilith In Leane For Lilith's Apron



- Talk To The Chef For Sandwich (Recipe)

- Sorcerer Scope The East House For Belserium And Protect Ring

- Exit And Enter Back Snowfreer Till You See Collector At The South. With All

7 Trading Cards From Defeating Cheap Trick In Egg Of God, You Can Get Slot

Level 7 Equipment. The Slot Level Depends On The Quantity You Have. To Get

More Trading Card, It's In Aqua Labyrinth. Obviously, You Would Get Slot

Level 8 Equipment If You Have 8 Trading Cards. The Equipment Depends On

The On Screen Character And The Slot Recycles From Common Slot To Weapon

Only To Armor Only And Back To Common Slot, Depending On Your Game's Total

Play Time

- Change Every 10 Minutes, The Order Is The Same As The Slot Section

- There Are 88 Slots Which Means 88 * 10 = 14 Hours And 40 Minutes For One


*Chelsea's Hut

- Buy Hammer From Aquaveil And Get Back To Chelsea To Get Dancing War Bow. She

Will Ask For Saw Which Can Be Bought At Noischtat. You Can Get Giant Siege

Bow. She Will Ask For Plane Which Can Be Bought At Snowfreer. You Can Get

Welkin Gothic Bow


- Go In The Church. Repeatedly Speak With Jinni, Saga And Regina In The Church

Or Outside The Church. Once You Got Jinni's Letter, Go To Philia In Straylize

Temple. After, Get Back To Jinni

- Talk To The Chef For Vegetable Salad (Recipe)


- Talk To The Chef For Fruit Punch (Recipe)

- The Black Wing Is In The Inn

- Speak With A Female In The General Shop. Helen Can Give You Slot Level 8

Equipment If You Give Her Golden Seed. The Equipment Depends On The On Screen

Character And The Slot Recycles From Common Slot To Weapon Only To Armor Only

And Back To Common Slot, Depending On Your Game's Total Play Time

- Change Every 10 Minutes, The Order Is The Same As The Slot Section

- There Are 88 Slots Which Means 88 * 10 = 14 Hours And 40 Minutes For One


- For Golden Seed, You Get It From Seed Raising In Leane

- At The Harbor, Talk To A Female For An Airship Mini Game. Clear All Courses

Within The Minimum Time For Cool Pilot (Judas' Title)

- Clear Course 1 For Copper Pot

- Clear Course 2 For Sephira

- Clear Course 3 For Miracle Gel

- Clear Course 4 For Reverse Doll

- Clear Course 5 For Carla

- Clear Course 6 For Caladbolg

*Hope Town

- Check The SW In Nanaly's Home For Belserium

- Clear The Waiter Mini Game In Noischtat And Talk To King Cook In Nanaly's

Home For The Last Waiter Mini Game

- Clear It With Kyle For Vocational Sushi Boy (Kyle's Title)

- Clear It With Loni For Vocational Sushi Craftsman (Loni's Title)

- Clear It With Judas For Vocational Sushi Mask (Judas' Title)

- Clear it With Reala For Vocational Sushi Girl (Reala's Title)

- Clear it With Nanaly For Vocational Sushi Sister (Nanaly's Title)

- Clear it With Harold For Furious Super Genius Sushi Craftsman (Harold's



- Located At NE Of The World Map

- Speak With The Chef To Purchase Rice Ball (Recipe), Sashimi (Recipe),

Meat Pot (Recipe), Overnight Salted Vegetable (Recipe),

Shrimp Chili (Recipe) And Mabo Tofu (Recipe)

- Get Shiden Within The Inn

- Get Saffron Within The Mansion

- Talk To The Man That Loves Freedom And Pick The 3rd Choice

- You Get Freeman (Kyle's Title), Liberty (Reala's Title), Bomber (Loni's

Title), Mysterious (Judas's Title), Resistance (Nanaly's Title) And

Selfish (Harold's Title)

- Within The Mansion, Climb Down The Long Ladder To Aqua Labyrinth. However,

You Need 5 Black Diamond, 5 Black Coral And 5 Black Pearl. 14 Of Them Are On

The Over World, The 15th Is In Egg Of God

- Within Aqua Labyrinth, You Can Find Hourglass, Urobolos, Estema Seed,

Eden's Fire, Elixir, Oriora Seed, Gungnir, Johnny's Music Instrument,

Stardust Stream, Celestial Mantle, Desperado, Demon's Seal, Trading Card,

Hanuman Shaft, Hand To Hand, Pure Bright, Fortune Bracelet, Penpen Seed,

Mikagura Socks, Mjollnir, Yasakani Magatama, Last Crusader, Levantine,

Valkyrie Armor, Scout Orb, Chaltier Mirage, Cracked Axe

- Scout Orb スカウトオーブ (Control Random Encount Frequency)

- Infrequently あまり出現しない (Holy Bottle)

- Normal ふつう

- Frequently よく出現する (Dark Bottle)

- You Can Get Penpen Seed, Oriora Seed, Trading Card, Hourglass And Elixir

As Many Times As Possible. The Others Are One Time Only

- Chaltier Mirage Shows Up After Beating Lion Magus

- You Need Judas In The Party To Fight Lion Magnus

- Cracked Axe Shows Up After Beating Barbatos 4

- Pure Bright Shows Up After Beating Magna Dyeus

- Talk To Johnny For Johnny's Music Instrument After Beating Magna Dyeus

- After Beating Barbatos 4, Revisit Aqua Labyrinth To Fight Barbatos 5,

Sabnock 2 And Dantalion 2 On 8F

- After Beating Lion Magnus And 2 Sphere, Revisit Aqua Labyrinth To Fight

Gargantua And Corpse Reviver On 16F

- You Fight 2 Dragonewt And Corpse Reviver On 4F

- You Fight Barbatos 4 On 8F

- You Fight Hrodvitnir And Corpse Reviver On 12F

- You Fight Lion Magnus And 2 Sphere On 16F

- You Fight Magna Dyeus On 20F

- You Can Exit Out Aqua Labyrinth After Beating Each Of The Above

- Higher Chance For Slot Level 8 Equipment After Visiting Aqua Labyrinth

For Five Times Or So

*Nekonin Village

- Located At NW Of Heidelberg, Top Of The Snow Mountain

- Check The North Closet In West House For Tuna Gel

- Speak With The Yellow Nekonin And Head To Snowfreer. Speak With The Nekonin

At South. Go Back To The Yellow Nekonin And You Can Name It. Exit And Enter

Nekonin Village. Head Into The West House And Use Sorcerer Scope At The

Cracked Wall. Exit Out And Go In The Middle House. Speak With The Yellow

Nekonin To Take It For A Walk. Head In The West House And You Will Get

Persia Boots

- When Aqua Labyrinth Is Accessible And If You Are On 2nd Playthrough Or On,

The Weapon And Armor Shop Will Be Available In Nekonin Village

*Tene Of Blacksmith

- Located At East Of Nekonin Village Or Heidelberg

- Talk The Blacksmith And You Will Need To Pay Gald As Development Support

Before Making Any Production Request (Weapon Or Armor, At Least 10000 Gald)

- You Can't Donate If The Blacksmith Has More Than 500000 Gald

- For Every 17 Seconds, 100 Gald = 1 EXP

- Required EXP For Level Up = Current Level * Current Level

- The Blacksmith Rank Goes Up To Level 127

- Level 1-5: Beginner Blacksmith 初心者鍛冶屋

- Level 5-10: Unskillful Blacksmith ヘボイ鍛冶屋

- Level 11-15: Novice Blacksmith かけだし鍛冶屋

- Level 16-20: Elementary Blacksmith 初級の鍛冶屋

- Level 21-25: Fake Blacksmith なんちゃって鍛冶屋

- Level 26-30: Intermediate Blacksmith 中級の鍛冶屋

- Level 31-35: Hot Blooded Blacksmith 熱血鍛冶屋

- Level 36-40: Musical Blacksmith 歌って踊れる鍛冶屋

- Level 41-45: Advanced Blacksmith 上級の鍛冶屋

- Level 46-50: Hustle Blacksmith ハッスル鍛冶屋

- Level 51-55: Veteran Blacksmith ベテラン鍛冶屋

- Level 56-60: Cool Blacksmith イカス鍛冶屋

- Level 61-65: Pro Blacksmith プロの鍛冶屋

- Level 66-70: Awesome Blacksmith すごい鍛冶屋

- Level 71-75: Expert Blacksmith エキスパート鍛冶屋

- Level 76-80: Famous Blacksmith 有名な鍛冶屋

- Level 81-85: Blacksmith Whiz 鍛冶屋の達人

- Level 86-90: Blacksmith Wiz 鍛冶屋の名人

- Level 91-95: Blacksmith Ace 鍛冶屋エース

- Level 96-100: Master Blacksmith マスター鍛冶屋

- Level 101-105: Blacksmith Hermit 鍛冶屋仙人

- Level 106-110: Blacksmith God 鍛冶屋の神様

- Level 111-115: Blacksmith Creator 鍛冶屋創造主

- Level 116-120: Other World Blacksmith 異世界の鍛冶屋

- Level 121-125: Fantasy World Blacksmith 幻想世界の鍛冶屋

- Level 126-127: Blacksmith Monkey 鍛冶屋のサル

- You Need 137.76 Days And 67475100 Gald To Get To Level 127

- Raise The Blacksmith Rank As Much As Possible

- The Base Item, Slot And Slot Level All Depend On The Blacksmith Rank

- Although Random But Higher Blacksmith Rank Gives Higher Probability On

Getting High Slot Level Equipment


- Located At SW Of Aquaveil

- Speak With The Mysterious Girl To View Screen Chat And Movie. You Can View

All Screen Chat And Movie If You Are On 2nd Playthrough Or On

- Screen Chat Number 44, 69, 155, 232, 248, 287, 308, 351 And 408 Are The

Ones That Give You Titles

If you've done everything, go back to Egg Of God and go on to fight Elrane 2.

After, check the Status of Judas since he has his Mask off. Exit out the Menu

and you will fight Fortuna.

Exit out Cresta and before you go to the Laguna Ruins, go to the Ground Army

Base to get IXY Vossler. Fly to Hope Town and head in Nanaly's Home. Speak with

Nanaly and go to the Straylize Temple to speak with Philia for Belseria Seed.

Fly to the Oberon Abandoned Mine and go right up to check the slate at the end

for Belseria Flower. Get back to Philia for the Belseria Secret Herb and head

back to Nanaly in Hope Town. Repeatedly sleep at the Inn and Luu will get well

eventually. Afterward, go to the top of the Laguna Ruins to end the game.



<Grade Shop>

*1000 Grades As Clear Bonus, Regardless The Difficulty That Was Used To Beat


Inherit Difficulties/Titles 難易度/称号引継ぎ - 100

Inherit Tech/Spell Usages 使用回数引継ぎ - 500

Inherit Tech 特技引継ぎ - 3000

Inherit Spells 晶術引継ぎ - 3000

Inherit Enchants エンチャント引継ぎ - 2000

- Except Tech/Spell Extensions (Including Hi-Ougi And Embodied Crystal)

Inherit Slots スロット引継ぎ - 500

- Default Equipments Have Slots From Equipments That Were Used To Beat The Game

Inherit Beautiful Items ステキアイテム引継ぎ - 500

- Scout Orb スカウトオーブ, Moon Selector ムーンセレクター, Magical Pot マジカルポット

Instantly Learn Tech/Spell Extensions 追加発動技即習得 - 500

Increase MAX HP 最大HP増加 - 600

- Default MAX HP + 500

MAX HP Start At 160 最大HP160スタート - 2

No Encount エンカウント無効 - 2

- No Random Encount

Obtain More Grade 取得GRADEを上げる - 500

- Approximately Two Times More

EXP Doubled 経験値2 - 1000

EXP Tenfold 経験値10 - 2000

EXP Halved 経験値半分 - 50

Combo Life コンボ命 - 500

- Standard EXP Is One But Combo Hit Bonus EXP Quadrupled

Gald Doubled 取得ガルド2 - 500

Inherit Gald ガルド引継ぎ - 1000

Inherit Recipes 料理引継ぎ - 200

Inherit Recipes Proficiencies 料理熟練度引継ぎ - 500

Inherit Monster Book モンスター図鑑引継ぎ - 10

Inherit Collector Book コレクター図鑑引継ぎ - 10

Inherit World Map ワールドマップ引継ぎ - 10

Inherit Play Time プレイ時間引継ぎ - 10

MAX Item Quantity Is 20 アイテム数20 - 500

MAX Item Quantity Is 30 アイテム数30 - 1000

Inherit Battle Info 戦闘情報引継ぎ - 50

- Encount, Max Hit

Activate Crazy Comet Extensions 連鎖発動 - 200

- Crazy Comet -> Twinkle Star -> Mix Master -> Princess Of Mermaid

Original Version Cut-In オリジナル版カットイン - 50

- PS2 Version Hi-Ougi Cut-In




*There Is A Plus Version For Each Of The 30 Standard Recipes

*There Is A Question Version For Each Of The 6 Secret Recipes

*There Are 72 Recipes In Total


Hamburger ハンバーガー

- 28% HP Recovery (22% For Plus Version)

Overnight Salted Vegetable 一夜漬け

- 50% HP Recovery

Cream Stew クリームシチュー

- 75% HP Recovery (72% For Plus Version)

Lemon Tart レモンタルト

- 100% HP Recovery

Omelet Rice オムライス

- 25% TP Recovery

Sandwich サンドイッチ

- 50% TP Recovery

Paella パエリア

- 75% TP Recovery (65% For Plus Version)

Fruit Punch フルーツポンチ

- 100% TP Recovery

Vegetable Salad 野菜サラダ

- 25% HP And TP Recovery

Seafood Curry 海鮮カレー

- 50% HP And TP Recovery (47% For Plus Version)

Mabo Tofu 麻婆豆腐

- 10% Attack Up (5% For Plus Version)

Pescatore ペスカトーレ

- 8% Skill Up (5% For Plus Version)

Jam Toast ジャムトースト

- 6% Magic Up (5% For Plus Version)

Fried Food からあげ

- 6% Chain Up (5% For Plus Version)

Meat Loaf ミートローフ

- 8% Earth Up (5% For Plus Version)

Risotto リゾット

- 25% HP Recovery, 5% Water Up

Borscht ボルシチ

- 6% Fire Up (5% For Plus Version)

Rice Ball おにぎり

- 6% Wind Up (5% For Plus Version)

Minestrone ミネストローネ

- Require Pasta, Tomato, Cabbage, Carrot, Potato

- 25% TP Recovery, Poison Resistance

Steak ステーキ

- Weaken Resistance, 28% HP Recovery (25% For Plus Version)

Sashimi お刺身

- 25% HP Recovery, Paralyze Resistance

Foil Roast ホイル焼き

- Slow Resistance, 25% TP Recovery (22% For Plus Version)

Fish Pot 魚鍋

- Poison, Weaken, Paralyze, Frozen, Slow Resistance

Sweet Parfait スイートパフェ

- 25% TP Recovery, Poison Recovery

Neapolitan ナポリタン

- Weaken Recovery, 28% HP Recovery (25% For Plus Version)

Shrimp Chili エビチリ

- Paralyze Recovery, 22% TP Recovery, 3% HP Recovery (0% For Plus Version)

Roll Cabbage ロールキャベツ

- Slow Recovery, 25% HP Recovery (22% For Plus Version)

Cheese Cake チーズケーキ

- Unable To Fight Recovery, 25% HP Recovery

Meat Pot 肉鍋

- Unable To Fight Recovery, 25% HP Recovery

Fruit Juice フルーツジュース

- 10% ATK Up


Nutrition Drink 栄養ドリンク

- Require Yoghurt, Cheese, Banana, Lemon, Tomato, Sinewy Meat

- Unable To Fight Recovery, 75% HP Recovery (56% For Question Version)

Gift From Spirit Of The Sea 海の精の贈り物

- Require Tuna, Porgy, Sardine, Shrimp, Octopus, Squid

- Poison, Weaken, Paralyze Recovery, 75% HP Recovery (56% For Question Version)

Gorgeous Salad ゴージャスサラダ

- Require Cucumber, Lettuce, Tomato, Porgy, Shrimp, Marbling

- 4% HP Recovery Every 7.5 Seconds And Lasts For 25 Seconds, 75% HP And TP

Recovery (56% For Question Version)

Miso Oden みそおでん

- Require Miso, Tofu, Egg, Radish, Salmon, Octopus

- Poison, Weaken, Paralyze, Frozen, Slow Resistance, 25% HP And TP Recovery

(19% For Question Version)

Mabo Curry マーボーカレー

- Require Tofu, Rice, Onion, Carrot, Potato, Marbling

- 100% HP And TP Recovery (75% For Question Version)

Fruit Sandwich フルーツサンド

- Require Bread, Cheese, Apple, Banana, Strawberry, Kiwi

- 10% Accuracy Up, 75% TP Recovery (56% For Question Version)


*Can Be Bought At Various Shops

Squid イカ

Strawberry イチゴ

Sardine イワシ

Shrimp エビ

Kiwi キウイ

Cabbage キャベツ

Cucumber キュウリ

Marbling しもふり

Potato ジャガイモ

Salmon シャケ

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Porgy タイ

Radish ダイコン

Octopus タコ

Egg タマゴ

Onion タマネギ

Cheese チーズ

Tofu とうふ

Tomato トマト

Carrot ニンジン

Pasta パスタ

Butter バター

Banana バナナ

Bread ブレッド

Tuna マグロ

Miso ミソ

Milk ミルク

Yoghurt ヨーグルト

Rice ライス

Apple リンゴ

Lettuce レタス

Lemon レモン



<Armed Enchant>

*Level Means Enchant Level

ATK Up 攻撃力アップ

- (Level*4)% Damage Up

Accuracy Up 命中率アップ

- (Level*5)% Accuracy Up

SP Reduce Down SP減少軽減

- SP Cost Down By (Level*0.012) Per 0.017 Second

Critical クリティカル

- Critical*(16+Level)/16

Chanting Speed Minus 詠唱速度-

- 55% Chance Of Reducing Target's Chanting Speed By (Level*8+2)%

Wisdom Minus 知性-

- 55% Chance Of Reducing Target's Wisdom By (Level*4+2)%

Earth Resist Minus 地耐性-

- 65% Chance Of Reducing Target's Earth Resistance By (Level*3+3)%

Water Resist Minus 水耐性-

- 65% Chance Of Reducing Target's Water Resistance By (Level*3+3)%

Fire Resist Minus 火耐性-

- 65% Chance Of Reducing Target's Fire Resistance By (Level*3+3)%

Wind Resist Minus 風耐性-

- 65% Chance Of Reducing Target's Wind Resistance By (Level*3+3)%

Light Resist Minus 光耐性-

- 65% Chance Of Reducing Target's Light Resistance By (Level*3+3)%

Darkness Resist Minus 闇耐性-

- 65% Chance Of Reducing Target's Darkness Resistance By (Level*3+3)%

Penetrate Elemental Attack 属性攻撃貫通

- No Stagger From Enemy's Elemental Attack For (Level*1) Times, Only Limited

To Element With Highest Resistance

Penetrate Elemental Spell 属性晶術貫通

- No Stagger From Enemy's Elemental Spell For (Level*1) Times, Only Limited

To Element With Highest Resistance

Chanting Speed Up 詠唱速度上昇

- Chanting Speed Up By (Level*8+2)% For (720+60*Level)/60 Seconds After Using

A Tokugi

Instant Complete Evasion 瞬間完全回避

- Invincible For (Level*2+2)/60 Seconds After Activating A Tokugi Or Ougi

Blaster ブラスター

- Blaster Count Up By (Level*2) Points, Only Limited To First Tokugi Or Ougi

Item Pillage アイテム強奪

- {Standard Value*(Level+4)/8}% Chance Of Stealing Enemy's Item When Using

A Tokugi Or Ougi

- Standard Value Depends On The Enemy

Effect Up 効果上昇

- Spell Damage Up By (Level*3)%

Chanting Up 詠唱加速

- Chanting Speed Up By (Level*3)%

TP Reduce Down TP減少軽減

- Spell TP Cost Down By (Level*4)%

Attribute Resist Up 属性抵抗上昇

- After Activating A Spell, Resistance Of The Activated Spell's Attribute Up By

(Level*3+3)% For 8 Seconds

ATK Minus 攻撃力-

- 50% Chance Of Reducing Target's ATK By (Level*4+2)%

Accuracy Minus 命中-

- 75% Chance Of Reducing Target's Accuracy By (Level*4+2)%

DEF Minus 防御力-

- 75% Chance Of Reducing Target's DEF By (Level*4+2)%

Evasion Minus 回避力-

- 75% Chance Of Reducing Target's Evasion By (Level*4+2)%

SP Minus SP-

- 45% Chance Of Reducing Target's SP By (Level+2)*5

TP Minus TP-

- 35% Chance Of Reducing Target's TP By (Level+2)*4

Poison Effect 毒効果

- 9% Chance Of Inflicting Poison On The Target For (400+Level*30)/60 Seconds

Frozen Effect 凍結効果

- 4% Chance Of Inflicting Frozen On The Target For 6 Seconds

Paralyze Effect 麻痺効果

- 6% Chance Of Inflicting Paralyze On The Target For (400+Level*30)/60 Seconds

Slow Effect 鈍足効果

- 6% Chance Of Inflicting Slow On The Target For (400+Level*30)/60 Seconds

Stagger Time Up 硬直時間加算

- When Hit By A Spell, Stagger Time Up By Level*3/60 Seconds

Get Item ゲットアイテム

- After Defeating Enemy With A Spell, Item Drop Rate*(20+Level)/20

Recover リカバー

- Level 1 Removes Poison, Level 2 Removes Weaken, Level 3 Removes Paralyze,

Level 4 Removes Slow And Frozen



<Action Enchant>

*Level Means Enchant Level

*Press And Hold Circle Button For Activation

Blow Away ふっ飛ばし

- Use 50% Power And 42/40/38/36 SP To Blow Away The Enemy And The Distance

Depends On The Weight Of The Enemy

Back Taker 背面取り

- Use 20/18/16/14 SP To Instantly Move To The Back Of The Enemy But The Enemy

Requires To Be At The Left Side

Aerial Activation 空中発動

- Use 10/9/8/7 SP To Activate A Tech While In Air

Counter Activation 反撃発動

- Can Activate A Tech Immediately After Being Physically Attacked

Guard Activation ガード発動

- Can Activate A Tech Immediately After Guarding

Guard Break ガードブレイク

- Use 50% Power To Decrease The Enemy's Guard Endurance Value

Normal Attack Chain 通常技連携

- Can Use Normal Attack After A Tokugi

Advance After Attacking 攻撃後前進

- Can Dash Forward After A Tokugi

Retreat After Attacking 攻撃後後退

- Can Dash Backward After A Tokugi

Tokugi Chain 特技連携

- Can Use One Different Tokugi After A Tokugi

Tokugi Extension 追加特技

- Can Use An Exclusive Tokugi Extension After A Tokugi

Hi-Ougi 秘奥義

- Can Use An Unique Hi-Ougi After An Ougi In Spirit Blaster

Spell Pursuit 晶術追撃

- Can Activate A Low Level Spell In 0.3 Second After A Tokugi

HP Absorb HP吸収

- Use 50/48/46/44 SP To Self Recover (Given Damage*0.25) HP Per Hit When Using a


SP Convert SP転換

- Use 15/14/13/12 TP To Self Recover 20% SP When Using A Spell

SP Distribute SP分与

- Use 90/88/86/84 SP And 2/0/0/0 TP To Recover Other Characters' 15% SP When

Using A Spell

TP Convert TP転換

- Use 80/78/76/74 SP To Self Recover 10% TP During Spell Stagger Time

Chain Activation 連携発動

- Press And Hold X Button To Use 10/9/8/7 SP And 10/8/6/4 TP To Standby A

Spell. As Soon As The Charging Starts, Press Circle While Still Holding Down

X. Action Enchant Will Be Triggered And You May Let Go The X Button. Use

Whatever Combo (Except Spell) And The Standby Spell Will Be Immediately

Activated Afterward

Quadruple Speed Chanting 4倍速詠唱

- Use 100/97/94/91 SP And 24/22/20/18 TP For One Fourth Chanting Time When

Using A Spell

Remove Stagger 硬直解除

- Use 40/36/32/28 SP To Immediately Remove Spell Stagger Time

Constant Complete Evasion 一定完全回避

- Use 40/36/32/28 SP To Invalidate All Attacks For 1.1 Second During Spell

Stagger Time

Faint Attack 気絶攻撃

- Use 70/66/62/58 SP To Attack Faint Per Hit After Using A Spell

Spell Extension 追加晶術

- Use 90/87/84/81 SP And 20/18/16/14 TP For An Exclusive Spell Extension After

A Spell

Embodied Crystal 具現結晶

- Use 100 SP And 50/45/40/35 TP To Embody A Spirit Crystal After A High Level

Spell In Spirit Blaster





Souhajin 蒼破刃 (Tokugi) -> Souhatsuiren 蒼破追蓮 (Extension)

Chirihajin 散葉塵 (Tokugi) -> Chirihakareha 散葉枯葉 (Extension)

Kuushouzan 空翔斬 (Tokugi) -> Kuushoureppuu 空翔裂風 (Extension)

Bakuenken 爆炎剣 (Tokugi) -> Bakuenrenshou 爆炎連焼 (Extension)

Senkoushou 閃光衝 (Tokugi) -> Senkoushoutsui 閃光翔墜 (Extension)

Garensouhajin 牙連蒼破刃 (Ougi) -> Resshousouhajin 裂衝蒼破塵 (Hi-Ougi)

Kuuhazeppuugeki 空破絶風撃 (Ougi) -> Zeppamesshougeki 絶破滅焼撃 (Hi-Ougi)

Toryuurengekiha 屠龍連撃破 (Ougi) -> Souryuumetsugazan 蒼龍滅牙斬 (Hi-Ougi)

Shikkuurensatsuken 疾空連殺剣 (Ougi) -> Zankuutenshouken 斬空天翔剣 (Hi-Ougi)

Ganzanmessaijin 岩斬滅砕陣 (Ougi) -> Shououzetsurenshou 翔王絶憐衝 (Hi-Ougi)

Wind Slash ウィンドスラッシュ (Low Level Spell)

Flame Drive フレイムドライブ (Low Level Spell)

Delta Ray デルタレイ (Low Level Spell)

Stone Zapper ストーンザッパー (Low Level Spell)

Thrust Fang スラストファング (Mid Level Spell)

Voltic Heat ヴォルテックヒート (Mid Level Spell)

Burn Strike バーンストライク (Mid Level Spell)


Soudashou 双打鐘 (Tokugi) -> Soudarenshuu 双打連蹴 (Extension)

Raijinshou 雷神招 (Tokugi) -> Raijinkourin 雷神光燐 (Extension)

Houtsuishou 放墜鐘 (Tokugi) -> Houtsuihoutsui 放墜砲墜 (Extension)

Muhyoushou 霧氷翔 (Tokugi) -> Muhyoutsuisen 霧氷鎚閃 (Extension)

Bakkaishou 爆灰鐘 (Tokugi) -> Bakkaimoutsui 爆灰猛追 (Extension)

Kappabakusougeki 割破爆走撃 (Ougi) -> Critical Blade クリティカルブレード (Hi-Ougi)

Kuuhatokkoudan 空破特攻弾 (Ougi) -> Spiral Driver スパイラルドライバー (Hi-Ougi)

Senkoubappa 戦吼爆ッ破 (Ougi) -> Final Prayer ファイナルプレイヤー (Hi-Ougi)

Shinkuukassaijin 神空割砕人 (Ougi)

-> Shintenrekkuuzankousenpuumessaishinbatsukassatsugeki

震天裂空斬光旋風滅砕神罰割殺撃 (Hi-Ougi)

- Successful Version

-> Shintenrekkuuzankousenpuumessaishinbatsukougeki

震天裂空斬光旋風滅砕神罰攻撃 (Hi-Ougi)

- Failure Version (12.5% Or 50% Chance If You Equip Deck Brush デッキブラシ)

- 2nd Playthrough Or On

- Kyle In The Party And Alive

Heal ヒール

Delta Ray デルタレイ (Low Level Spell)

Shadow Edge シャドウエッジ (Low Level Spell)

Stone Zapper ストーンザッパー (Low Level Spell)

Aqua Spike アクアスパイク (Low Level Spell)

Prism Flasher プリズムフラッシャ (Mid Level Spell)

Negative Gate ネガティブゲイト (Mid Level Spell)


Hirenzan 飛連斬 (Tokugi) -> Hirensousen 飛連双閃 (Extension)

Sourengeki 双連撃 (Tokugi) -> Sourenshouha 双連衝破 (Extension)

Geneijin 幻影刃 (Tokugi) -> Geneikaiki 幻影回帰 (Extension)

Gessenkou 月閃光 (Tokugi) -> Gessenkohou 月閃虚崩 (Extension)

Senretsukokousen 千裂虚光閃 (Ougi) -> Majinsenretsushou 魔人千裂衝 (Hi-Ougi)

Funjinreppashou 粉塵裂破衝 (Ougi) -> Jouhamesshouen 浄破滅焼闇 (Hi-Ougi)

Houryuuzankouken 崩龍斬光剣 (Ougi) -> Shouharekkousen 翔破裂光閃 (Hi-Ougi)

Majinmessatsuen 魔人滅殺闇 (Ougi) -> Girenshoureizan 義憐聖霊斬 (Hi-Ougi) ->

Majinrengokusatsu 真神煉獄刹 (Hi-Ougi)

- 2nd Playthrough Or On

- After Meeting With Elrane In Dycroft

- Need To Control Judas

- 50% Chance

- 100% Chance In The Same Battle If Judas Already Got His Mask Off

From Majinrengokusatsu

Stone Zapper ストーンザッパー (Low Level Spell) -> Sting Glaive スティングレイブ


Shadow Edge シャドウエッジ (Low Level Spell) -> Bloody Cross ブラッディクロス


Wind Slash ウィンドスラッシュ (Low Level Spell)

Delta Ray デルタレイ (Low Level Spell)

Air Pressure エアプレッシャー (Mid Level Spell) -> Ceiling Fall シリングフォール


Thrust Fang スラストファング (Mid Level Spell)

Prism Flasher プリズムフラッシャ (Mid Level Spell)

Negative Gate ネガティブゲイト (Mid Level Spell) -> Evil Sphere イービルスフィア



Tenshoudan 天翔弾 (Tokugi)

Fuujinshou 風神招 (Tokugi)

Gohouren 護法蓮 (Tokugi)

Ryuurendan 流蓮弾 (Tokugi)

Heal ヒール

Resurrection リザレクション

Raise Dead レイズデッド

Aqua Spike アクアスパイク (Low Level Spell) -> Freeze Hunter フリーズハンター


Wind Slash ウィンドスラッシュ (Low Level Spell) -> Cross Blade クロスブレイド


Flame Drive フレイムドライブ (Low Level Spell) -> Photon Blaze フォトンブレイズ


Stone Zapper ストーンザッパー (Low Level Spell) -> Sting Glaive スティングレイブ


Splash スプラッシュ (Mid Level Spell) -> Crush Gust クラッシュガスト (Extension)

Air Pressure エアプレッシャー (Mid Level Spell) -> Ceiling Fall シリングフォール


Burn Strike バーンストライク (Mid Level Spell) -> Volcanic Ray ヴォルカニックレイ


Thrust Fang スラストファング (Mid Level Spell) -> Voltic Heat ヴォルテックヒート


Ground Vanish グランヴァニッシュ (High Level Spell) -> Earth Stepper アーステッパー

(Embodied Crystal)

Embrace End インブレイスエンド (High Level Spell) -> Aqua Rims アクアリムス

(Embodied Crystal)

Ancient Nova エンシェントノヴァ (High Level Spell) -> Flame Brave

(Embodied Crystal)

Fearful Storm フィアフルストーム (High Level Spell) -> Sylphis Tear

(Embodied Crystal)


Rekkasen 烈火閃 (Tokugi)

Farensen 牙連閃 (Tokugi)

Senhyousen 扇氷閃 (Tokugi)

Tsuiyousen 墜陽閃 (Tokugi)

Kokuusen 虚空閃 (Tokugi)

Ryuuensen 龍炎閃 (Tokugi)

Flame Drive フレイムドライブ (Low Level Spell) -> Photon Blaze フォトンブレイズ


Aqua Spike アクアスパイク (Low Level Spell) -> Freeze Hunter フリーズハンター


Wind Slash ウィンドスラッシュ (Low Level Spell) -> Cross Blade クロスブレイド


Shadow Edge シャドウエッジ (Low Level Spell)

Burn Strike バーンストライク (Mid Level Spell) -> Volcanic Ray ヴォルカニックレイ


Splash スプラッシュ (Mid Level Spell) -> Crush Gust クラッシュガスト (Extension)

Thrust Fang スラストファング (Mid Level Spell) -> Voltic Heat ヴォルテックヒート


Ancient Nova エンシェントノヴァ (High Level Spell)

Embrace End インブレイスエンド (High Level Spell)

Wild Geese ワイルドギース (Hi-Ougi)

- Use Any Spell Extension Against Nearby Enemy In Spirit Blaster


Raigashou 雷牙招 (Tokugi)

Karengeki 華連撃 (Tokugi)

Eisenken 影閃剣 (Tokugi)

Kyoueisou 鏡影槍 (Tokugi)

Heal ヒール

Resurrection リザレクション

Shadow Edge シャドウエッジ (Low Level Spell) -> Bloody Cross ブラッディクロス


Delta Ray デルタレイ (Low Level Spell) -> Trinity Spark トリニティスパーク


Negative Gate ネガティブゲイト (Mid Level Spell) -> Evil Sphere イービルスフィア


Prism Flasher プリズムフラッシャ (Mid Level Spell) -> Shining Spear シャイニングスピア


Splash スプラッシュ (Mid Level Spell) -> Crush Gust クラッシュガスト (Extension)

Crazy Comet クレイジーコメット (Forbidden Spell) -> Twinkle Star トゥインクルスター

(Extension) -> Mix Master ミックスマスター

(Extension) -> Princess Of Mermaid プリンセスオブマーメイド (Extension)

- For Mix Master And Princess Of Mermaid, Buy Activate Crazy Comet

Extensions 連鎖発動 In Grade Shop

Execution エクセキューション (High Level Spell) -> Luna Shade ルナシェイド

(Embodied Crystal)

Divine Saber ディバインセイバー (High Level Spell) -> Sol Bright ソルブライト

(Embodied Crystal)

Embrace End インブレイスエンド (High Level Spell) -> Aqua Rims アクアリムス

(Embodied Crystal)

Ancient Nova エンシェントノヴァ (High Level Spell) -> Flame Brave

(Embodied Crystal)

\Shortening Command/

*Shorten Spell Chanting Time

*Each Command Shortens 0.17 Second

*Crazy Comet Is Recovery Type

Recovery Type: Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up

Earth Element: Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Right

Water Element: Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Right

Fire Element: Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up

Wind Element: Up, Left, Right, Down, Right, Down

Light Element: Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Right

Darkness Element: Up, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down

\While Chanting/

Spell Cancel: Square And Up

Slight Movement: Square And Left Or Right

Change Target: X And Left Or Right

Standby: Press And Hold X



<Shop List>

*Some Shops Are Limited To Specific Timeline


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Iron Fry Pan 鉄のフライパン

Fluted Knife 三徳包丁

Long Sword ロングソード

Poleax ポールアクズ

Leather Armor レザーアーマー

Leather Helm レザーヘルム

Glove グローブ

Leather Boots レザーブーツ

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Lettuce レタス

Bread ブレッド


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Iron Pot 鉄鍋

Iron Fry Pan 鉄のフライパン

Fluted Knife 三徳包丁

Vegetable Knife 菜切り包丁

Long Sword ロングソード

Rapier レイピア

Poleax ポールアクス

Gisarme ギサルメ

Rod ロッド

Ring Mail リングメイル

Robe ローブ

Cask カスク

Beret ベレット

Scramasax スクラマサクス

Leather Glove レザーグローブ

Kitchen Mitten キッチンミトン

Leather Mantle レザーマント

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Lettuce レタス

Kiwi キウイ

Banana バナナ

Apple リンゴ

Milk ミルク

Bread ブレッド

\Harmentz Valley/

*Unavailable After Fighting Gaap

Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Iron Pot 鉄鍋

Iron Fry Pan 鉄のフライパン

Sashimi Knife 柳刃包丁

Rapier レイピア

Gladius グラディウス

Gisarme ギサルメ

Cakmak チャクマク

Rod ロッド

Mace メイス

Scale Mail スケイルメイル

Apron Dress エプロンドレス

Sallet サレット

Crest クレスト

Bowie Knife ボウイナイフ

Fabric Glove ファブリックグローブ

Gold Bracelet ゴールドブレスレット

Hunter's Mantle ハンターズマント

Chain Boots チェインブーツ

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Marbling しもふり

Squid イカ

Shrimp エビ

Lettuce レタス

Tomato トマト

Pasta パスタ

Bread ブレッド

Octopus タコ

Potato ジャガイモ

Apple リンゴ

Yoghurt ヨーグルト

Milk ミルク

Strawberry イチゴ

\Fixed Connection Ship/

*Unavailable After 1st Visit

Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Marbling しもふり

Onion タマネギ

Lettuce レタス

Rice ライス

Egg タマゴ

Bread ブレッド


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Hollow Pot ホーロー鍋

Stainless Fry Pan ステンレスのフライパン

Vegetable Knife 菜切り包丁

Saw ノコギリ

Squid イカ

Octopus タコ

Sardine イワシ

Carrot ニンジン

Onion タマネギ

Cabbage キャベツ

Lemon レモン

Cheese チーズ

Yoghurt ヨーグルト

Milk ミルク

Rice ライス

Egg タマゴ

Potato ジャガイモ

Butter バター

Miso ミソ

*Unavailable After Fighting Gaap

Lamella ラメラー

Tunic チュニック

Bathinette バシネット

Veil ヴェール

Stylet スティレット

Iron Glove アイアングローブ

Pretty Mitten プリティミトン

Thief's Mantle シーブズマント

Mesh Boots メッシュブーツ

*Available After Fighting Gaap

Poison Check ポイズンチェック

Paralyze Check パラライズチェック

Drain Check ドレインチェック

Freeze Check フリーズチェック

Weak Check ウィークチェック

*Unavailable After Fighting Gaap

Gladius グラディウス

Blade ブレード

Cakmak チャクマク

Bulova ブローバー

Mace メイス

Staff スタッフ

*Available After Fighting Gaap

Flare Mantle フレアマント

Aqua Mantle アクアマント

Sylphy Mantle シルフィマント

The Earth Mantle ジアースマント

Gothic Mantle ゴシックマント

Elven Mantle エルヴンマント


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Plane カンナ

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Salmon シャケ

Onion タマネギ

Cabbage キャベツ

Radish ダイコン

Egg タマゴ

Bread ブレッド

Butter バター


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Copper Pot 銅鍋

Copper Fry Pan 銅のフライパン

Meat Knife 牛刀包丁

Scope スコップ

*Last Four Items Won't Be Available If You Have Them

Combo Command コンボコマンド

Heal Bangle ヒールバングル

Metal Bangle メタルバングル

Mental Ring メンタルリング

Task Force タスクフォース

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Marbling しもふり

Potato ジャガイモ

Carrot ニンジン

Onion タマネギ

Cabbage キャベツ

Lettuce レタス

Cucumber キュウリ

Kiwi キウイ

Strawberry イチゴ

Banana バナナ

Apple リンゴ

Rice ライス

Bread ブレッド

*Only Available During Lumina Draconis' Assault

Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

*Available During 1st Visit

Blade ブレード

Broad Sword ブロードソード

Bulova ブローバー

Corsesca コルセスカ

Staff スタッフ

Wand ワンド

*Available During 2nd Visit/After Meeting With Fortuna

Cutlas カトラス

Scimitar シミター

War Hammer ウォーハンマー

Halberd ハルバード

Frenzy Rod フレンジーロッド

Gothic Mace ゴシックメイス

Battle Bow バトルボウ

Rifle ライフル

*Available During Last Visit/Before Egg Of God

Shamshir シャムシール

Claymore クレイモア

Cleaver クリーヴァ

Express エクスプレス

Cedar Staff シーダースタッフ

Grim Wand グリムワンド

Gothic Bow ゴシックボウ

Torpedo トーピード

*Available During 1st Visit

Chain Mail チェインメイル

Kilt Armor キルトアーマー

Ahmet アーメット

Circlet サークレット

Main Gauche マンゴーシュ

Gauntlet ガントレット

Lapis Lazuli Bracelet ラピスラズリブレスレット

Fur Mantle 毛皮のマント

Plate Boots プレートブーツ

*Available During 2nd Visit/After Meeting With Fortuna

Breast Plate ブレストプレート

Mesh Armor メッシュアーマー

Great Helm グレートヘルム

Noble Veil ノーブルヴェール

Sword Breaker ソードブレイカー

Gothic Gauntlet ゴシックガントレット

Cutie Mitten キューティミトン

Aqua Mantle アクアマント

Greave グリーヴ

*Available During Last Visit/Before Egg Of God

Full Plate フルプレート

Fortress フォートレス

Body Suit ボディスーツ

Saraca サラサ

Gothic Helm ゴシックヘルム

Malachite Sallet マラカイトサレット

Malachite Crown マラカイトクラウン

Relic Beret リリックベレット

Qatar カタール


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Blade ブレード

Broad Sword ブロードソード

Bulova ブローバー

Corsesca コルセスカ

Staff スタッフ

Wand ワンド

Chain Mail チェインメイル

Kilt Armor キルトアーマー

Ahmet アーメット

Circlet サークレット

Main Gauche マンゴーシュ

Gauntlet ガントレット

Lapis Lazuli Bracelet ラピスラズリブレスレット

Trickster トリックスター

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Marbling しもふり

Potato ジャガイモ

Carrot ニンジン

Onion タマネギ

Cabbage キャベツ

Lettuce レタス

Cucumber キュウリ

Cheese チーズ

Milk ミルク

Egg タマゴ

Rice ライス

Bread ブレッド


*Last Four Items Disappear After Fighting Barbatos 3

Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Miracle Gel ミラクルグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Iron Fry Pan 鉄のフライパン

Stainless Fry Pan ステンレスのフライパン

Sashimi Knife 柳刃包丁

Meat Knife 牛刀包丁

Squid イカ

Octopus タコ

Shrimp エビ

Sardine イワシ

Apple リンゴ

Rice ライス

Lemon レモン

Yoghurt ヨーグルト

Milk ミルク

Egg タマゴ

Kiwi キウイ

Strawberry イチゴ

Banana バナナ

Carrot ニンジン

Onion タマネギ

Potato ジャガイモ

*Available During 1st Visit

Broad Sword ブロードソード

Saber サーベル

Corsesca コルセスカ

Battle Axe バトルアクス

Wand ワンド

Scepter セプター

Hunter Bow ハンターボウ

Composite Bow コンポジットボウ

*Available During Last Visit/After Fighting Barbatos 3

Falx ファルクス

Sinclair シンクレア

Tabar タバール

Crescent クレセント

Divine Rod ディヴァインロッド

Malachite Mace マラカイトメイス

Rapid Bow ラピッドボウ

Spread スプレッド

*Available During 1st Visit

Brigandi ブリガンディ

Fancy Dress ファンシードレス

Cross Helm クロスヘルム

Crown クラウン

Misericorde ミセリコルデ

Mithril Glove ミスリルグローブ

Lovely Mitten ラブリィミトン

Flare Mantle フレアマント

Heavy Boots ヘヴィブーツ

*Available During Last Visit/After Fighting Barbatos 3

Hobark ホーバーク

Gothic Plate ゴシックプレート

Pareo パレオ

Cocktail Dress カクテルドレス

Blessed Ahmet ブレスドアーメット

Dominate Cask ドミネイトカスク

Dominate Tiara ドミネイトティアラ

Divine Crest ディヴァインクレスト

Shark Tooth シャークトゥース

\Hope Town/

Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Hollow Pot ホーロー鍋

Iron Pot 鉄鍋

Fluted Knife 三徳包丁

Vegetable Knife 菜切り包丁

Pickaxe ツルハシ

Saber サーベル

Cutlas カトラス

Battle Axe バトルアクス

War Hammer ウォーハンマー

Scepter セプター

Frenzy Rod フレンジーロッド

Composite Bow コンポジットボウ

Bullet ブリット

Sprint Mail スプリントメイル

Culotte キュロット

Melee Bathinette メレーバシネット

Tiara ティアラ

Parrying Dagger パリーイングダガー

Mithril Glove ミスリルグローブ

Diamond Bracelet ダイヤモンドブレスレット

Battle Boots バトルブーツ

Lemon レモン

Banana バナナ

Cheese チーズ

Yoghurt ヨーグルト

Octopus タコ

Sardine イワシ

Radish ダイコン

Egg タマゴ

Tofu とうふ

Miso ミソ

Marbling しもふり

Shrimp エビ

Porgy タイ

Tomato トマト

Lettuce レタス

Cucumber キュウリ

\Ground Army Former Site/

Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

\Lumina Draconis/

Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Marbling しもふり

Salmon シャケ

Onion タマネギ

Cabbage キャベツ

Radish ダイコン

Lettuce レタス

Cucumber キュウリ

Bread ブレッド

Butter バター


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Octopus タコ

Sardine イワシ

Tomato トマト

Cucumber キウイ

Strawberry イチゴ

Lemon レモン

Banana バナナ

Apple リンゴ

Pasta パスタ

Bread ブレッド

Baselard バゼラード

Falchion ファルシオン

Trident トライデント

Basher バッシャー

Knurled Staff ナールドスタッフ

Dominate Wand ドミネイトワンド

War Bow ウォーボウ

Grenade グレネード

Field Plate フィールドプレート

Plate Mail プレートメイル

Mesh Armor メッシュアーマー

Sheath Dress シースドレス

Frenzy Cask フレンジーカスク

Noble Sallet ノーブルサレット

Blessed Ribbon ブレスドリボン

Gothic Circlet ゴシックサークレット

Cinquedea チンクエディア

Star Glove スターグローブ

Mithril Bracelet ミスリルブレスレット

Combat Boots コンバットブーツ


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Squid イカ

Shrimp エビ

Potato ジャガイモ

Carrot ニンジン

Cheese チーズ

Yoghurt ヨーグルト

Milk ミルク

Rice ライス

Egg タマゴ

Bread ブレッド

\Ground Army Base/

Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Potato ジャガイモ

Carrot ニンジン

Onion タマネギ

Cabbage キャベツ

Radish ダイコン

Tomato トマト

Lettuce レタス

Cucumber キュウリ

Kiwi キウイ

Cheese チーズ

Milk ミルク

Rice ライス

Egg タマゴ

Bread ブレッド

*Speak With Darkness Merchant Without Harold In Party

Miracle Gel ミラクルグミ

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Sylphy Mantle シルフィマント

The Earth Mantle ジアースマント

Combo Command コンボコマンド

Poison Check ポイズンチェック

Paralyze Check パラライズチェック

Drain Check ドレインチェック

Freeze Check フリーズチェック

Weak Check ウィークチェック

Gothic Sword ゴシックソード

Falx ファルクス

Gothic Axe ゴシックアクス

Tabar タバール

Dominate Wand ドミネイトワンド

Grand Scepter グランドセプター

Siege Bow シージボウ

Rapid Bow ラピッドボウ

Grand Plate グランドプレート

Neat Ware ニットウェア

Grand Helm グランドヘルム

Grand Crown グランドクラウン

Mail Breaker メイルブレイカー

Rare Gauntlet レアガントレット

White Glove ホワイトグローブ

Gothic Boots ゴシックブーツ


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Miracle Gel ミラクルグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Miracle Gel ミラクルグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Miracle Gel ミラクルグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ


Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Miracle Gel ミラクルグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Shamshir シャムシール

Claymore クレイモア

Cleaver クリーヴァ

Express エクスプレス

Cedar Staff シーダースタッフ

Grim Wand グリムワンド

Gothic Bow ゴシックボウ

Torpedo トーピード

Full Plate フルプレート

Fortress フォートレス

Body Suit ボディスーツ

Saraca サラサ

Gothic Helm ゴシックヘルム

Malachite Sallet マラカイトサレット

Malachite Crown マラカイトクラウン

Relic Beret リリックベレット

Qatar カタール

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Milk ミルク

Yoghurt ヨーグルト

Kiwi キウイ

Strawberry イチゴ

Banana バナナ

Apple リンゴ

Tomato トマト

Potato ジャガイモ

Carrot ニンジン

Onion タマネギ

Cabbage キャベツ

Radish ダイコン

Cucumber キュウリ

Rice ライス

Egg タマゴ

Tofu とうふ

Miso ミソ

Squid イカ

Octopus タコ

Shrimp エビ

Sardine イワシ

Salmon シャケ

Porgy タイ

Tuna マグロ

Hollow Pot ホーロー鍋

Iron Pot 鉄鍋

Earthenware Pot 土鍋

Copper Pot 銅鍋

Iron Fry Pan 鉄のフライパン

Stainless Fry Pan ステンレスのフライパン

Titan Fry Pan チタンのフライパン

Copper Fry Pan 銅のフライパン

Sashimi Knife 柳刃包丁

Fluted Knife 三徳包丁

Vegetable Knife 菜切り包丁

Meat Knife 牛刀包丁

Beckoning Cat まねきネコ

Hammer トンカチ

\Nekonin Village/

Apple Gel アップルグミ

Orange Gel オレンジグミ

Mix Gel ミックスグミ

Lemon Gel レモングミ

Pine Gel パイングミ

Miracle Gel ミラクルグミ

Life Bottle ライフボトル

Panacea Bottle パナシーアボトル

Flare Bottle フレアボトル

Liquor Bottle リキュールボトル

Spectacles スペクタクルズ

Holy Bottle ホーリィボトル

Dark Bottle ダークボトル

Sinewy Meat すじにく

Marbling しもふり

Potato ジャガイモ

Carrot ニンジン

Onion タマネギ

Cabbage キャベツ

Lettuce レタス

Cucumber キュウリ

Kiwi キウイ

Strawberry イチゴ

Banana バナナ

Apple リンゴ

Rice ライス

Bread ブレッド

*2nd Playthrough Or On, After Unlocking The Gate Of Aqua Labyrinth

Grim Sword グリムソード

Relic Scepter リリックセプター

Grim Axe グリムアクス

Grim Bow グリムボウ

*2nd Playthrough Or On, After Unlocking The Gate Of Aqua Labyrinth

Grim Plate グリムプレート

Witch Dress グリムドレス

Grim Helm グリムヘルム

Grim Crest グリムクレスト

Kukri ククリ

Grim Glove グリムグローブ

Star Bracelet スターブレスレット

Grim Boots グリムブーツ

\Egg Of God/

*Final Merchant Only Sell You Stuff That You Don't Have Except Elixir

*Final Merchant

Heal Bangle ヒールバングル

Mental Bangle メンタルバングル

Emerald Ring エメラルドリング

Fairy Ring フェアリィリング

Mental Ring メンタルリング

Force Ring フォースリング

Resist Ring レジストリング

Reflect Ring リフレクトリング

Protect Ring プロテクトリング

Trickster トリックスター

Technical Ring テクニカルリング

Poison Check ポイズンチェック

Paralyze Check パラライズチェック

Drain Check ドレインチェック

Freeze Check フリーズチェック

Holy Symbol ホーリィシンボル

Feet Symbol フィートシンボル

Misty Symbol ミスティシンボル

Rabbit Symbol ラビットシンボル

Task Force タスクフォース

Talisman タリスマン

Sephira セフィラ

Black Onyx ブラックオニキス

Demon's Seal デモンズシール

Reverse Doll リバースドール

Combo Command コンボコマンド

Piyohan ピヨハン

Weak Check ウィークチェック

Yasakani Magatama ヤサカニノマガタマ

Leather Mantle レザーマント

Thief's Mantle シーブズマント

Hunter's Mantle ハンターズマント

Flare Mantle フレアマント

Aqua Mantle アクアマント

Sylphy Mantle シルフィマント

The Earth Mantle ジアースマント

Gothic Mantle ゴシックマント

Elven Mantle エルヴンマント

Fur Mantle 毛皮のマント

Gorgeous Mantle ゴージャスマント

Mirage Mantle ミラージュマント

Celestial Mantle セレスティアルマント

Princess Cape プリンセスケープ

Silver Cape シルバーケープ

Tabard 陣羽織

Leather Boots レザーブーツ

Chain Boots チェインブーツ

Plate Boots プレートブーツ

Mesh Boots メッシュブーツ

Heavy Boots ヘヴィブーツ

Battle Boots バトルブーツ

Greave グリーヴ

Combat Boots コンバットブーツ

Gothic Boots ゴシックブーツ

Winged Boots ウイングドブーツ

Jet Boots ジェットブーツ

Elven Boots エルヴンブーツ

Grim Boots グリムブーツ

Nightmare Boots ナイトメアブーツ

Persia Boots ペルシアブーツ

Mikagura Socks ミカグラの足袋

Elixir エリクシール



<Illustration Gallery>

*Require 4 Playthrough For Completion

Tales Of Destiny 2:

Kyle (1) - Default

Reala (1) - Automatic

Loni (1) - Automatic

Judas (1) - Automatic

Nanaly (1) - Automatic

Harold (1) - Automatic

Hero Rutee - Automatic

Hero Woodrow - Automatic

Hero Philia - Automatic

Barbatos - Automatic

Elrane - Automatic

Dimlos - Automatic

Atwight - Automatic

Kyle (2) - Obtain Illustration Book In 2nd Playthrough

Reala (2) - Automatic In 2nd Playthrough

Loni (2) - Automatic In 2nd Playthrough

Judas (2) - Automatic In 2nd Playthrough

Nanaly (2) - Automatic In 2nd Playthrough

Harold (2) - Automatic In 2nd Playthrough

Kyle (3) - Obtain The Title Mister Quiz

Reala (3) - Obtain The Title Mister Quiz

Loni (3) - Obtain The Title Mister Quiz

Judas (3) - Obtain The Title Mister Quiz

Nanaly (3) - Obtain The Title Mister Quiz

Harold (3) - Obtain The Title Mister Quiz

Kyle (4) - Automatic In 2nd Playthrough

Reala (4) - Automatic In 2nd Playthrough

SD Kyle - Obtain The Title Item Charge With Kyle

SD Reala - Obtain The Title Item Charge With Reala

SD Loni - Obtain The Title Item Charge With Loni

SD Judas - Obtain The Title Item Charge With Judas

SD Nanaly - Obtain The Title Item Charge With Nanaly

SD Harold - Obtain The Title Item Charge With Harold

SD Characters Together - Obtain The Above Six Illustration

Original Package - Automatic In 3rd Playthrough

Original PR Illustration - Automatic In 3rd Playthrough

Contents Background - Default

Save Background (1) - Default

Save Background (2) - Automatic

Save Background (3) - Automatic

Save Background (4) - Automatic

Save Background (5) - Automatic

Save Background (6) - Automatic

Save Background (7) - Automatic

Save Background (8) - Clear The Game Within 20 Hours And Obtain Illustration

Book In The Next Playthrough

Save Background (9) - Defeat Magna Dyeus

Save Background (10) - Defeat Magna Dyeus, Clear The Game Within 20 Hours And

Obtain Illustration Book In The Next Playthrough. If You

Defeat Magna Dyeus In 2nd Playthrough, You Can Get It

In 3rd Playthrough Regardless Play Time

Clear Background (1) - Obtain Illustration Book In 2nd Playthrough

Clear Background (2) - Obtain Illustration Book In 3rd Playthrough

Clear Background (3) - Obtain Illustration Book In 4th Playthrough

Playstation Version Tales Of Destiny:

Stan Aileron - Obtain Illustration Book In 2nd Playthrough

Rutee Kartret - Automatic

Philia Philis - Automatic

Woodrow Kelvin - Automatic

Lion Magnus - Automatic

Mary Agent - Automatic

Chelsea Tone - Do The Sub Event With Chelsea In Chelsea's Hut

Johnny Shiden - Automatic

Mighty Kongman - Win In The Arena

Playstation 2 Version Tales Of Destiny:

Stan Aileron - Defeat Lilith

Rutee Kartret - Defeat Rutee

Philia Philis - Defeat Philia And Woodrow

Woodrow Kelvin - Defeat Philia And Woodrow

Lion Magnus - Defeat Lion

Mary Agent - Defeat Lilith

Chelsea Tone - Defeat Lilith

Johnny Shiden - Defeat Lilith

Mighty Kongman - Defeat Lilith




*Level Means Slot Level


Attack アタック

Power パワー

Strength ストレングス

Force フォース

Mighty マイティ

- ATK Up By 2+9*Level

Feet フィート

Sharp シャープ

Nimble ニンブル

Precession プリシジョン

Silver スリヴァー

- Accuracy Up By 3+3*Level

Steel スティール

Armored アーマード

Protect プロテクト

Rampart ランバート

Carapace キャラペイス

- DEF Up By 4+6*Level

Evasion イベイション

Dancing ダンシング

Flux フラックス

Invisible インビジブル

Maneuver マヌーヴァー

- Evasion Up By 3+3*Level

Knowledge ナリッジ

Wise Man ワイズマン

Thinking シンキング

Clever クレバー

Wisdom ウィズダム

- Wisdom Up By 3+3*Level

Rabbit ラビット

Happy ハッピー

Chance チャンス

Luck ラック

Fortune フォーチュン

- Luck Up By 5+4*Level

Troll トロール

Wolverine ウルヴァリン

Giant ジャイアント

Behemoth ビヒーモス

Colossus コロッサス

- MAX HP Up By 40+80*Level

Moon ムーン

Selene セレネ

Planet プラネット

Artemis アルテミス

Lunatic ルナティック

- SP Heal Up By 3+3*Level

Mind マインド

Mental メンタル

Tranquil トランキル

Meditate メディテイト

Serenity セレニティ

- TP Heal Up By 3+3*Level

Ether イーサー

Cosmic コズミック

Welkin ウェルキン

Zodiac ゾディアック

Sanctum サンクタム

- SP Reduce Up By 3+3*Level

Pixie ピクシー

Sprite スプライト

Dryad ドライアド

Leprechaun レプラコーン

Fairy フェアリィ

- TP Reduce Up By 3+3*Level

Spell スペル

Paradigm パラダイム

Ritual リチュアル

Arcane アーケイン

Misty ミスティ

- Chanting Speed Up By 3+3*Level

Escape エスケープ

Dash ダッシュ

Runaway ラナウェイ

Sprint スプリント

Vanishing ヴァニシング

- Escape Speed Up By 2*Level Each 0.017 Second

Healing ヒーリング

Medical メディカル

Calming カーミング

Anthem アンセム

Holy ホーリィ

- Recover (Level*1)% HP Each 7.5 Seconds

Mercenary マーシナリー

Warrior ウォリア

Elite エリート

General ジェネラル

Marshal マーシャル

- Chance For MAX HP Up By 1*Level After A Battle

Sleight スライト

Craftsman クラフトマン

Veteran ベテラン

Expert エキスパート

Artist アーティスト

- Stagger Time*(24-Level)/24 When Using Item

Merchant マーチャント

Prize プライズ

High Reward ハイリワード

Wealth ウェルス

Bounty バウンティ

- Gald Up By (Level*2)%

Treasure トレジャー

Quantum クァンタム

Abound アバウンド

Plently プレントリー

Legacy レガシー

- Item Rate*(60+Level)/60

Awesome オーサム

Prestige プレステージ

Saintly セイントリー

Glorious グローリアス

Sacred セイクリッド

- EXP Up By (Level*2)%

Duelist デュエリスト

Dragoon ドラグーン

Champion チャンピオン

Master マスター

Berserk ベルセルク

- When Paired Slot Has Probability Effect 確率効果, Probability Up By


Squire スクワイア

Knight ナイツ

Paladin パラディン

Patriot パトリオット

Crusader クルセイダー

- Paired Slot Effect Up By Level/2

Platinum プラティナム

Mithril ミスリル

Stardust スターダスト

Orichalcum オリハルコン

Meteoric メテオリック

- Low Chance For Paired Slot Level Up By 1 After A Battle

\Weapon Only/

Soil ソイル

Earth アース

Gaia ガイア

Gnome ノーム

Mater マーテル

- Attach Earth Element To Physical Attack

Water ウォーター

Aquarius アクエリアス

Triton トリトン

Undine ウンディーネ

Poseidon ポセイドン

- Attach Water Element To Physical Attack

Fire ファイア

Flare フレア

Searing シアリング

Salamander サラマンダー

Ifrit イフリート

- Attach Fire Element To Physical Attack

Windy ウィンディ

Gale ゲイル

Zephyr ゼファー

Aerial エアリアル

Sylphy シルフィ

- Attach Wind Element To Physical Attack

Light ライト

Illuminate イルミネイト

Brilliant ブリリアント

Twinkle トゥインクル

Photon フォトン

- Attach Light Element To Physical Attack

Dusk ダスク

Silhouette シルエット

Shade シェイド

Darkness ダークネス

Shadow シャドウ

- Attach Darkness Element To Physical Attack

Poison ポイズン

Noxious ノキサス

Venom ヴェノム

Epidemic エピデミック

Plague プラギュー

- 5% Chance Of Inflicting Poison With Physical Attack

Paralyze パラライズ

Spider スパイダー

Cockatrice コカトリス

Basilisk バシリスク

Medusa メデューサ

- 3% Chance Of Inflicting Paralyze With Physical Attack

Cold コールド

Freeze フリーズ

Iceberg アイスバーグ

Glacial グレイシャル

Stasis ステイシス

- 1.5% Chance Of Inflicting Freeze With Physical Attack

Weaken ウィークン

Disease ディジーズ

Whiner ファイナー

Painful ペインフル

Fatigue ファティーグ

- 3% Chance Of Inflicting Weaken With Physical Attack

Howling ハウリング

Bashing バッシング

Groggy グロッギー

Strike ストライク

Driving ドライビング

- 3% Chance Of Inflicting Faint With Physical Attack

Critical クリティカル

Rampage ランページ

Merciless マーシレス

Carnage カーネイジ

Genocide ジェノサイド

- Critical Up By 3+2*Level

Mosquito モスキート

Bloody ブラッディ

Snatcher スナッチャー

Succubus サッキュバス

Vampire ヴァンパイア

- 6% Chance To Recover (4+Level)*1% HP With Physical Attack

Phantom ファントム

Specter スペクター

Sprit スピリット

Nightmare ナイトメア

Vulpine ヴァルパイン

- 3.5% Chance To Recover (Level*1) TP With Physical Attack

Harmony ハーモニー

Pleasure プレジャー

Relieve リリーヴ

Pastime パスタイム

Relently リレントリー

- Recover (Level*1)% HP When Defeating An Enemy

Mage メイジ

Magical マジカル

Rune ルーン

Wonder ワンダー

Strange ストレンジ

- Recover (Level/2) TP When Defeating An Enemy

Assault アサルト

Trample トランプル

Onslaught オンスロート

Savage サヴェイジ

Deadly デッドリー

- Attack Level EXP Up By (Level/8)*25%

Gambit ガンビット

Aiming エイミング

Fine ファイン

Guided ガイデッド

Accurate アキュレイト

- Skill Level EXP Up By (Level/8)*25%

Magical マジカル

Slaughter スローター

Catastrophe カタストロフ

Armageddon ハルマゲドン

Apocalypse アポカリプス

- Magic Level EXP Up By (Level/8)*25%

Dream ドリーム

Phantasy ファンタジー

Jester ジェスター

Arlequin アルルカン

Harlequin ハーレクイン

- Chain Level EXP Up By (Level/8)*25%

Scout スカウト

Bloom ブルーム

Vision ヴィジョン

Youthful ユースフル

Cheering チアリング

- Effect Time Up By (Level/40)*100% For Continuous Effect

Lizard リザード

Drake ドレイク

Dragon ドラゴン

Wyrm ワイアーム

Bahamut バハムート

- Damage Up By (Level*10)% Against Dragon Enemy

Break ブレイク

Crush クラッシュ

Destroy デストロイ

Hang Up ハングアップ

Demolition デモリション

- Damage Up By (Level*10)% Against Machine Enemy

Hound ハウンド

Beast ビースト

Predator プレデター

Bestial ベスティアル

Slayer スレイヤー

- Damage Up By (Level*10)% Against Beast Enemy

Raptor ラプター

Harpy ハーピー

Pegasus ペガサス

Griffin グリフィン

Phoenix フェニックス

- Damage Up By (Level*10)% Against Flying Enemy

Ogre オーガー

Fiend フィーンド

Gremlin グレムリン

Devil デビル

Demon デーモン

- Damage Up By (Level*10)% Against Demon Enemy

Puppet パペット

Golem ゴーレム

Gargoyle ガーゴイル

Guardian ガーディアン

Variant ヴァリアント

- Damage Up By (Level*10)% Against Inorganic Enemy

Courageous カレージャス

Majesty マジェスティ

Perfect パーフェクト

Hyper ハイパー

Final ファイナル

- ATK Up By 4*Level And Accuracy Up By 2*Level

Lord ロード

Emperor エンペラー

Kaiser カイザー

Tyrant タイラント

Deity ディアティ

- ATK Up By 4*Level And Critical Up By 2*Level

World ワールド

Heavens ヘヴンズ

Paradise パラダイス

El Dorado エルドラド

Arcadia アルカディア

- SP Reduce Up By 2*Level And TP Reduce Up By 2*Level

Basalt バサルト

Marble マーブル

Granite グラニット

Lava ラーヴァ

Rare Metal レアメタル

- ATK Up By 4*Level And MAX HP Up By 30*Level

Ardent アーデント

Fervor ファーヴァー

Zealous ジーラス

Impress インプレス

Earnest アーネスト

- Chanting Speed Up By 2*Level And TP Heal Up By 2*Level

Damascus ダマスカス

Persia ペルシャ

Royal ロイヤル

Archaic アルカイック

Ancient エンシェント

- ATK Up By (50-Character's Level)*Level

- If Character's Level Is Above 50, ATK Up By Level*1

\Armor Only/

Antidote アンチドート

Restful レストフル

Cure All キュアオール

Comfort コンフォート

Fragrance フレグランス

- Poison Effect Down And 2.5% Chance To Inflict Poison While Guarding

Step ステップ

Haste ヘイスト

Agility アジリティ

Swift スウィフト

Elven エルヴン

- Slow Effect Down And 1.5% Chance To Inflict Slow While Guarding

Rocking ロッキング

Easy イージー

Active アクティブ

Optimum オプティマム

Funny ファニー

- Paralyze Effect Down And 1.5% Chance To Inflict Paralyze While Guarding

Warming ウォーミング

Melting メルティング

Heating ヒーティング

Thawing ソーイング

Stuffy スタッフィ

- Frozen Effect Down And 1.5% Chance To Inflict Frozen While Guarding

Leading リーディング

Morale モラール

Order オーダー

Faith フェイス

Aura オーラ

- Weaken Effect Down And 1.5% Chance To Inflict Weaken While Guarding

Strong ストロング

Resist レジスト

Conscious コンシャス

Energy エナジー

Goodwill グッドウィル

- Stunning Time Down By (Level/16*100)%

Survival サバイバル

Vitality バイタリティ

Resume レジューム

Regrowth リグロース

Rebirth リバース

- When Current HP Is Below 50+50*Level, Recover 1 HP Each 0.17 Second

Brown ブラウン

Ocher オーカー

Tangerine タンジリン

Topaz トパーズ

Amber アンバー

- Resistance Against Earth Elemental Attack Up By 4+2*Level

Cyan シアン

Lapis Lazuli ラピスラズリ

Aquamarine アクアマリン

Sapphire サファイア

Cerulean セルリアン

- Resistance Against Water Elemental Attack Up By 4+2*Level

Vermillion バーミリオン

Crimson クリムゾン

Scarlet スカーレット

Ruby ルビー

Carnelian カーネリアン

- Resistance Against Fire Elemental Attack Up By 4+2*Level

Storm ストーム

Hurricane ハリケーン

Cyclone サイクロン

Tempest テンペスト

Disaster ディザスター

- Resistance Against Wind Elemental Attack Up By 4+2*Level

Coral コーラル

Ivory アイボリー

Alabaster アラバスター

Crystal クリスタル

Diamond ダイヤモンド

- Resistance Against Light Elemental Attack Up By 4+2*Level

Charcoal チャコール

Carbon カーボン

Onyx オニキス

Amethyst アメジスト

Ebony エボニー

- Resistance Against Darkness Elemental Attack Up By 4+2*Level

Bone ボーン

Skull スカル

Spite スパイト

Doom ドゥーム

Chaotic カオティック

- Damage Down By (Level*1)% From Last Received Attack

Thicket シケット

Timber ティンバー

Forest フォレスト

Sylvan シルヴァン

Titania ティタニア

- Recover 1+0.25*Level SP When Guarding

Cotton コットン

Woolly ウーリー

Feather フェザー

Velvet ベルベット

Silky シルキー

- Recover 0.5+0.125*Level TP When Guarding

Resolve リザルヴ

Defense ディフェンス

Justice ジャスティス

Prime プライム

Oberon オベロン

- DEF Up By (2+5*Level)% Within 2 Seconds After Guarding

Guiser ガイザー

Insight インサイト

Inspect インスペクト

Enlight エンライト

Mirage ミラージュ

- Evasion Up By (2+5*Level)% Within 2 Seconds After Guarding

Sorcerer ソーサラー

Adapt アデプト

Magus メイガス

Wizard ウィザード

Avatar アバタール

- Chanting Speed Up By (3*Level)% Within 2 Seconds After Guarding

Familiar ファミリア

Pillage ピレッジ

Grasp グラスプ

Humility ハミリティ

Devote ディヴォート

- Gald Up By Guarding Counts*Level

Blocking ブロッキング

Balance バランス

Dexterous デクスタラス

Tireless タイアレス

Stability スタビリティ

- Immobility Time Down By (Level/20*1)% When Down

Stripe ストライプ

Sweet スウィート

Pretty プリティ

Cutie キューティ

Lovely ラブリィ

- Stagger Time Down By Level*0.17 Second After Receiving Attack

Errand エランド

Angel エンジェル

Dominion ドミニオン

Cherubim ケルビム

Seraphic セラフィック

- Recover (Level+8)/16*100% Damage Each 0.017 Second From Last Received Attack

Thorns ソーンズ

Rebound リバウンド

Repulse レパルス

Revenge リヴェンジ

Waylay ウェイレイ

- SP Value Up By Level*1 When Able To Guard Strike

Forge フォージ

Mason メイスン

Harvest ハーベスト

Welfare ウェルフェア

Misery ミザリー

- Recover (Damage Value/64*Level/8) TP When Receiving More Than 64 Damage

Skillful スキルフル

Basis ベイシス

Ornate オーネイト

Miracle ミラクル

Dread ドレッド

- DEF Up By 3*Level And Evasion Up By 2*Level

Mercy マーシー

Ignorance イグノランス

Innocence イノセンス

Void ヴォイド

Sheer シーア

- Luck Up By 3*Level And Evasion Up By 2*Level

Star スター

Horoscope ホロスコープ

Nebula ネビュラ

Galaxy ギャラクシー

Universe ユニヴァース

- SP Heal Up By 2*Level And TP Heal Up By 2*Level

Worth ワース

Major メジャー

Quality クオリティ

Wonderful ワンダフル

Excellent エクセレント

- DEF Up By 3*Level And MAX HP Up By 30*Level

Fraud フロード

Magician マジシャン

Shaman シャーマン

Conjurer コンジャラー

Hermit ハーミット

- TP Reduce Up By 2*Level And TP Heal Up By 2*Level

Prism プリズム

Elemental エレメンタル

Reflect リフレクト

Ether エーテル

Spectral スペクトラル

- Wisdom Up By 2*Level And Chanting Speed Up By 2*Level

Reduce レデュース

Response レスポンス

Avoid アヴォイド

Reflect デフレクト

Invalid インヴァリド

- Stats Reducing Effects Down By (30-Level)/30

Acolyte アコライト

Rector レクター

Priest プリースト

Cleric クレリック

Cardinal カーディナル

- TP Heal Up By 4*Level And Recover (Level/2)% HP Each 7.5 Seconds


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